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Sunday, October 01, 2017

Baltimore Ravens Players Kneel During National Anthem In London Today


  1. and it didn't take me long to cut off the game. hope they don't win anymore games this year.

  2. The Baltimore Racists are getting their butts kicked...LOL The irony is that a white person cannot walk the street s in Baltimore without assault or murder for being white...Time to move the teams in Baltimore to a safer more inclusive city.

  3. From Baltimore, am white, walked through the city this morning. No assaults and wasn't murdered. You keep creating your own reality. Last time I checked your city was more dangerous than ours.

    1. You're right. It's Just about exclusively blacks. Killed by other blacks.

    2. I guess heroin is on the other side of the trigger for whites

    3. 12 35 you're right all the thugs were still sleeping.

    4. Inner Harbor doesn't count.
      I too grew up in Baltimore - 50's to the 80's - and even THEN if you ventured even one block west of Howard Street and were white, you were either a junkie, crazy, or just had a death wish.
      And it was pretty much the same for any Blacks that ventured into Little Italy. You just didn't do it.

  4. Dang people. Although I don't agree with them, this is America I thought with a first amendment right to freedom of speech/expression

    1. They absolutely have the right to freedom of speech! And we absolutely have the right to say, "we no longer want to give you a dime of our money." Protesting goes both ways, it is not the exclusive right of the left, as the NFL is about to find out.😉

    2. 12:28. Protest all you want, you’re not going to hurt the NFL its too big and they don’t need your money.

    3. You don't have the right to freedom of speech and expression on somebody else's dime. While working, you at the behest of your employer, you follow his rules you do not have freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is on your own time.

    4. Really, i guess thats why over the course of history people have picketed and voice their objections during work umm...

    5. 1:11, me as an individual, you're right. We as a group, you're very, very wrong.

  5. Even hard core fans like myself are turning the NFL off. Haven't watched a minute this season and actually don't even miss it.

  6. Done with the Baltimore coward's and the NFL for good

  7. I don't get it. I really don't. You are kneeling for what reason? Why do you hate America so much that you would disrespect her National Anthem? Many of you have never done it before but now all the sudden you want to take a knee? You cowardly punks. Some of you are making $1 million a game and you feel oppressed? Like everything else that is happened in the past this is going to come back and burn you. Karma will rear its ugly head and I look forward to seeing it happen.

  8. I was a Ravens fan but no longer, I'm not even an NFL fan any longer. I hope NFL goes broke I know they will lose a lot of TV money. Fire every one of those no good POS.

  9. The same people that are being the players kneeling are the ones that had a problem when Tim Tebow would kneel on the field. People don't watch sports to see their political agenda. Either play the game or get the heck off the field. Why is it when someone is offended they want to take down statues but when you offended most Americans they try to claim it is patriotic. Sorry but this is nothing but HATE towards our flag, country and the brave men and women that have fought and died for this country. NFL has already seen a 15% decline in viewers. This will take them down even further.

  10. Priority was kneeling today...but I guess showing up to play is not a priority. DISGUSTING.

    Oh yeah, kneel for the USA national anthem, but you stand up for the UK anthem. That PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES is what is called hypocrisy or if related directly to you - being a STUPID hypocrite!

    Bank your cash now because a very high percentage of all athletes are broke after 5 years being out of the game.

    Again, we ALL are talking about men playing a friggin game - nothing of true benefit minus entertainment, which the Ravens are NOT doing!

  11. Bad CAW Ravens. Ex-fan.

  12. A clear case of creating a hostile work environment....Sue the hell out of the teams and the NFL !

  13. Traitors.
    Disrespecting the USA in a foreign country.
    Boycott the Ravens and NFL and hit them in their pocketbooks.

  14. Big news out of nothing. Ask each of the kneelers what he's doing to cure whatever it is he's protesting.

  15. As a teacher, if I expressed my political views on the job I would be disciplined or fired. These NFL players need to keep their political views off the field because playing football is their job for which they make ridiculous amounts of money. They should salute the flag that symbolizes their ability to be able to get paid millions to play a sport. Only in America are they given that opportunity.

