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Monday, October 30, 2017

Clinton Spokesman Brian Fallon Falsely Compares Ed Gillespie to White Supremacists

After local media ripped Virginia Democrats for falsely comparing Ed Gillespie, the GOP nominee for governor, to white supremacists in the wake of Charlottesville earlier this year, Hillary Clinton’s ex-spokesman Brian Fallon has gone all in with the same comparison.

Earlier this week, the Democrats—who are pushing Ralph Northam—sent out a flier with President Donald Trump’s and Gillespie’s photo superimposed over torch-bearing white supremacists from Charlottesville earlier this year with the message: “On Tuesday, November 7th, Virginia Gets To Stand Up… To Hate.”

The Democrats were roundly criticized for it.

“That isn’t merely a reach. It’s practically libel,” the Richmond Times-Dispatch wrote in an editorial condemning the Democratic Party for the mailer.

“Gillespie has repeatedly and passionately condemned white supremacists and other creatures that have crawled out from under the alt-right rock,” the Times-Dispatch continued.

“Linking him to them requires the following absurd logic:

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