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Sunday, October 29, 2017

Jesse Jackson: Going From Picking Cotton Balls to Picking Footballs and Basketballs Without Freedom Is Not Much Progress

Fox Sports 1’s “Undisputed” brought civil rights activist Rev. Jesse Jackson on to discuss the National Anthem protests in the NFL.

Jackson bashed Trump for referring to the anthem kneelers as “sons of b******,” and then took aim at the NFL.

“To go from picking cotton balls to picking footballs and basketballs without freedom is not very much progress,” Jackson said Monday.

Jackson said the NFL not guaranteeing full contracts and allowing owners to cut National Anthem protesters without having to pay out the full contract, unlike in MLB and the NBA, is “workplace harassment” and “illegal.”



  1. WTF?????? There is no comparing slavery with the luxury of choosing a career that pays you MILLIONS OF DOLLARS! Jesse Jackson is a plague!

  2. “To go from picking cotton balls to picking footballs and basketballs without freedom is not very much progress,” Jackson said Monday.

    So be it... It is what one makes of their life. The pay is a little better though.

  3. Does anyone MAKE them play football for a living? I suspect each and every one of them could get a job at McDonald's. When you are paid for your time, you do what your employer tells you to. If you don't like it, you get another job.

  4. Too much money in the oppression game...Race hustlers aren't going to let it go that easy.

  5. Jesse Jackson and his family have never done either one of the three.....he has fleeced the Congregations for his money!!!!!! Scumbag race baiter is all he has ever been!!!!


  6. Race hustler and father to illegitimate kids -Yes, indeed.

    Reverend - Nope; not yesterday, today or tomorrow. A glib guy lining his own pockets.

  7. If getting paid 10s of millions of dollars to play a game in front of adorring fans is oppression, then sign me up! Oppress me, please!!!

  8. Players are not fulfilling their end of the contracts AND violating at least one clause, "Not to engage in activity that makes the league or team look bad". So they SHOULDN'T get paid for doing that.

    STFU Jesse CONMAN Jackson.

  9. His Hate Monger self was NOT born during the Cotton Picking
    so he knows Nothing about it !!!
    Matter of Fact...Noone Alive today was Alive back then...
    so, Get Over it !!

    Those with Footballs & Basketballs have No room to complain
    They are Rich with multi-million $$$$ salaries...WOOOOO !!

    They were not around in the cotton picking days either !!!

  10. Anybody can call themselves a Reverend ....just a Cover !!

    1. No doubt about that!! There's a few around Salisbury/Hebron area that do it but after 5 minutes of talking you can tell their full of pride and arrogance, its all about them

  11. Shake down artist smells money! Slimes his way in and slimes way out. Leach! Doing what he does best!

  12. Shake down artist smells money! Slimes his way in and slimes way out. Leach! Doing what he does best!

  13. The Only Cotton he picked was Cotton Candy !!

  14. He may have picked some Dingle Berrys , but No Cotton !!!
    Not Born Yet !!!


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