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Thursday, September 21, 2017

Have Coffee with Cops Wednesday, September 27

OCEAN CITY, MD – Wednesday, September 27, residents and visitors are invited to enjoy a cup of coffee with Ocean City Police Department officers at Dunkin Donuts located at 6701 Coastal Highway.

Attendees will have an opportunity to chat with officers over coffee from 7:30 a.m. until 9 a.m. This community policing event is a partnership designed to bring together police officers and the communities they serve.

“Our first Coffee with Cops event in July was a huge success and we enjoyed speaking with each of the attendees,” commented Chief Ross Buzzuro. “We thank Dunkin Donuts for their partnership and look forward to another successful event.”


  1. Maybe if it wasn't at a donut shop.

  2. They should do it on Caroline St. so the homeless will temporarily stop hassling passersby.

  3. What? Are they going to ask some of the regular cop visitors to leave to make some room for residents and visitors?

  4. Good opportunity for the screamers out there to moan about the Cruiser weeks, bike week, june bugs, firefighter week, bums, ravens weekend, h20i and whomever else that generates revenue for the resort.

    I bet not one of you shows up!

  5. Give them Free donuts to keep them off the road with radar !!!

  6. NO. I do not want to interact with police in any way whatsoever.

  7. No thanks. Cops, and OC cops especially, are too smug, full of themselves, and just plain annoying to be around any length of time. And if you tick them off or spill their coffee they will probably find a reason to give you a ticket.

    I don't mind having a convo with a cop if it happens naturally on the street or wherever, but a planned meeting isn't natural and the cops would probably just consider it another task given to them to perform.


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