    1. Me too. As a teacher, i must tip toe over every insane pc message of the hour (and watch my back to not offend religion either). Its nuts. No wonder teachers are fleeing the profession. The money and benefits are actually decent but the mental insanity requires apathy of an unhealthy sort. this insanity- can get paid to teach chinese kids through a machine for same pay, no stress. Plus, you wont have to watch non stop fights.

  16. I just took a look at the Ravens facebook page. There is a statement there about them kneeling and how the owner is behind them 100%. The fans are pissed off. You should see all the comments. Pittsburg Steelers have decided they will stay in the locker room during the anthem.

    1. Looked lime the ravens stayed in the locker room during the entire game.

  17. So many I question ..players..coach..owener..Hho about National Football League ..??? Do The networks really need to show it ..??? The big money sponsors must demand it!!

  18. The league is already in trouble and the ratings show it. Let them keep going nothing like biting the hand that feeds you! By the way which side are you on ray Lewis?? A month ago you condemned kaepernick now your supporting the cause? Speaks volumes about the real ray Lewis and character

  19. NFL need to explain to me how High School Coaches get punished / fired for praying after their games while on the job and get criticized By these same people and the MSM. but these supposedly adults get praise for disrespecting the US flag while on the job? I will not watch / listen / buy team souvenirs wear their jerseys this entire season. Also will buy no food or drink that has an NFL team logo or slogan on it.

  20. Beautiful day... turn off the boob tube and find a great activity outside!! The beach is waiting, gun range, fishing, hiking, walking.... get out there!!!

  21. Fans need to unite and sue the teams. They are no providing entertainment and sport. They are promoting racism and politics. Not playing the National Anthem is not the answer. On the contrary, play a recording of the real National Anthem approved by our United States armed services.

  22. I have been a die hard fan for years! Last year I thought this crap would just blow over. After today I'm done with the NFL. The person who said get outside and do stuff is exactly right. They protest and so can I.

  23. They can kneel down during the National Anthem but they don't need to have my money for doing it. Our house has boycotted the NFL. Did it last year, too, and we didn't miss a thing.

  24. "You want to take a knee?

    Take a little trip to Valley Forge in January. If you don't know where that is, just Google it from the sidelines. Hold a musket ball in your fingers and imagine it piercing your flesh and breaking a bone or two. There won't be a doctor or trainer to assist you until after the battle, so just wait your turn.Take your cleats and socks off to get a real experience. Then take a knee.

    Then, take one at the beach in Normandy where man after American man stormed the beach, even as the one in front of him was shot to pieces...the very sea stained with American blood. The only blockers most had were the dead bodies in front of them, riddled with bullets from enemy fire.

    Take a knee in the sweat soaked jungles of Vietnam. from Khe San to Saigon...Anywhere will do. Americans died in all those jungles.There was no playbook that told them what was next, but they knew what flag they represented. When they came home, they were protested as well..and spit on for reasons only cowards know.

    Take another knee in the blood drenched sands of Fallujah in 110 degree heat..Wear your Kevlar helmet and battle dress...Your number won't be printed on it unless your number is up! You'll need to stay hydrated but there won't be anyone to squirt Gatorade into your mouth. You're on your own.

    There's a lot of places to take a knee. Americans have given their lives all over the world. When you use the banner under which they fought as a source for your displeasure, you dishonor the memories of those who bled for the very freedoms you have. That's what the red stripes mean. It represents the blood of those who spilled a sea of it defending your liberty.

    While you're on your knee, pray for those that came before you, not on a manicured lawn striped and printed with numbers to announce every inch of ground taken...but on nameless hills and bloodied beaches and sweltering forests and bitter cold mountains...every inch marked by an American life lost serving that flag you protest.

    No cheerleaders, no announcers, no coaches, no fans...just American men and women...delivering the real fight against those who chose to harm us...blazing a path so you would have the right to "take a knee."

