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Saturday, September 02, 2017

Obesity epidemic at new high, costs $150B a year, hurts military recruiting

Americans continue to get fatter and it's delivering a huge blow to the country, both in higher health care costs and undercutting military recruiting, according to a huge new study.

The 14th annual State of Obesity: Better Policies for a Healthier America report from the Trust for America's Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation bluntly reported that 70 percent of the nation is obese or overweight.

And while the rate of obesity growth is leveling off, the costs aren't. The report, for example, said additional health care for obese adults and children is $150 billion a year and billions of dollars more in lost worker productivity.

It is also costly to the military, said the report. Nearly one-quarter of military recruits are rejected because they are obese and it costs the Pentagon $1 billion a year in added health care costs for obese troops and their families.

More stunning, said the comprehensive 101-page report: " 70 percent of today's youth are not fit to serve in the military due to obesity or being overweight, criminal records, drug misuse or educational deficits."

More here


  1. Every day I see a line of cars at McDonald's every day I see people buying chicken from royal farms. Some people sit in the parking lot inhaling the deep fried cholesterol slap. I get physically nauseous if I watch people eat that nastiness.. geez doc I don't why I got this gut and love handles and my blood work came back all screwed up. To funny

    1. 9:46- Here's High Horse Harry again. Sitting on, you guessed it, his high horse.

  2. If a caveman didn't eat then either should you eat as much vegetables as you can. Work out everyday for 30 minutes of cardio and you will be at a 15 to 18 bmi. Society WILL refer to you as to thin,skinny or the typical " need some weight in case of a fight". All those people are fat and look like giant infants in bathing suits and cardio wins fights btw I'm not fighting anyone.

  3. This fits the progressive plan. They indoctrinate the youth. Do any of you actually read what is in today's text books? They turn them into tools (antifa-who do not fight like men), feminize the males and transgender the females, feed them foods full of chemicals and corn syrup, making them unfit for military service and easier to control.

  4. Couple weeks in Boot Camp will work that Off !!!! esp Marines !!!

  5. Fat people would GO AWAY if skinny desperate people stopped procreating with them.

  6. While watching the hurricane Harvey victims being rescued I couldn't help but notice how many children and middle aged people were way overweight. There must be something about the diet of Texans that packs on the pounds.

  7. Obesity hurts military recruiting?


    How about losing 4 consecutive wars and refusing to take care of Vets who come back maimed ?

    Do you think that may have hurt military recruiting?

    Just a bit?

  8. Most of that morbid obesity is funded by EBT cards (welfare).


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