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Sunday, September 17, 2017

Jake Day Abusing His Power At Old Station 16

Having first hand experience owning a historic building in Downtown Salisbury, the evidence continues to mount proving if you are a Good Ol' Boy you can and will get whatever you want while the rest of us painfully suffer.

Another recent piece of evidence is the pole building Gilkerson is now putting on the old Fire Station 16. This has to be one of the most historic buildings in Downtown Salisbury. With all of the brick structures in the immediate area, popping up what I'll call a mini chicken house is flat out embarrassing. 

It's a smack in the face, especially to the rest of us who have been subjected to the extremely harsh demands of the Historical Society. Those people on that board need to resign immediately and this structure must be removed right away. Just look at that piece of crap. Jake Day, your time is up. 


  1. Historical Society allows this then they have no control over other historical places. If they attempt to enforce historical regulations then they will get lawsuits since they have made exemptions and set precedence. They will be no more.

  2. I was under the impression that the property was to be utilized for "Arts and Entertainment" or something to do with UMES. Is that not correct?? Headquarters Live fell under that provision for the most part, but does the Daily Times' use?

    Upon further research, I found it seems that the City's procurement department nixed that requirement in their July 3, 2013 memo stating that they are "removing the additional restrictions of keeping the first floor as non-for-profit and/or profit venue space for a pre-determined time; as established by the City, will not obligate the City to take back ownership of the building if G Plus did not adhere to the pre-determined time frame."

    That memo and Resolution 2295 can be found here:

    The original RFP cannot be found anywhere and there is no restrictions on the deed (or none that I could find on MD Land Records). So basically the City established a restriction, but then made no penalties for such restriction therefore there is no reason to adhere to the restriction. Can we say Good Ole Boy Network??

    Also, SDAT values the land at $124,800 and the improvements at $185,400 with a total value of $310,200 (which I feel is ridiculously low to begin with. Now granted, Deverco did invest quick a bit of money into the property, but if the land is valued at $124,800 then why was it sold for $85,000? Also keep in mind that these are ASSESSED values, not market values. Assessed values typically run about 25-30% below market values. So basically, even if the building was worth nothing, the City sold a $178,000 piece of land for $85,000. Quite a discount....


    1. Great research. This all has to be illegal somehow. Someone on the state level needs to step in because this has all gone too far. The people of the city are literally being robbed at this point and this plumbing inspection requirement is going to be used on anyone local who makes a fuss.

  3. Who is the head of the historical society? I would like to talk to this person now. Someone got money for this...Who?

  4. September 14, 2017 at 10:03 AM

    good post. I'm impressed.

  5. Jake Day... Abusing his power in EVERY possible direction. This guy is UNREAL!

  6. Still pissed off they wouldn't sell it to you, huh Joe?

  7. 10:37, My attorney will answer that question for you. I have the video saved of Comegys flat out stating the City will never sell a building to Joe Albero. The City put in very strict language as to what the buyers can and can't do with that building to make sure Joe Albero could not buy the building. Then Council President Jake Day and Mayor Jim Ireton removed the restrictions in 2013. Any decent attorney can prove what truly happened here. So you ask, am I pissed they wouldn't sell it to me, the answer is absolutely, yes.

    1. What were your plans for the building Joe?

  8. Smells like the guy that owned Parker place.conflicts

  9. 10:48 AM It wasn't just you, you were made an example of. They already knew who they were selling it to

  10. The question was rhetorical, Joe. But thanks for your input to the question. I just thought others might want to know why you keep ranting about that old firehouse. Too bad you weren't one of the good ol boys running Salisbury.

  11. Funny as hell that you, money bags Albero couldn't buy this building. There you stood with cash in hand and they formulated a plan that prevented you from buying it. Time after time people let you know how hated you are and you still keep coming back for more. Don't worry about what the Times are doing with their property. you or your mouth have nothing to do with any of it.

