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Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Donald Trump Jr. compares planned anti-Trump ‘scream’ protest to toddler’s temper tantrum

Donald Trump Jr., the president’s eldest son, took to Twitter Tuesday to mock liberals planning, literally, to yell at the sky on the anniversary of the 2016 presidential election.

“On Trump’s election anniversary, Americans are planning to scream helplessly at the sky,” Newsweek magazine tweeted Tuesday, linking to an article it published Monday on the event being organized via social media.

“Over 4,000 Facebook users have RSVP’d—another 33,000 are interested in attending—to the Nov. 8 event being held in Boston that is literally titled ‘Scream helplessly at the sky on the anniversary of the election,’ ” Newsweek’s Chris Riotta explained in his Oct. 23 story.

“Solid plan: apparently my 3 year old is consulting for the opposition,” quipped Mr. Trump Jr. Wednesday.

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  1. This will actually be quite physically beneficial to their health. They should do it more often. I scream every time I write a check for taxes. My chest x-rays are considered to be phenomenal..

  2. democrats really are a silly bunch.


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