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Sunday, October 01, 2017

Can Salisbury Survive Without Wicomico?

By Thornton Crowe

Or should the question be: Why should Salisbury residents even bother to try?

In an article last week, it was revealed Mayor Jake Day has now formally divorced Salisbury from the County in a sweeping proposal for massive hirings Salisbury cannot afford, along with putting more duplicity (in every sense of the word) in our local government. Considering City residents already pay Wicomico County taxes, why should citizens be deprived of services because some can't play well in the proverbial sandbox?

In our country, we have a governmental order that's fairly simple to follow. Much like our legal structure it goes as follows: County government over City; State over County and Federal over State.

It's the way our government was established and unfortunately, no matter how much some try to eradicate this order, it is ultimately doomed to fail. Yet, here we are, stuck with some default Don Quixote trying to rage against a pecking order which has sustained the better part of two centuries.

Inevitably, the City voters will pay a hefty price as their taxes (along with fines and fees) continue upward to finance this menagerie, while services will continue to spiral downward. As we've seen many times as of late, this default existence only continues the City's mismanagement and political folly instead of providing good governance and true leadership.

Has the time come for the State to consider terminating Salisbury's charter altogether in order to right this ship? Historically, other municipalities have experienced this type of reorganization albeit for much different reasons; therefore, its contemplation is not out of the realm of possibilities or without merit.

In reality, folks, what we have here is a classic example of taxation without representation, which goes against the societal and judicial grain of our country's foundation. Being that we seem to lack options here, could it be time for higher powers to quash this quasi-dictatorship that Salisbury received not by a authentic electoral process, but by default?

How say you?


  1. Maybe we should widen the net for candidates. Anyone with a Salisbury, MD zip could run for mayor instead of just being within the city limits. This would open up a lot more people to be eligible to run for mayor. Just a thought.

  2. Start with Barrie Tilghman and council friends putting the city with the $150,000,000 wastewater treatment plant that didn't work.
    The city had to sue everybody involved and only came away with about $7,000,000 after paying the lawyers.

  3. Just put it all under the county and call it a day. This crap is getting ridiculous.

  4. Salisbury residents are residents of Wicomico County, so how can they not pay County Taxes? If they want to complain they have to look at who they voted in office in Salisbury. There is where the problem exist. They want incompetent leaders then they have to pay the price. They want service from both then it is up to them to vote true leaders with their residents need in their platform. Salisbury leaders remind me of the North Korea idiot. The "good ole boys club" want total and complete control of Salisbury and its residents. They need to get rid of the slum lords and bust their power in making decisions that help themselves and not the residents.

  5. I heard the new fines and fees are through the roof. Is this how Jake and Jakettes plan to make money to fund all these positions. My crystal ball sees many more businesses leaving da Bury in the near future.

  6. We moved out of Salisbury's city limits because we were tired of all the BS. People can just move out to the county.

    1. Lower Sussex county Del. Close enough to check on family far enough away from the ghetto.

  7. I'm so grateful I don't have ties to the cesspool Salisbury/wicomico county has become. Good luck with the real estate market, I see alot of the smaller mom/pop property owners are trying to unload any and all rentals within city limits

  8. The area has gone downhill for a long time. Major industry has left and neighborhoods that used to be full of families and home ownership are gone. Now it's just rentals for the local colleges.

  9. TC, the voters always get stuck with the big price tag, what's new there? Nothing.

  10. Since Day has divorced Wicomico County then his City bill is due ASAP. which means past rent and maintenance share of Government Office Building with 35% interest. Bob send the bill ASAP just like creditors do to us or like the City would do for a past due ticket. This is a must for the citizens of Wicomico County or a precedence will be established for not paying City tickets by County residents.

  11. 1233 send a bill? Send a 72-hour pay or quit notice and get them out of the GOB. The city has been squatting there for years without paying their fair share. Eviction is what needs to happen, not a bill they will ignore. Sheriff Lewis should get his men ready to evict them out of the building once and for all.

    1. totally agree! A payment demand and if not paid in full in 14 days go to court and evict them. Have the sheriff put their stuff on the street just like anyone else. Jake would do it for $50 in back taxes!

  12. The city should be billed for all the businesses and government offices that had to close down on Friday because the bonehead mayor didn't plan his downtown renovation with common sense. Couldn't they shut the water off on the weekend when most businesses and offices are closed? Shows you just how stupid Jake is.

  13. Is the joke on YOU? Think about it. Jakeoff and his rubber stamp council couldn't care less if you leave Salisbury. In fact, that's exactly what they want. You continue to elect Idiots without any experience whatsoever. The good old boys pamper them and make them feel special, (like the EBT Blogger) and they pass legislation NONE of you agree with. Their simple minded friends go along with the lipstick on a pig agenda, (festival) and commit millions of dollars taxpayers will surely lose in the end. They sell buildings and parking lots for nothing, promise you it will be better for the arts and crafts people and behind your backs change the rules so their friends can make huge profits.