  12. 11:26 AM wow, not sure how to take that stupid comment. Too bad he isnt a good old boy, crooked POS?

    We like Joe just the way he is, thank you very much

  13. so Gillis Gilkerson - and Palmer Gillis have the right to do whatever they want in Salisbury.

    Question of the day?

    WHO was on council prior to bypass being built?
    WHO dropped off council, purchased a massive amount of farmland prior to state building bypass?

    Smooth plan....

  14. 11:26 - or should I say - how you doing Jim? Regardless of why the information is posted I am glad it is. Everyone needs to know about these crooked a$$hats. I just hope karma catches them one day!! I suspect it will.

  15. I agree the Historical Society is way out of bounds and even more so for Jake Day, he has already ruined parts of the city with his ideas with nothing but bars downtown, not a family area and nothing for children, tearing down the fence at Riverwalk has caused the death of one person already, all he cares about now is this folk festival. What about like other mayors he puts employment on the top of the list, and cleaning up the city, Rt 50 and Rt 13, getting the roads repaired in a more timely way. Need steps to put fines on absentee and slumlords. He needs to get his brain out of the clouds, and stop the selfies, and childish ideas.

  16. September 14, 2017 at 12:15 PM:

    If Joe had been one of the good ol Salisbury boys, his name would be on the deed to that old firehouse. But alas, Joe can't be in the same back room with the good ol boys.

  17. Speaking of doing favors, I was just browsing through the City's FY18 budget after stumbling across the 'new' City website (https://salisbury.md/) that I didn't know about and noticed something rather strange. Outside of the Website looking like a 5-year-old designed it, The word "SALARY" isn't mentioned at all in the entire budget document. The budget only lists salary by pay grade and does NOT list salary by department.

    So for the Mayor's office he gets:
    *One Grade 18 City Administrator (highest grade listed in the budget)
    *TWO Grade 17 Deputy City Administrators (2nd highest grade listed in the budget
    *One Grade 9 Public Information Officer
    *One Grade 7 Executive Admin Office Manager
    *One Grade 4 Admin Office Associate

    Essentially, he eliminated the Grade 12 Assistant City Administrator and added TWO Grade 17 Deputy City Administrator. Oh, and get this, the Second Deputy Administrator was added to the budget BY THE COUNCIL (Says it right in the budget) for $99,959. I may be mistaken, but I thought that the Council could only subtract from the budget, not add to it - I'm not certain on that one. Nevertheless, the Council clearly isn't there to check the Mayor's spending. I, for the life of me, do not understand why you would need TWO deputy administrators. I really don't understand why you would even need one. You should have ONE administrator that oversees the individual department heads or directors. So basically, Jake added two positions near the top of the hierarchy that are NOT needed and are GROSSLY overpaid - after all, they are only one grade lower than the City administrator above them. And here is the REAL kicker the Deputy Administrators are paid more than the people below them who actually have quantifiable experience, education and certification! We're talking, a certified P.E., a C.P.A. a Certified planner and people with several DECADES of work experience with the City. What is Andy Kitzrow and Alison Pulcher certified or experienced to do?

    Read through the budget folks! Your taxes went up to pay for this BS! This mayor is going to drown our City if we keep letting him get away with this!


    1. Alison P is a pathological liar with no qualifications other than being buddies with the mayor. He is complicit in her deceitfulness.

    2. A high school diploma and ZERO experience can get you one of the highest paying jobs in the city of you know the "right" people.

  18. 10:37/12:04 What a hateful little prince you must be. Your just another empty barrel with a loud mouth! WAPOS!

  19. 10:37 and 12:04 are two different people Jay. You are not as smart as you think you are (most people aren't). Nothing "hateful" about MY 10:37 and 11:26 comments. Joe even confirmed I was right in my 10:37 comment by responding publicly to it. Joe was pretty public about his desire to buy that building when it was up for sale. Talk about a loud mouth that doesn't know what he is talking about! Look in the mirror, Jay. Something tells me you just made up that name.

