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Sunday, September 17, 2017

Salisbury's S.S. Hoppes Money Pit

The Salisbury Fire Boat isn't in Salisbury any longer. It's not even in Wicomico County. It's been laid up in a boatyard in Crisfield since August and will be there for some time to come. It really has problems. Will the SFD reveal how much they have spent on repairs in the last two years?


  1. Repairs? It's never been used has it?

  2. How many times has this thing been called into service

  3. It's called maintenance

    1. 2:13 Shouldn't need "maintenance" when it's never used Rick.

  4. I know people with THOUSANDS of hours on Hamilton jet drives powered by Cummins diesel engines that have had absolutely ZERO problems. They are also operated in far more harsh saltwater and beat to hell daily. This isn't the first piece of newer equipment they have had break or damaged - I don't understand how SFD simply can't keep anything nice.

    1. Well known fact SFD keeps a spare bumper for tower 16 on hand because they rip it off so often

  5. Question 1 how long has it been in service

    Question 2 how many times has it been used for service
    ( ie. fires not fishing trips )

    Question 3 how much is this going to cost tax payers to repair

    Question 4 What repairs what is wrong with a fire boat that
    never gets used i would like to see a list

  6. It has never been called into service, it can't when it is in a dry dock... IT has been there pretty much since it was bought... They only used it maybe once or twice to so called train on it... Aren't you glad we spent 900k on it??? For the so called just in case there is a fire on a boat or on surface water somewhere!!!!

    You people must love this shit becasue you keep allowing it to happen... Paying more and more taxes and higher and higher fees... and see new taxes and fees to come!!!!

    What is it going to take from you people to get off your lazy stupid no good ass and stop this wasteful spending??? My bet is nothing, or never... But I would lie to know, why do you people always complain but never put action behind it and do something about it???? What is the point of complaining then????

  7. Sell the damn thing and run

  8. It did get used to help with the Yacht Club fire.

  9. This should be sold off as excessive equipment. I mean sold not given away like SFD usually do with used equipment. This has to be considered new condition since it probably does not have 20 hours on it from where SFD was playing around trying to figure out what they bought and how to use it.

  10. I live in Crisfield and will give them 2 grand for it. They dont even have to take it back to Salisbury.


  11. Being converted to amphibious, like a DUCK, so it can be used for food runs?

  12. Remember that this was "given" to the city under Obama's Economic Stimulus package, where U.S. manufacturers got $$ incentives to build American and sell American. Problem was, this boat was built entirely in Canada.
    Hoppes told everyone at the time that maintenance came with the package, and that it wouldn't cost us much of anything to keep it. At last tally, it's cost the taxpayers in Salisbury over $100,000 for training, maintenance, fuel and repairs. At least one knowledgeable council member voted against accepting it, but they were outvoted by the entitlement group, who believed that Salisbury needed such a boat.

  13. Should get it back in service and patrol the boat slips by Brew River and the rest of the River on a regular basis....put some hours on the engine!!!

  14. WTF!! Thanks Rick Hoppes. Thanks Jim LIARTON!!
    That POS hasn't even ran on it's maiden voyage yet.

    It that POS is so important to Salisbury then where is it's back up?


  15. Looking at the paint job, they misspelled fahr!

  16. I hear its in dry dock having wheels installed so it will be useful. They can drive around town and pick up reflectors

  17. Needs repairs for what has it ever been in the water? I would like to see those invoices to explain what was done to this boat but dry dock?

  18. I saw it once zooming down the river by Upper Ferry on an obvious "test run" not long after they got the new "Toy", as Gary Comegys calls fire equipment. I'm sure there were other joy rides, then it went to dry dock on davits, which we never seemed to have before, as the old fireboat sank several times at the dock from non-use. So, how much did the davits cost?

    As predicted, this farce has become nothing but a money pit for the City and the fire company wants Bob Culver and Wicomico County to pay for "Fire Services".

    Is this a "Fire Service" to the City?

  19. Are you suggesting someone used this boat to burn down the Yacht Club?

  20. SS Democrat keeps sucking the money out of you taxpayers.

  21. Can we claim lemon law?
    Can we claim the idiot law?

    How much spent? TOO MUCH! Those accountable need to be held..no stoned! YEAH!

