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Sunday, October 08, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Weekly Paper

Joe, a few months ago you posted a post how we could stop the weekly paper if we go to Mr. Days site and enter our address. Well like everything else he does it didn't work. I am still getting that pain in the A$$ every week. What can I do? I know I can't believe anything he says.


  1. I called the paper and told them I was not tired of calling them to stop delivering their junk. They blamed it on their carrier. I told them my address and that I have them on camera littering in front of my yard and the next time the Police would be notified with their tag #'s since it was different vehicles and that I would be pessing charges for littering. They said they could nothing about it and I told them we would see how many carriers they would have when they would have to pay the $1000.00 littering fine. It stopped ASAP.

  2. I called the paper at least 8 wks. ago and they still deliver!!!

  3. Maybe it's time for a class action suit against the paper.

  4. I stopped our last year the day after my husband died. We only got it for his "sports" & obits. They stopped & have never since delivered. They do solicit for delivery even though I sent a death notice. We'll never be rid of them apparently.

  5. Day wants us to make "Litter Free Zones". Let's take our litter to his house!

  6. Here is what you all can and should do!!! Collect all of these papers for the week, and go toss them on the front stoop of this personal house, or the building they do their work in... If enough people do this, and they have to keep cleaning it up, something will change...

  7. 9:16 Am you people are to lazy, stupid and scared to sue anyone for your rights!!!!!

    1. 9:16: Read your own comment if you're looking for stupid.

  8. knock on wood, our whole neighborhood signed up and the papers stopped.
    we are the lucky ones.

  9. It's been suggested to members of the county council that an ordinance be passes prohibiting such deliveries of these "newspapers". If enough residents press their council representative, we can get this done

  10. take the paper and throw it in the parking lot of the publisher.

  11. Pet and bird cage liner....great for covering table when eating crabs!!! Last but not least....good fire starter.

  12. I'm concerned about where these papers are ending up. I noticed several sitting on drainage grates in our neighborhood and then they disappeared. Do they go down the grates straight into the river or do then get trapped in a grid that causes water backup and runoff in a storm? If they are just a pain in the a%% then why do they just let people opt out of getting them. I know it doesn't work because I asked to opt out and I'm still putting them in the trash. So much for recycling.

  13. Do what i do, kick them into the middle of road

  14. Last week there was one in a green bag thrown in my neighbors yard right next to a For Sale sign. The lady had been in a nursing home for about 2 years and now dead about a year so this house has been vacant for almost 3 years and it looks vacant. I think they are just dumping these papers in vacant yards to get rid of them since they get paid to anyway.

    That stupid compromise Jake Day came up with making the resident call the paper to opt out is stupid.

    I have a better idea since Jake Day isn't concerned with the citizen and would rather make every voter work harder to get those damn papers stopped.

    Here is a better idea. How about we the citizens call the paper company and ask to be put on their delivery list and then they can deliver it. That way it is easier on the voters.

  15. What is the phone number for the company who is delivering these unwanted papers?


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