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Friday, September 29, 2017

They Fire Coaches Who Kneel in Silent Prayer, But Celebrate Players Who Kneel in Protest

Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) said Monday that if NFL players are celebrated for kneeling during the national anthem, then so should high school coaches who kneel in prayer at the end of the game.

“We can’t say to one football coach you’re fired if you kneel in silent prayer at the end of the game, but to a player, if you kneel in protest to a game, you’re celebrated,” Lankford said.

“For whatever reason in America, if individual players kneel in protest at a football game, that’s seen as free speech. We do have high school coaches that have kneeled in silent prayer, and they’ve been fired,” he said.

“Now the First Amendment’s the First Amendment.."



  1. I came to watch a game, not prayer or politics.

    STFU & Play ball.

  2. I know. It ain't right.


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