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Saturday, September 02, 2017

What Should Happen To This And Why?


  1. The idiots will tear it down also.

  2. Just like the Confederate monuments, its a part of history; however, the bleeding heart liberal and snow flakes don't see it that way...

  3. That's the epitome of a conundrum.
    Like a thermos: keeps things hot, keeps things cold. How do it know?

  4. You have to take it down it stands for prejudice BUT it was the white men that made them do it so it's probably going to be okay.

  5. It should stay where it is - just like the rest of them should have.

  6. It's not wrong for us to remember our mistakes.

  7. All monuments aren't celebrations. They're reminders.

  8. Tearing down all the white confederate statues tear down this one too. While were at it we need to attack some of their ancestors and their Black History people as well that would be fair,

  9. They Don't want you to know about this one !!

  10. Let's keep this quiet. We are choosy about what history we want the little ones to be aware of. Remember,once in a while some facts can distort Progressive indoctrination.

  11. Pull it down, (map)

  12. Indians are tougher than the poor black folk and the sissy white kids trying to prove something.
    The ENTIRE country was stolen from them. Hundreds of "treaties" broken. Rounded up and used as target practice by American calvary.
    Had their women and children murdered and SCALPED (noses, ears, genitals, eyes, etc) and carved up in front of their approving commanders.
    Taken at gunpoint from lush forests and valleys and force-marched to the barren plains. Killed if you lagged behind, even in snowstorms.
    THEY have some complaints.
    Black people in the richest nation?
    YOU figure it out.


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