    You haven't an inkling what it took to get you where you are...but your "protest" is duly noted. Not only is it disgraceful to a nation of real heroes, it serves the purpose of pointing to your ingratitude for those who chose to defend you under that banner that will still wave long after your jersey is retired...

    If you really feel the need to take a knee, come with me to church on Sunday and we'll both kneel before Almighty God. We'll thank him for preserving this country for as long as He has. We'll beg forgiveness for our ingratitude for all He has provided us. We'll appeal to Him for understanding and wisdom. We'll pray for liberty and justice for all...because He is the one who provides those things.

    But there will be no protest. There will only be gratitude for His provision and a plea for His continued grace and mercy on the land of the free and the home of the brave. It goes like this..."


    1. Dear Patriot,when your book comes out I'm buying it!

  25. Never understood why people liked the ravens to begin with, they have sucked since they started. Everything about baltimore sucks and this just proves it. Haven't watched the nfl for 2 years, and don't miss it at all. I hope the league goes bankrupt. All major league sports should. They don't deserve our support, or money. Glad people are waking up. And for those so called fans of ray ray who kust can't believe he would do this, just remember he is a murderer, and should have NEVER played one snap on the nfl. Why this surprises people is beyond me. These "oppressed" millionares are about to find out what real oppression is.

  26. Well, there go the Ravens. I won't be watching this year. If this keeps up, I'm going to throw away all my overpriced Ravens clothing and gear. The NFL, and Goodall, in particular, just don't get it. They will kill the goose that has laid all the golden eggs for the NFL. That goose?....the fans, you morons!!!! If we don't watch, it will go away.

  27. This crap does offend me, but doesn't bother me because I have never watched the trash.

  28. I just watched a video about that on fb. and heard they STOOD for God save the queen. Totally disrespectful and STUPID. They don't know history at all.

  29. Apparently, the BALTIMORE (black lives matter, cop's don't) Ravens don't need any white fans.

  30. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Dang people. Although I don't agree with them, this is America I thought with a first amendment right to freedom of speech/expression

    September 24, 2017 at 11:43 AM

    So let me get this straight.

    They protest our flag/country which men and woman fought and died for to ensure us our RIGHT to protest, our flag/country which men and women died for to ensure their right to protest our flag/country which men and women died for to ensure their right to protest our flag/country....etc etc etc.

    Circular logic at best. Total stupidity and major disrespect to everyone IN this country. (that is a citizen or here legally)

    Have I got that right?

  31. Fire their Overpaid Racist Arrogant Asses !!!

  32. " Anonymous said...

    From Baltimore, am white, walked through the city this morning. No assaults and wasn't murdered. You keep creating your own reality. Last time I checked your city was more dangerous than ours.

    September 24, 2017 at 11:43 AM"

    Well you better check again because either you are as dumb as a rock or are lying. The majority of Balto city is a filthy cess pool inhabited by the worst kind of people humanity has to offer. Blacks are slaughtering each other in record numbers. Blacks children caught in the cross fire getting their brains splattered in the streets. You can try and spin it anyway you want but the truth is wherever blacks end up it is guaranteed to turn into an urban war zone. Most never evolved into civilized human beings. This is why they want to be called "African" Americans. Just like Africans it's in their genes to be lawless, immoral, useless trash who only know how to hump and make babies they don't take care of.

  33. Ravens lose 44 to 7! Karma! Keep kneeling!

  34. Ray Lewis is a hypocrite and murderer! He was freed for being a rat. He shouldn't even have had the privilege to play. Take his staue down, watch if you want. But remember, playing football is a privellage not a necessity! Watching is your right as is not watching! As for my house, we don't support hypocrites, it's our right! I once had a history teacher tell me I was disrespectful to Obama because I said he had jokes. I should respect him because he's oue president. I didn't then, never will. But just beacuse Trump is saying what a lot of people think and feel doesn't mean you have to respect him either. Tespect is earned...NFL players and owners have lost my respect, the President has gained some more of my respect. If they can kneel, he can say what he feels, President or not! It's their right!

