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Friday, September 29, 2017

Why didn't TV networks show angry, booing NFL fans Sunday or Monday?

With President Donald Trump's attacks against protesting NFL players still reverberating, the league's TV partners decided to air live coverage of the national anthem before Week 3 games. Those partners left out a key element of the coverage: crowd shots of angry fans.

Networks typically do not televise the national anthem except for the Super Bowl and other special occasions, but they recognized there would be intense viewer interest this past weekend.

Some fans, if they reacted at all, happily clapped and cheered during protests, but others did not, and they angrily let their home teams know it. The audio mics picked up the boos. Yet the TV networks mostly avoided crowd shots Sunday, so there was never a chance for viewers to see fans jeering players.



  1. saw lots of empty seats in last nights game

  2. They tried to make the stadium look crowded on Monday, but the Ariel shot of the stadium from the air, showed a practically empty stadium with most of the seats empty for the game with Green Bay on Monday. I turned it on out of curiosity and then switched the channels. Hope many more will stop attending or watching these games. Hope it sends them a message loud and clear that the fans will not stand for this. Hope it also hurts them financially so they cannot pay the million dollar players!

  3. Uh, because it's a big business and they don't want the World to see the worm in the big shiny apple?

    If NFL teams were traded on the stock market, we'd see some very telling numbers.

  4. For those watching, do pay close attention this Sunday to what you see on the screen and hear from audio. Saw several views of fans sitting last night, but the audio sounded like the stadium was about to crumble with cheering.

    If true - shame shame CBS for piping in crowd noise.

  5. Soon NFL attendance will mirror NASCAR truck race attendance

  6. Why did those traitors even attend?
    Oh I know, if John McCain can be a traitor, so can they.

  7. They have noise cancelling devices turned on.


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