    Many have seriously wondered just where ALL of the mega millions went with the WWTP and new Station 16. Why, because we're not stupid. However, you had one chance to change all that. Do you really think your local elections aren't rigged?

    Nevertheless, the more of you that leave, the more they will continue to do whatever they like. Yes, pack your belongings and get the hell out of Salisbury because it's only going to get worse. Affordable housing Downtown, crime through the roof, women raped like there's no tomorrow and even with a female police chief they now hide their figures and I'm NOT talking about their shape.

    There is no happier individual than myself by selling my Downtown property. Salisbury leadership SUCKS. Governor Schaefer was right. Salisbury is the outhouse of the Eastern Shore. Jakeoff continues to prove this to be a fact.

    The only way to revive Salisbury would be for the county to absorb it. Eliminate the double taxes. Eliminate the SPD and let Mike Lewis take it over. The list goes on and on.

    1. The problem with buying your argument, which I do -100%- by the way, is that Culver is complicit in the result if he gives the city a pass on the funds owed to the county and the unreimbursed use of the county's resources

    2. It's time for someone at the GOB to start acting like a leader and hold Day & his Jakettes to task for not paying the county it's due. Evict them and move on.

    3. I heard that EBT blogger is paid by some politicians. Does welfare & social security know he's making money?

  14. Wicomico should absorb it all. It would be better than the state having to do something about it. Salisbury government is a joke.

    1. Please absorb Fruitland too. Taxes are way too high.

  15. How does this process begin? Would Culver or the County Council have to file a petition with the state to take over the Salisbury charter? Can this be done? Is it already in the works?

  16. Joe god bless you brother!! Its a shame that this is the type of people you have had to deal with in this area. There really are some good people here, I'm sure you met several, but the local yocals have actually proved it for all to be seen by the way they've "welcomed" you and the way Day is completely selling out Salisbury. I can't understand his logic if he's so community oriented, tryu g to raise children here. It has to be obvious his long term goals are not to be here when all these ridiculous decisions come back and bite Salisbury in the ass. You Joe have definitely shaken up things with the local so called leaders. The sad thing now is who will actually want to come behind Day and try to clean up all this mess he's creating?? It will absolutely take a major shake up to right the ship. It seems as though no matter where you are in thus country or whether its city, county or federal government officials are corrupt and self serving

  17. Salisbury won't have to survive without Wicomico because the county can take over the city. This would out Day and his happy henchmen altogether. Let 'er rip!

  18. The Salisbury city government, wicomico county government, the john Cannon's, Jake day's, people like mike Dunn are all an embarrassment to your area. Cannon, Day, Dunn, gilliss can't make it anywhere but slumsbury. Cannon living off all the short cuts, regulations his father cut for decades to build a half assed rental business. Day well think everyone has seen through his disguise. Dunn well he has perfected the ability to suck up to any/everybody he can to look out for mike Dunn. Married a younger woman with a good career and family has money so he can half ass attempt to work. Palmer gilliss has used Salisbury's good old boy arrangements to have a steady income to sustain his company and branch out and build it into a nice little life. Get any of these clowns out of the area and they would be in trouble

    1. Palmer gilliss absolutely used and abused city of Salisbury tax payers for the last 30 years. He had a golden egg laid in his lap with having no competition in getting city contracts awarded to him. I mean come on to this day he gets an almost half mullion dollar bid for building a half assed amphitheater in downtown Salisbury. That kind of steady income year on year out will tend to benefit and afford a business to grow and permit themselves to try and persuade the majority tgeyvare all over the shore. They probably are doing work in others areas but come on Palmer we all know where your bread and butter is

  19. The county and city should learn to work better together for the people who voted them into office. Working together would eliminate all the bullsh7& we've been seeing lately. Constant feuding does nothing for taxpayers but give us headaches. It's like watching episodes of Melrose Place.

  20. LOL 158. If it's like a bad television drama when can we cancel them?

  21. 158 would be nice if they worked together but its never gonna happen. Day is incapable of getting along because he lies too much.

  22. Funny thing is, do tell All OF US just what good the past three Mayors have done good for Salisbury and I'm being very serious. Just how many decades have to pass by before you people realize they have screwed all of you. Oh, I can't wait to hear the good things.

    For what it's worth, Bob Culver has the taxpayers true interests at heart every single day of the week. So why do we see such negativity, because that's what LIBERALS do, even though YOU people voted for the proper change from their style of leadership and that's happened all across this state and America. Can you say President TRUMP?

