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Saturday, September 02, 2017

We're All Waiting After Trump Donated $1 Million


  1. So are the victims of the earthquake in Haiti still waiting even though the Clinton Foundation claimed to donate much there.

  2. Not going to happen since there is nothing to be gained; she doesn't need the publicity and there is no upside.

  3. They'll be glad to accept your donation, though (see Haiti)!

  4. EXACTLY !!! We don't see Clintons sending ANYthing !!!
    Guess DEPLORABLES have Nothing Coming !!!!

    ALso Don't see OPHRA giving any or other Rich Yuppies

    Bill Gates either .......


  5. They're waiting for the check to clear from their Haiti donation!

  6. LOL 12:53 that's because they only "pledge." They are forever pledging this or that extraordinary amount but never end up giving a cent. The funny thing is the idiots who stand around like morons thinking they are so great for "pledging."

  7. The Clinton Foundation is just that. A Foundation FOR and ONLY FOR the Clintons.

  8. Waiting for Joel Osten , other
    wealthy preachers and wealthy
    "others" to donate also!
    They can write it off their taxes,
    so ===Bring It On , let us hear
    all about it !!


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