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Sunday, October 29, 2017

Harford Co. Senator Wants To Reinstate Death Penalty In Md.

A state senator from the county where three granite business employees were shot and killed last week, allegedly by a coworker, wants to reinstate the death penalty in Maryland.

Senator Robert G. Cassilly says he wants the method of execution to be lethal injection with a mixture of heroin and fentanyl.

More here


  1. The Death Penalty should have never been taken out in Maryland--it should have been up for voting in the local or National election. It is a deterrent and protects those that obey the law. We cannot house every murderer till the end of time, or release them from confinement. Also the law about child molesters being so many feet from Churches and Schools needs to be reinstated and the distances doubled to what they are in Delaware.

  2. Better Method = FIRING SQUAD using 50 cal bullets

    only takes one and works EVERY TIME !!! Good Deterent !!

  3. I am in full support with the reinstatement. Busch, Miller and the other liberals will not allow it to be brought back since that is their voter base

  4. 11:27 it also states "an eye for an eye" not so ironic.


  5. Bring it back. Let felon choose from firing squad, hanging, guillotine or Old Sparky. Sparky powered by green energy, of course.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    11:27 it also states "an eye for an eye" not so ironic.

    October 24, 2017 at 3:06 PM

    That's OLD Testament. We are no longer under that yoke. Check out the NEW Testament and love your neighbor.

    And read the entire thing, not just picking and choosing what fits your agenda. You might also want to check out the ten commandments.

    Legal murder is still murder. And certainly NO deterrent. If it was people would not be killing others in the states that have it, would they?

    God punished the first murderer, but not by killing him. Are we better than God?

  7. It is: Though shall not commit murder, not kill. King James, when he wrote his version of the Bible, made the change. Big difference in the meaning of these words. And, as far as Maryland being a religious state, give me a break! That POS O'Malley killed MD as the "Catholic" state with his LGBT, Gay Pride BS and corruption!

  8. Good People & Govt Don't Kill / they eliminate & take out threats & enemys Only the criminals & Bad guys Kill !!!

  9. Lets have a Prisoner Exchange policy with Russia & China &
    This will be a great deterent to crime ....

    Our Crimnals don't fear U.S. jails & prisons

    They DO fear going to a REAL one in another country !!!

    Send the Worse to Siberia to Never return !!!

  10. MD is the Inmate State .....they love & protect them !!!!

  11. Only One Md DID in recent decades was the ECI inmate who
    Wanted to be done .....@ the time was the first & only in
    35 years ........THANOS !!!! And None since then, in the
    early 90's !!!

    Does that make you feel SAFE Md ?? NOT Ck it out !!

  12. In Md even when they Kill State Troopers , they don't get

  13. That Demon who was shooting people at random from the trunk
    of his car .....did not get dooodoooo because Md got him
    after he did the shooting in Va over the bay in the 90's !!

    No Proper Punishment = Alot more Crime plain & simple !!

  14. Thanos just got out of ECI prison , when he went and Killed

    No Deterent in America , you can believe the criminals are
    Laughing their asses off at us and are so happy they live
    in America , the wide open country , Ripe for the Pickings !

    Bring Back Firing Squad for ALL 50 states by Federal Law !!
    Bullets are Cheap and Reliable !!!

  15. 10:58 In Maryland even when state troopers kill innocent people they don’t get sheet. Especially the vehicular murders caused by speeding cops.


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