    And what do we do here at SBYNews, we expose the TRUTH, the FACTS. Some of you try to say I'm/we're attacking, that's BS. We are exposing everything your local LYING media refuses to do. You ALL have every right to challenge what we put out there every day but don't you find it interesting how so many thousands of people agree with what we publish.

    Open your eyes people. The Liberal party is destroying Salisbury and America.

  23. 218 it's not just one person. Gillis has only taken advantage of what the local leadership has let him do. This problem goes much deeper and because these leaders think they're untouchable, they continue to do it. How many mayors have heard of lately that have gone to prison for doing deals like this? Day and Ireton think they are immune but we'll see. What goes around always comes back around at some point. It's all a matter of how long.

  24. Is anyone in the county listening? People have been calling for the city offices to be evicted for months now but they're still there. Why hasn't the county kicked them out already?

  25. Looks like the county doesn't listen to us any more than the city 233.

  26. Salisbury really can't expect anything better because this is what you get when you elect a default mayor. You get what you settle for.

  27. Where was all this concern for the area when Salisbury allowed that steel company to relocate to another area? Liberals don't get basic economics. When people aren't making money they don't go to crap like folk festivals and other events. No jobs. No money. No spending. Is it really that hard to comprehend?

  28. Salisbury doesn't need business's they have the University which is expanding so rapidly I doubt we need Salisbury city anymore.

    1. How exactly does that help the city?? Everything they do is probably done on state grants credits etc. As far as the multi housing projects built all the way down south division onley and Milford their all given 50 year tax exemptions then the property becomes the universities.

  29. I wonder if Muir Boda would have the balls to do the right thing and put up a straw ballot to see if the city voters wants to dissolve the city charter.

    Think about how much taxes we would save annually.

    That is the only way to save Salisbury.

  30. The city is about the same as the county when it comes to political agendas. Jake and Cannon have the residents by the balls and they don't realize it. We are in this for fun and games is their agenda , so suck it up and go on. YOU LOSE people!

    1. You can vote them both out or turn them in to the Feds. Take your pick but you are not helpless.

  31. 5:48 PM

    Love your comment!

    Muir Boda + Balls in the same sentence? Kidding, right???

  32. Jakeoff Now that is just to funny! Good one.

  33. Full scale would mean eviction, of course, and payment of millions in back rent, but pulling of all County services, fire, sheriff, and tax relief for all City residents. No more police back up in the paintball splat that is the City boundaries, and the same with fire service. When there's a fire on the City limits, County fire watches it burn to the ground. Murder chases would end at county lines. Imagine Pemberton Drive!

    This is so stupid, it's hard to believe this is the sperm drippings of a Perdue executive!

    1. Maybe that's exactly what needs to happen 737. Seems some locals don't get the repercussion of what Day proposes in his fantasy world. Let 'er rip!

  34. Can someone tell me what would be required for Salisbury voters to dissolve the city and merge with the county? Duplication of services and poor governance resolved!

  35. Can we put chain linked fencing around the city limits?

    1. No can do. The mayor don't like chain link fence because he doesn't get a kick back from people installing it.

    2. They could use the Day-approved fencing.

  36. Anonymous said...

    Maybe we should widen the net for candidates. Anyone with a Salisbury, MD zip could run for mayor instead of just being within the city limits. This would open up a lot more people to be eligible to run for mayor. Just a thought.

    September 24, 2017 at 12:12 PM

    That's an great suggestion. By opening up to all residents with Salisbury, Maryland mailing addresses, you get a bigger candidate pool. Most smart people qualified for the job don't live within official city limits because of the crime situation.

  37. Some are too worried about chalk on the sidewalks instead of kicking out Day's crowd when they owe the county millions. Something's wrong with the priorities here. Very wrong!

  38. Anyone could see this coming. This down home awe shucks Mayberry living is long gone. The Bury has all the charm and rotting sprawl of Glen Burnie. Retirees come here and move into senior developments that were once family farms and they bitch about the school taxes and wonder why there are so many thugs disrupting their twilight comforts. The University is a joke and pumps out business majors that sign on with schmoozie realestate franchises and think they are going to get rich like Trump. The problem is here we have sold out our quality of life. For what ? More shopping and all you can eat buffets. This use to be a very self reliant community with a unique agricultural export. Farmers are slaves now to the chicken industry growing soybeans and corn. We were once famous for our strawberries, tomatoes. and Pickles LOL. Now this ? Blame it on whomever politically but the truth is we sold ourselves out

  39. They both need the other to exist. Wish there were grownups at the GOB. It will help!

  40. Repeal the City charter. Only takes 3 Council members votes.
    Implement resolutions 709 and 710 , which is the law, only to be ignored by the City. The City has outlived its usefulness

  41. Palmer Gillis is the one who wants the City to go away. Why would he do that?


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