  35. Ravens lose. Guess the kneeling didn't unite the team. Karma baby!

  36. A bunch of no good Bas___d's I will never watch them again like many others. All of the blood and treasure given so they can live in a free society. What the hell are they actually protesting. If I was the owner I would fire everyone of them, may you get injured and not be able to ever play again.

  37. I don'tget it either. You kneel for the symbol of the country that gives you the right to kneel?

  38. Ask the Dixie Chicks how disrespecting America on foreign soil worked out.

  39. Lol you people more mad about athletes kneeling than our president giving a mfk what a entertainer thinks, calling their mothers female dogs, instead of focusing on illegals, North Korea, health care and other shhh. If this was Obama you d see the logic and would be cheering these now overpaid football players you been eating up for years. Maybe some real self reflection is needed here.i really wanted Trump to prevail but foreal he measing up. Omw to Dc now to enjoy my first ever professional game and im definitely going to enjoy it. My uncle was in the military over 30 years fought in the Gulf war. You really want to pledge alliance to veterans, complain about the way they are treated when they are no longer able to fight or the piss a$$ benefits and plot only benefit they get when they die or maltreatment they receive when they suffer degenerative brain disease from ptsd and make choices decision wise business wise that affects their insurance. Gtfoh w/ the shh you song singing hateful folk talkin.

  40. Funny educated white men feel the same way, wait a minute their$$$ is being affected if the players making millions how much you think the owners and management making. Stop hating yall made em rich and now cause they have thoughts and opinions like you, you mad. Worse then children. Grow up.

  41. Another perspective is that the overwhelming majority of the players honor our flag and those who died for it and for us ...Stood !

    1. 2:09. Stood and locked arms. 😏

  42. Dosent matter about their opinions or their excuse or reasons. They chose to PUBLICLY defile and disrespect the Flag, this Country, what it stands for and their fans...heck ALL Americans really. It dosent get any more disrespectful than that. Im not only going to boycott the nfl till they correct these anti-american actions, im burning ALL my ravens...I detest communist and their supporters.

  43. Yeah 1:57pm...clearly it WAY over your head to understand this is all about respect to this Country...its called PATRIOTISM...and they just cut it off at the knees, and all their fans across the Country!

    1. Patriotism comes in all forms you cant have it both ways. They didnt give middle fingers or speak badly of the veterans. They didnt turn their backs or make obscene gestures. Be real America is a hot mess right now. Police brutality is bad for people of all colors, misuse of power even here locally. we are letting immigrants slowly but surely take over the govt looks like a 4th grade playground fight. Some players may want to kneel about other issues and are afraid say what. Clearly you feel entitled as to think your opinion is the only one that matters and you lack comprehension. Im speaking as to the maybe real motive behind the owners being so supportive. The same men who supported Trump and financed him now have a change of heart? Trumps views have been clear since day one. What made either one of them think he d think different, padding his wallet? He s rich ... . Chew that patriotic food for thought

    2. 5:09 Police brutality has nothing to do with the flag of the USA. By kneeling they disrespected every man and woman that ever died for this country. You can't blame the country as a whole for a few bad apples in the police force.
      And just what is kneeling during the national anthem going to go to change the situation? They should put their money where their mouth is and use it to try and make change instead of disrespecting the flag.
      The flag they are choosing to disrespect stands for a country that allowed them to become millionaires just for playing a game. Chew on that for a while.

    3. The gov can judge the police in federal courts, because the local levels are no getting the obvious job done. If the feds step in and do something maybe things would be differently, but when the head of the gov. is a racist disrespectful Madman, you get civil unrest. ✊

  44. Canadian football anyone ?

  45. Where did a group of kindergarten children come onto the field and stand proudly with their hands on their hearts while the National Anthem was played?Wherever it was,imagine how that made the kneeling players look.

