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Saturday, September 02, 2017

You Go Kellyanne


  1. Chris Cuomo got what he has earned. He got a gigantic put down and was not allowed to push the AL Gore / liberal agenda. His expression showed he was displeased that he could not change the conversation to his agenda like he does to every other weak so-called Republican.

  2. This guy is nuts , why storms happen ? Well maybe we need to have a talk with GOD and ask that question , what and idiot , he wants to find a way to stop storms , good luck with that CNN , LMAO when I heard that , do these people get paid for these stupid vocals.

  3. He was just the talking head, reading from a script. He's paid big bucks to ask questions for and go in the direction of other peoples' bidding. He's a tool, and not a very sharp one.

  4. Wow that's the most I've watched CNN in years.

  5. Talking head for the person in his ear with an agenda. We never EVER see that person. Need to string those folks by the fingernails because their belief is their agenda brings in ratings from the majority of American's (those 55 and over)

    SOOOOOOOOO far from the truth in this day/age.

  6. 925
    You obviously are unaware of geoengineering programs.

    Learn the truth.


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