  20. Anything Gilkerson builds leaves a lot to be desired. Shouldn't come as any surprise the simple minded primitive folks over at the Daily Times would hire an unimaginative unsophisticated basic boring builder. This is what happens when the parties involved never get off the eastern shore.

  21. Headquarters Live-LOL. Another one of the idiots' bright ideas. The shame of it all and shame on Day and the rest of them is others would have purchased the building for double or even more. One was a business that relies on government and utility co. contracts who expanded. They would have created at a minimum a dozen good paying jobs w/benefits for local people AND would still be around unlike the moronic idea of a 'music venue.' Funny thing is not long ago it's been said a state politician a democrat no less told the people it was best they didn't get mixed up with the losers politicians in Sby anyway.

  22. LOL 10:37 why would Joe be pissed off. He got the last laugh. It was so funny watching all you imbeciles getting all jazzed up and orgasmic over the incredibly stupid idea of Headquarters Live. Joe and many others on this site called it right from the beginning-It would FAIL and fail it did and we were right here to rub in your faces the TOLD YOU SO'S. And we will be right here again to tell it to you with all of your upcoming failures. So NO---- no one is pissed. Amused is the word. Amused at the idiots and the trail of failures they know how to create.

  23. Joe been around these local clowns most of my life and the truth of it all is if they have that much animosity toward someone you must have or are doing something right. These chumps for the most part are second third generation wealth and haven't done anything but follow up what poppop started

  24. September 14, 2017 at 3:26 PM:

    Do you even read the comments? In particular, did you read Joe's comment in response to my comment. Joe wrote "So you ask, am I pissed they wouldn't sell it to me, the answer is absolutely, yes."

    Joe TOLD all of you that he is pissed off, and why. What is wrong with you? Joe doesn't see anything funny about it. Go back and read his 10:48AM comment.

  25. September 14, 2017 at 3:26 PM:

    Obviously you don't speak for Joe Albero. The historical society didn't let him do what he wanted to do with HIS downtown property, and the city wouldn't sell him the old firehoouse when he had the money in his hand. There's no "last laugh" there. Joe's pissed off and he said so. I don't always agree with Joe, but I think it was low down, dirty back room politics that kept him from getting the old firehouse property. But that's how is is when you deal with local politics. Most real estate deals with local government are "insider" deals made behind closed doors. I've seen it many times. If you are a recipient of a "sweet deal" from the government, it's a good thing for you. If you can't get behind the closed doors where the deals are made, and you want in, it sucks.


  26. So is the shed to be the locus for the DT's distribution for its various publications?

  27. 4:33 - no. It's where they're going to store the "isht" they will be putting on paper. "Isht Paper".

  28. Jake Day is a criminal law breaker and always has been. Don't you remember when he was driving back and forth to his Left Wing Nut job in Chestertown with the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy. He drove without a license because he had so many points he won a toaster. Then he lost his drivers privilege due to Failing To Appear(FTA). He thought he was above the law and didn't have to go to court and Daddy would fix it for him.

  29. Anonymous said...
    Who is the head of the historical society? I would like to talk to this person now. Someone got money for this...Who?

    September 14, 2017 at 10:23 AM

    Well Tom Stevenson was a Board Member. Guess where he works?

    1. Tom stevenson is a complete sellout!! He lacks anything resembling character or integrity. Whenever the mayors office says jump Hus reaction "how high". Its because of people like him that feed Jake days ego that are a big part of the problem. Tell day NO or maybe we should make a conscious effort to address the citizens concerns

    2. It is pretty hilarious to watch, when acting administrator his infamous and extremely limited two responses, " I concur " & " I can't give a definitive response can I get back to you on that? "

    3. Seens like Day and Stevenson formed a bond over a few beers and being pissed off dreaded Napoleon syndrome. These two definitely carry a f'd way of thinking and always having something to prove to someone

  30. Anonymous said...
    Smells like the guy that owned Parker place.conflicts

    September 14, 2017 at 11:15 AM

    Randy Taylor?