  46. I dont understand why the owners of these teams continue to allow these punks to protest by taking the knee. Football is nothing but a business. If you have people leaving (or turning off) your business then the owners should put a stop to this. One of these days the owners will actually look and see that their business is not drawing people like it used to. The tv people will finally see that their numbers are going down and stop paying so much for the rights. Maybe then the owners that allow this trash on the field will do something to quit disrespecting and pissing off the people who actually put food on their plate. Trump is right...im waiting for an owner to bench some people.

  47. Jerry Jones said the Cowboys will stand for the flag...I bet it's pretty hard to find a place that has Cowboy jersey's in stock.

  48. Standing with locked arms I don't find disrespectful of the flag being we don't know what that means. I'll give them the benefit of doubt. I'm still buying a Cowboy's jersey though.

  49. THOSE seats need to be Empty see if the welfare and BLM crowd will fill the seats $$$$$$

  50. I will NEVER watch another NFL game again until these POS stand 100%>

  51. Treason they stand for the British anthem but take a knee for American let them STAY THERE.

    1. Revoke there passport and send them to NORTH KOREA.

  52. Fan Rage 2017 go to the game and make no noise !

  53. Like many others I turned on the so called football game this morning what a disgrace to the state of MD!!!!! First I saw these so called football players knell when the National Anthem was played, and anthem that was penned in the state of MD while the British bombarded Ft McHenry also in the state of MD what a disgrace to our state and all vets who have fought for our country. Then the idiots stood and placed Thierry hands over theiron hearts while God Bless the Queen was played, the anthem of the country that we had to defeat to gain our independence!! I turned off my TV and will never watch ANOTHER football or basketball game again, oh also there was Ray murder Lewis down on both knees while he was down there I hope he was praying to the almighty for forgiveness because when judgement day comes he will need it!!!!

  54. Hopefully people will now wake up to what NFL owners are all about:

    Extort cities and taxpayers for new stadiums every few years

    Gouge fans with outrageous prices for tickets,parking, food and merchandise.

    Ignore retired players and their broken bodies and do everything in their power to stall the revelations on concussions.

    And now basically spit on the flag.

  55. Look at that criminal thug Ray Lewis right in the middle of them. That clown needs to thank God for this country full of Liberals that allowed him to walk free after murdering someone.

  56. President Trump's job is protecting the flag so that is why he stands up for it.

  57. Jerry Jones the only person in the NFL with balls go Jerry you da man. I'll be a cowboys fan if for nothing else but principal

  58. Kushner used private email for white house business LOCK HIM UP

  59. Interesting to see how long the owners will take a financial hit because they want to protest police and the flag.

  60. When does the State get a REAL team? I'm waiting. These sissies in between are worthless.

  61. Looks like the two boycotting losers are play each other next weekend in Baltimore.let's boycott the game as a voice who have died defending the flag.bunch of over paid criminals.

  62. Sheriff Mike Lewis and Chief Gary Baker have season tickets to the Ravens. Let's see how they handle going to the games any more, since they are so outspoken and patriotic. I wonder what their EXCUSES will be from this day forward.

  63. And just like that everyone forgot about Trump trying to take away life saving healthcare...

    1. 6:26 life saving healthcare? You are a full blown idiot. If it's so life saving why did I have to cancel mine because I could no longer afford the premium or deductible ??????

  64. This is Obama's legacy...Who would have thought White people electing a black President would have lead to poor race relations.

  65. Time to Replace these Racist with White men or else
    Boycott the teams !!! Too many Blacks on teams vs only
    few whites to begin with.....not fair....Reverse Racism !!

    1. Whites are no athletic thats why their the kickers. Lol

  66. Dear NFL I have a suggestion. Every player that chooses to take a knee for the National Anthem should be made to fulfill their contacts out in Afghanistan. Just my 2 cents and thats more ill ever spend on any of your sponsors.

