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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Illegal party drug ketamine eases the pain of migraines

Millions of people who suffer from severe migraines could be helped with ketamine, a new study suggests.

The horse tranquiliser, used illegally as a party drug, may be an effective treatment for those who fail to respond to other medications.

Ketamine made the debilitating headaches less painful for nearly three quarters, the researchers at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, found.

It offers hope of an effective remedy, with many desperate sufferers using alternative treatments as a last resort for their pain, including acupuncture and lavender oil.



  1. When I was a teenager a popular headache remedy among the high school coeds was something called Spanish Fly. I have no idea what the ingredients were but it really worked.

  2. Oxytocin relieves pain too.


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