    1. Bankruptcy. Unpaid bills. Conflicts of interest. Business failure. Cant pay his taxes. So lets put him on a commission and let him tell others how to do it
      Blind leading the blind

  31. Anonymous said...

    "Oh, and get this, the Second Deputy Administrator was added to the budget BY THE COUNCIL (Says it right in the budget) for $99,959."

    September 14, 2017 at 2:05 PM

    Oh, interesting to say the least. No what about Manure Bota who "converted" to Republican so he could get funding from them to run for office. I would assume that he didn't fight this since that Douche Bag hasn't fought anything Jake Day has done. He is a pure Rubber Stamper for the Democrat Party. He is a Libertarian and part of the word Libertarian means "Liberal."

  32. Anonymous said...

    What is Andy Kitzrow and Alison Pulcher certified or experienced to do?

    September 14, 2017 at 2:05 PM

    Absolutely nothing. Andy Kitzrow was in charge of the afterschool baby sitting program through Recs and Parks, I kid you not. He isn't qualified to wipe the ass of a nursing home patient.

    Andy Kitzrow is one of Jake Day's gay millenial buddies just like Julia Glanz is. Allison Pulcher is one of Jake Day's wannabe "army' family.

    Absolutely NO credentials or experience at all.

    They are not even worth the Grade 12 position that it originally was.

    Now when you see Jack Heath riding in the back of a brand new pick up truck like King and Queen with his wife during the Christmas Parade again this year I hope you throw dog feces at him as well as Manure Bota riding in the convertible like he is someone. Two disappointing white men.

  33. 10:02, All You Can Eat Crab House.

    September 14, 2017 at 11:24 PM:

    Damn! Closer than Old Mill, and way closer than Red Roost. Double damn! Now I really wish you had gotten that property.

  34. Ask to see the building permit.

  35. Salisbury Historic District Commission:

    Chairman: Scott Saxman (Whiting Turner Construction )
    Members: Brenden Frederick (Becker Morgan)
    Brad Phillips - Did not attend May, June July 2017 meetings
    Andy Kitzrow( Wicomico County)
    Matt Auchley (Board of Ed)
    Barry Dressel

    The "3 sided storage bay" was approved at the May 27 meeting of the historic commission. Brad Phillips was the only member who did not attend. Minutes say "the property had perviously been deemed a contributing structure by the SHDC at the 2/12/14 meeting of the commission." Ssounds like some loophole was created! What the heck is a contributing structure?!)

    Mr. Frederick made the motion to approve this "with a modification that the corrugated edge will be covered." Kitzrow seconded the motion. "There being no public comment, the motion carried unanimously."

    This entirely smells!! I wonder if it was posted in advance to cover the Open Meetings Act?! I doubt it! Shame on an employee of Becker Morgan letting this go thru! He should know better! And amazing that Kutzrow, a county employee, is not in a conflict of interest!

    1. Not one actual historian on this commission. What a joke! With SU's history department and they couldn't find one historian to round out their farce to make it appear like it's a real historical society. What a sham sham job.

  36. To go with the Historic Commission members post, I just looked up what Contributing Building means. It means that the Building DOES fit and MUST comply with the Historic District guidelines because the building is considered Historically Significant. Look at the meeting minutes from 2/14 for more detail on what was discussed and approved when the Firehouse opened by DEVRECO. FInd it here:


    Brad & Joey threatened to withdraw their building plans if the commission would not approve a fence. SO, of course, the commission caved. Amazing! There was/is a major cover up here!

  37. Wonder why city gov didn't just tear it down. It's history and we all know how little Democrats and millennials value history. Jake you're asleep at the wheel.


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