  22. How much use has it gotten to require any repairs? If I had a boat like that, simple winterizing then placing back in service should be all required.

  23. It was paid for with federal grant money. If it is sold the money has to be paid back to the feds. We are trapped. The best thing that could happen would be for it to sink or burn to the waterline. That's the only way out.

    1. 8:18pm, why are we trapped? Sell it and give the money back to the Feds. It's not like the city is gaining anything by owning it. It is costing the city money. Just sell it and give the proceeds to the Feds. I would assume they wouldn't have to pay back the original amount, just the amount it is sold for but maybe I'm wrong.

  24. Scrape the hull? Touch up the paint? Get the interior detailed?

  25. Sorry but any boat in Mark's yard is going to have a large bill. That's how he stays in business. May not be anything wrong at all .. just saying

  26. Blame Bill Gordy it was all his idea. He lied pulled political strings to get this stupid boat that most every person in SFD will tell you isn't needed but Bill had to have it. This boat came out of Canada and has been nothing but problems ever since cause it's junk! Couldn't purchase a local boat oh no had to come out of Canada now look what you have a piece of junk they won't fix.

  27. $900,000 think how many cop cars they could have gotten. Or police they could of hired. Good gosh this town is backwards. Worried about bike lanes and festivals that will fail all the while crime and drugs are out of control. Salisbury needs leadership in the worst way. New mayor, new police chief, new fire chief and now city council.

  28. That fire boat the S.S. Hoppes cost the tax payers over $1,000,000 to build in a foreign country. Now look at it. Wasn't such a great idea after all was it you FAT SLOB!

  29. Anonymous said...
    How many times has this thing been called into service

    September 14, 2017 at 2:09 PM

    NONE!! Absolutely ZERO!

  30. Anonymous said...
    It's called maintenance

    September 14, 2017 at 2:13 PM

    The "maintenance" was reported to cost $17,000 annually. Regular maintenance can be done in the water.

    It's called damage control

  31. Anonymous said...

    Looking at the paint job, they misspelled fahr!

    September 14, 2017 at 5:11 PM


    It's a Far Bote.

  32. Anonymous said...
    I know people with THOUSANDS of hours on Hamilton jet drives powered by Cummins diesel engines that have had absolutely ZERO problems. They are also operated in far more harsh saltwater and beat to hell daily. This isn't the first piece of newer equipment they have had break or damaged - I don't understand how SFD simply can't keep anything nice.

    September 14, 2017 at 2:18 PM

    The previous Far Bote sank and flipped over in the marina because of their neglect.

  33. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Remember that this was "given" to the city under Obama's Economic Stimulus package, where U.S. manufacturers got $$ incentives to build American and sell American. Problem was, this boat was built entirely in Canada.
    Hoppes told everyone at the time that maintenance came with the package, and that it wouldn't cost us much of anything to keep it. At last tally, it's cost the taxpayers in Salisbury over $100,000 for training, maintenance, fuel and repairs. At least one knowledgeable council member voted against accepting it, but they were outvoted by the entitlement group, who believed that Salisbury needed such a boat.

    September 14, 2017 at 4:03 PM

    Correct, for the most part anyway.

  34. Anonymous said...
    Well known fact SFD keeps a spare bumper for tower 16 on hand because they rip it off so often

    September 15, 2017 at 1:06 PM

    That is correct. Gerald Brinson was driving it and hit a light pole on the side of Wawa South. Wawa put up no parking signs and the paid idiots keep parking in the no parking lane with their fire trucks so they can get free coffee at Wawa.

    Go there any morning and you will see the parking lot loaded with all kinds of city employees.

  35. Salisbury Police Officer
    September 13 at 6:46pm ·

    Just came to my attention like 10 years ago - cops are expected to be on stand-by on their days off for NO COMPENSATION; but, Firefighters are paid to eat and sleep with their "off" time being their own...but they get the same retirement? For a far less complex job?
    Ok tax payers... if you say so...

    1. Disgruntled snowflake cop says what ?
      You telling me you don't enjoy your days off and go do what you want when you aren't at work? If there's a standby requirement, I'm sure it's not everyday you are off.
      At work, your on the clock and on the job. So are we.

