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Monday, October 30, 2017

Are Receipt Checks at Stores Worth the Hassle?

When you visit a large retail store, a smiling employee in a brightly-colored vest will often greet you at the door. However, sometimes these cheerful store personnel will change to gatekeepers when you leave, asking to see your receipt and marking it with a pen. But what if you walked past these folks—could they stop you? Read on to find out your legal rights.

The staff at any store—including the big box establishments—can ask to see your receipt as you exit. Although you likely acquiesce and hand it over, you might wonder whether the store could do anything if you refused to show it. The answer is no—at least, not without more information.

Before taking further action, the personnel must have reasonable suspicion to believe that you’ve shoplifted. Without that suspicion, the staff cannot stop you from leaving the store.

For instance, it would be inappropriate to do any of the following:

[ Related: Maryland Shoplifting Laws ; Pegues v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., No. 8:2014cv00706 - Document 14 (D. Md. 2014) ]


  1. When I went there on Sunday, the gut was only checking the receipt for items that were not in a bag

  2. Most of the people checking receipts are older people who are working to stay busy or need to work because Social Security is a joke. I'm sure most don't want to be there they would rather be enjoying retirement. If you don't have anything to hide just let them see your receipt. I'm sure they don't want to be checking but its their job. Don't be rude to them and cause a scene, just because you can or to prove a point. Have compassion, they didn't make that rule. They just want to collect their check and go home.

  3. Who the hell cares - not me - if I have paid for my products, I'll soon be on my way - no need to hassle an employee. Any store that requires a receipt inspection, will not stop me from being a customer or 99% of those who spew hatred and say "I will never enter their doors again".

  4. Walmart used to always check your receipt of you had things not in a bag or under the cart. They stopped that a few years ago when one of their greeters/receipt checkers was badly assaulted. Google "Walmart greeter assaulted" and you can see just how many times they are assaulted. Those are the ones that make the news.

  5. "Before taking further action, the personnel must have reasonable suspicion to believe that you’ve shoplifted. Without that suspicion, the staff cannot stop you from leaving the store."

    Of course the very act of refusing to show the receipt could be construed as cause for reasonable suspicion. The police do that all the time.

  6. Here is why they mark your receipt with a black pen
    Without the mark on your receipt you can take your items to your car then
    Return to the store with the receipt in you pocket or purse and then pic up the same items
    You just bought
    Maybe do this a number of times!!!

    1. 417, you are slightly more coherent than yesterday, so i commend your improvement. But for heavens sake, please lay off the enter key and exclamation points!

  7. He realized his first assertion of some nebulous fourth ammendment violation was bogus so now he tries this tactic.


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