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Saturday, September 02, 2017

Type 2 diabetes may hit 84 million Americans, and they don't know it

One third of Americans may be on their way to developing full-blown type 2 diabetes, and most of them don't even know it.

A recent report from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) shows that more than 84 million Americans, or roughly one-third of the population, have prediabetes, a condition marked by higher-than-normal blood sugar. Of that group, 90 percent aren't aware they have the condition.

The primary risk factor for type 2 diabetes is genetics, but excess weight, obesity and lack of exercise also contribute to this alarming medical trend. "People with prediabetes who don't change their lifestyle are at a much higher risk of developing heart disease and stroke and can develop type 2 diabetes within five years if left untreated," said William T. Cefalu, MD, chief scientific, medical & mission officer of the American Diabetes Association.



  1. Crackel Barrel here I come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. When I look at the people of this country , at the stores and on the streets , I can understand this. We are a nation of fat , overweight slobs. We don't exercise , we are spoiled rotten and we eat toooo much . The people who have food stamps or EBT cards are the very obese , I see them in line at the grocery stores . Another thing is drive-in windows , can't even walk 50 feet to get food , that's sick.We now have groceries delivered to your door , ain't it great .

  3. Why get yourself on the traditional treatments when you can use natural remedies? I personally know people who refuse to alter their diet one iota because they can eat like a pig and take their insulin.Eliminating sugar by 50% is not difficult at all,and the natural remedy approach avoids creating a dependency on drugs,which is what big pharma wants you to do.

  4. Most elderly people are also suffering from Pre-Death

  5. You are absolutely correct 8:04, but there are thin people that have exercised all their lives that also have diabetes.


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