  36. It was only a million dollars no where near what this city has wasted in the past.

  37. It would suck if there was an actual need for the fire boat and its sitting down in Crisfield

  38. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It has never been called into service, it can't when it is in a dry dock... IT has been there pretty much since it was bought... They only used it maybe once or twice to so called train on it... Aren't you glad we spent 900k on it??? For the so called just in case there is a fire on a boat or on surface water somewhere!!!!

    You people must love this shit becasue you keep allowing it to happen... Paying more and more taxes and higher and higher fees... and see new taxes and fees to come!!!!

    What is it going to take from you people to get off your lazy stupid no good ass and stop this wasteful spending??? My bet is nothing, or never... But I would lie to know, why do you people always complain but never put action behind it and do something about it???? What is the point of complaining then????

    September 14, 2017 at 2:39 PM

    Exactly. You are 100% correct.

  39. Anonymous said...
    Should get it back in service and patrol the boat slips by Brew River and the rest of the River on a regular basis....put some hours on the engine!!!

    September 14, 2017 at 4:04 PM

    I hope you are just kidding!

  40. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It was paid for with federal grant money. If it is sold the money has to be paid back to the feds. We are trapped. The best thing that could happen would be for it to sink or burn to the waterline. That's the only way out.

    September 14, 2017 at 8:18 PM

    No, it can be donated for another use. I say donate it to the Baltimore City FD or PD if they will take it. If not see if the FDNY or the NYPD will take it. They will get much more use out of it. It never was practical for Salisbury and never will be.

    Speak up Dumb A$$es!

  41. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Blame Bill Gordy it was all his idea. He lied pulled political strings to get this stupid boat that most every person in SFD will tell you isn't needed but Bill had to have it. This boat came out of Canada and has been nothing but problems ever since cause it's junk! Couldn't purchase a local boat oh no had to come out of Canada now look what you have a piece of junk they won't fix.

    September 14, 2017 at 10:17 PM

    No it was Rick Hoppes' baby. As a matter of fact that is all he worked on when Chief Jeff Simpson demoted him to Deputy Chief of Administration.

    They should have at least let Layton Moore build the boat. He is local and built a perfect fire boat for Ocean City.

  42. Anonymous said...
    8:18pm, why are we trapped? Sell it and give the money back to the Feds. It's not like the city is gaining anything by owning it. It is costing the city money. Just sell it and give the proceeds to the Feds. I would assume they wouldn't have to pay back the original amount, just the amount it is sold for but maybe I'm wrong.

    September 15, 2017 at 7:28 AM

    Who says you have to sell the boat? Tell the Feds to come get the damn thing. Scrap your losses and just walk away.

  43. Anonymous said...
    $900,000 think how many cop cars they could have gotten. Or police they could of hired. Good gosh this town is backwards. Worried about bike lanes and festivals that will fail all the while crime and drugs are out of control. Salisbury needs leadership in the worst way. New mayor, new police chief, new fire chief and now city council.

    September 15, 2017 at 5:21 AM

    The worst leadership this city has seen in my lifetime and I can assure you I have been around for a long time.

    They all must go.

  44. Anonymous said...
    Disgruntled snowflake cop says what ?
    You telling me you don't enjoy your days off and go do what you want when you aren't at work? If there's a standby requirement, I'm sure it's not everyday you are off.
    At work, your on the clock and on the job. So are we.

    September 15, 2017 at 4:39 PM

    Jason is by far a disgruntled cop and he does more work than you or any Farmin in 1 day than you do all month. What is that about 8 or 9 days a month you Farmin work? Must be nice.

    Just because you are "on the clock" doesn't mean you are "working." Just because you are "at work" doesn't mean you are "working."

    Jason works circles around you Butt Munches and earns his pay. How many volunteer cops do you see doing the same job? None. Proof that we only need volunteers in the city and now we no why you all ran them off. Job security.

  45. Anonymous said...
    It was only a million dollars no where near what this city has wasted in the past.

    September 17, 2017 at 9:16 AM


    Typical response from a Libtard Democrat spending Other Peoples Money.

  46. Anonymous said...
    It would suck if there was an actual need for the fire boat and its sitting down in Crisfield

    September 17, 2017 at 10:52 PM

    They should have kept the other fire boat. It was a real fire boat.

  47. I don't recall maintenance for this boat being a bidding opportunity. Cambridge boat yards are closer, so why Crisfield?


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