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Thursday, September 21, 2017

Woman Raised by Lesbians: LGBT is an 'Extremist Minority' Pushing 'The Extinction of Gender'

Millie Fontana, a donor-conceived child of lesbian parents, is a child's rights activist who believes that same-sex marriage and the push for "gender equality" is a ruse, a coordinated step by an "extremist minority" to end "gender altogether."

If people can be lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer -- you name it -- and children are told they don't need a biological mother and a father, and that people of any gender may marry and obtain children in myriad ways, then gender loses its meaning.

“I think it’s really funny that [Barack] Obama has stood up and said it’s time for everyone else to evolve [on gay marriage]," said Millie Fontana at the Cost of Equality event in Melbourne, Australia. "But last time I checked, evolution took a few fair steps. It took a little longer than a decade to eventuate."

"I don’t see ‘gender equality,'" she said. "I see a pitch to get rid of gender altogether."

Earlier in her remarks, Fontana said, “My mother pitched a question to me the other week. She said to me, ‘Millie, what if my [lesbian] partner and I were able to be married? What if we had that stable, household environment that everybody else has?’ And I answered the question very simply."



  1. excellent article. wonderful

  2. "I don’t see ‘gender equality,'" she said. "I see a pitch to get rid of gender altogether."

    One persons' opinion is not necessarily indicative of the facts.

    1. Hardly just an opinion 9:52. This is a woman who was raised by 2 lesbians. I think she has more than "just an opinion" she has the experience. But I'm sure that doesn't fit your agenda so it must not be true.

  3. This attempt to change or recreate God's greatest achievement of pro-creation is becoming a joke! Nobody's telling anyone what they can or can't do behind closed doors, but folks there's only one natural process to create a child. Stop the nonsense!

  4. 9:52 AM Sorry you don't see the obvious. Either you have an agenda or your head is in the sand.

  5. 10:10 AM - Talking to yourself?

  6. Homosexuals should not be allowed to adopt.

  7. 11:03 AM I was talking to 9:52 who must be from the rainbow crowd. Your comment is like saying a rape victims opinion doesn't matter because it not necessarily indicative of the facts.

    She lived it. Obviously she has more experience than you in the matter. You offer nothing. I pity any kid growing up in a single sex family. Child abuse.

    You are a minority and no normal person cares what you people think or do. You keep trying to force your twisted agenda on everyone else, who just keeps asking you to take your perversion else where. No one cares what you sleep with at night.

  8. 12:10 PM it's their way of recruiting.

  9. LGBT would like to get Rid of all men if they could....
    Only one problem.....They need them, or They would Not exist
    They are afraid men will steal their girlfriends !!!

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    9:52 AM Sorry you don't see the obvious. Either you have an agenda or your head is in the sand.

    September 21, 2017 at 10:10 AM

    Sorry you don't see her "obviously" quoting something from the article and what she/he said about opinions not indicative of facts is quite accurate.

    Go into any court of law and try to win a case using only your opinion and see how that works out.

    Anonymous said...
    11:03 AM I was talking to 9:52 who must be from the rainbow crowd. Your comment is like saying a rape victims opinion doesn't matter because it not necessarily indicative of the facts.

    She lived it. Obviously she has more experience than you in the matter. You offer nothing. I pity any kid growing up in a single sex family. Child abuse.

    You are a minority and no normal person cares what you people think or do. You keep trying to force your twisted agenda on everyone else, who just keeps asking you to take your perversion else where. No one cares what you sleep with at night.

    September 21, 2017 at 1:18 PM

    And just what would a rape victims opinion be about? Regardless, it wouldn't carry much weight vs facts.

    I don't understand your insinuation of that person being gay. How would you even know if she/he was or was not gay? Maybe I missed something but it matters not. It's just YOUR opinion. lol.

    But it's always more fun to attack others than to stay focused on the issue, isn't it? The issue is the abuse of this poor 5yo who endured torture resulting in two strokes.

    To me, that is just terrible and they deserved the sentence they received. All this other hullabaloo is just personal attacks because of differing opinions I guess. Whatever the reason, it is unnecessary and a distraction.


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