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Saturday, October 28, 2017

Britain OKs Making Babies From DNA of 3 People in Some Cases

Britain's fertility regulator has approved controversial techniques allowing doctors to create babies using DNA from three people - what it called a "historic" decision to help prevent a small number of children from inheriting potentially fatal diseases from their mothers.

The regulator's chair, Sally Chesire, on Thursday described it as a "life-changing" moment for families who might benefit from the treatment.

"Parents at very high risk of having a child with a life-threatening mitochondrial disease may soon have the chance of a healthy, genetically related child," she said in a statement.

The new procedures are intended to fix problems linked to mitochondria, the energy-producing structures outside a cell's nucleus. Faulty mitochondria can result in conditions including muscular dystrophy, major organ failure and severe muscle weakness.



  1. "fertility regulator" SMH

  2. Greys have been using 3 dna's to create hybrids for many years.They use Grey female dna,male human dna,and human female dna,in which the other 2 are invitroed into.The offspring is typically very very smart and almost entirely human in appearance.

  3. You can't fool Mother Nature


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