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Saturday, September 02, 2017

Trump Declares Sunday a National Day of Prayer for People Affected by Harvey

President Donald Trump on Friday signed a proclamation declaring Sunday, Sept. 3, a national day of prayer to think of those who are facing the devastation from Hurricane Harvey.

"We invite all Americans to join us as we continue to pray for those who have lost family members and friends and those who are suffering from this great crisis," Trump said in the Oval Office as he signed the order.

His proclamation came one day after Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R.) signed an order designating Sunday as a day of prayer in Texas, which has been devastated by Harvey in recent days.

The signing ceremony in the White House on Friday featured several faith leaders.



  1. I'm an atheist, and this offends me.

    1. 12:47 I don't think your intended audience could give a rat's a-hole.

  2. Boo hoo. Go find your save area 12:47 and color.

  3. Only a person who prays a lot would type: Tuff S#IT! towards someone who doesn't pray at all.

    Really funny, don't you think?

    1. 2:05 AM!? Not much going on, hunh? And you're the first to judge me. Now, how about that? What I typed was tame, and is totally acceptable, as it would not have been printed. I never claimed to pray a lot either, nor belittle one who doesn't pray at all. Now, time for you to think a spell.


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