  67. Ban ALL who do it ...an Attack on America ...Not Trump !!!

  68. These PUNKS Disrespect our Military Heroes and America !!!

    1. They need to Try and do that infront of a Military Base ?

  69. 65 years old and a lifelong Redskin fan...I've weathered the Snyder era and he won some points by standing up to the pc bullies, but if the Redskins pull this sh I mean this stuff tonight it will be time to give up on them and stand with the police, not the thugs.

  70. What about the steelers. Those cowards wouldn't even take the field.
    They all suck.

  71. I say we boycott any business that sponsors the games. That will tie it up perfectly

  72. And now we know what happens when they play politics instead of football. Lost their butts off Jaguars 44, Ravens 7. Trump's right! Fire them all. When they are on the field to make political statements and not win the game, screw them and their public protests.

  73. It's time to tear down the Ray Lewis statue in front of the stadium! It's very offensive to me and my friends.


  75. My email to the NFL today

    I am writing you as a longtime Redskins fan with a family of 4 where we all like different teams. I have relinquished my season tickets and stopped traveling to different stadiums each year for games which had been a family tradition. There was no new NFL gear under our Christmas tree for the first time in 20+ years. Why? The complete disrespect for our flag and national anthem. The NFL is in the entertainment business not a political platform. Years ago I switched to direct tv to order the NFL ticket and we were faithful fans, not now. I know I am not alone in my thoughts as several friends have done the same. We are bankers, judges, sales people, teachers and police officers that have quit the NFL. Thank you for reading this as we are not the type to go protest, yell or get violent at your games. We just stop spending money to support you or your advertisers.


  76. Don't these players realize that by doing this they ostracize themselves and their race even more from normal Americans. The law of unintended consequences will be applied. Started with Obama.

  77. The specific rule pertaining to the national anthem is found on pages A62-63 of the league rulebook. It states:
    "The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.
    "During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses."

  78. Now we know what idiots do and what they look like.

  79. NFL won't allow Cowboys to wear decal supporting Dallas police on their helmets

    OXNARD, Calif. -- The Arm in Arm decal the Cowboys unveiled to open training camp won't be on their helmets when the club opens its preseason schedule Saturday at the Los Angeles Rams.

    The Cowboys heard back from the NFL on Wednesday and were told by league officials they can't wear the decal during any preseason or regular-season games, executive vice president Stephen Jones said. Jones added that the Cowboys can wear the decal during training camp

  80. John, thank you for sharing your letter and for have the cajones to back up how you feel. I'm the same. I've given up NFL football. I really enjoyed my day: as soon as the kneeling started this morning, I got some chores done, went to the beach and then watched an awesome sunset at MR Ducks while listening to a great band. Didn't watch more than 5 minutes of football and I feel great.
    I think I'll ditto next Sunday.

  81. Time for someone to tell the wonderful state of Maryland, NO MORE lottery funds are to go to the Maryland Stadium Authority. Cut the funding and let them become self supporting. Read the back of your lottery ticket where it says, proceeds go to the Maryland Stadium Authority. And, yes I am old enough to remember when our Annapolis representatives were campaigning for a state lottery, the television ad stated that all proceeds from the lottery would be given to education and public safety. My, my how things change when the idiots in Annaplis get their greedy paws on any monies.

  82. Baltimore ia a black city, but the players should take a look at who fills the stadium. I don't see hardly any blacks at the games, except on the field. The NFL is dead. And Goodall encouraged its death.

  83. Keep them in LONDON !!! NOT Welcome here

  84. Tear Ray Lewis down !

  85. Revoke there citizenship for TREASON.

  86. Throw out any politican that wants a bailout for NFL teams.

  87. That's an interesting idea... 3 strikes and you lose your citizenship.

  88. Joe I would like to thank you for showing me what my coworkers and neighbors think about people who look like me.

  89. Its not about how people feel about a persons looks its about people's actions

  90. @6:55 amen to that!! Example Jake day a middle class so called leader of the community and he us absolutely despised by the majority of co-workers/community. And simply ask yourself why? It absolutely gas everything to do with his deceitful actions


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