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Sunday, September 17, 2017

Salisbury Mayor Jake Day So Desperate For Money He's Creating New Positions, Fire Marshal & More

The City of Salisbury will exempt themselves from Wicomico County legislation.

The following shall have the authority to issue citations for municipal infractions or civil zoning violations:

Director of the department of - building, permitting and inspection 

Director of the department of neighborhood services and code compliance

Director of the department of Water Works and any designee of the director

Housing supervisor

Building inspector

Housing inspector

Zoning Administrator

Plan examiner

Plumbing inspector

All city police officers

Director, public works

Deputy director public works

Operations and maintenance supervisor/superintendent

Sanitation superintendent

Safety manager

Chief or deputy chief of the Salisbury fire department

Fire Marshal

So, what do you think this is going to cost you taxpayers to break away from the County????

View Document Page 3 ordinance 2443 & page 110.


  1. Taxes will HAVE to sky rocket. Don't be fooled by Day. Nothing he has ever done has amounted to anything and this won't either. It will be a major debacle. He lives in LaLa Land in other words he is incapable of any thinking skills an that is why he is not successful.

  2. This kid Mayor has a verifiable screw loose. You don't need more, you can do a whole lot better with less instead. Thank god we have a good County Administrator in Wicomico.

  3. LOL Day is incredibly ignorant as in extremely low IQ. He ran on how he was going to "create a new Small Business Incubator for startup companies." LOL
    The imbecile must have heard the word incubator and thought it would make him sound clever and intelligent if he used it.

  4. The only thing that will be left in the City will be rentals and slums. Tell me little boy Mayor how you will get taxes from that???? Are all of the City Council people in agreement with all these changes???

  5. This is absolutely asinine. Why should we as tax payers foot the bill for a "fire marshal" when the state of Maryland has a fire marshal that handles all arson investigations and most inspections. Why should the Salisbury Fire Department have a "fire marshal" to do plan reviews and inspections when Wicomico County is already doing it.

    Wait, I know! Jake Day is playing his silly games with the County and he thinks he has all the power.

    Jake Day also sees dollar signs because he can charge what he wants as fees for the plan reviews and inspections. He has to find a way to pay for all of the paid firemen in Salisbury and charging for plan reviews and inspections will bring in revenue to the city.

    Who loses?? You lose as a tax payer because you are paying for this so called fire marshal. You also lose as a tax payer because you are now paying for 60 paid firemen when just a few short years ago you had over 100 volunteers that could handle ALL fire calls in Salisbury. That is until Rick Hoppes ran them off.

    "...deleting the references to Volunteer Company No. 1." is a Charter Change, like an act of God to get the Charter changed. If that isn't evidence that Jake Day and Rick Hoppes didn't work overtime to eliminate the volunteers then I don't know what is! Looks to me like they have no plans what so ever to replace the Station #1 Volunteers.

    Where is the outrage?? Why aren't the businesses raising hell? Why aren't the tax paying property owners raising Hell? Why aren't the tax paying homeowners raising Hell?? Why aren't the renters raising Hell?? Yes renters, because renters will have a higher lease to pay for this wastes.

  6. Bob should cut Jakester off in a big way. He doesn't need Salisbury but the same cannot be said for Salisbury not needing Wicomico. First, Bob needs to evict the SOBs out of the GOB immediately. Precedence was set when Martin made a payment so there's no legal recourse for the city and their dereliction to pay said rents in that agreement.

    Give them a 72-hour pay or quit on the millions they owe the County and when they don't pay, have the Sheriff's office there to escort them out. Throw their crap out on N. Division and call it a day.

    UHaulIt anyone? Better get Brenda on the phone, Jake. You're gonna need a lot of big trucks to move all your crap out!

  7. Brenda needs to get the bill paid in cash up front before releasing one truck. You never know if a city check is legal tender or not given their budget is illegal in the first place!

  8. I've worked for Planning and Zoning for nearly two decades and we haven't even have all of these positions - and we served BOTH the City AND the County.

  9. Can I get the job that gets to follow around the leader with an umbrella shading him ?

  10. And just where does Jake think he's going to get the cash to fund all these people he wants to add to his cabal? Does he really think the Section 8 crowd pays taxes? LOL What a clown your mayor is.

  11. Citizens: Isn't there a mental capacity clause in the City Charter? If so, maybe it's time you people used it!

  12. Why in the world does the Salisbury Fire Department need a fire marshal. They will be triplicating services done by the County and the State Fire Marshal.

    We all know it's to generate revenue to pay for the paid firemen that Jake Day and Jim Ireton hired.

  13. City businesses are going to run like he!!, theres no way they can survive the tax increase and the regulations /fines/harassment. The county needs to open up a commercial/business zone.

  14. More fake jobs for his unqualified cronies! They are making, what, 3 times the average yearly income for this area??? Criminals


  15. All said and done, he's going to be screwing his slumlord cronies.

    There is actually a finite limit to what working taxpayers who own homes can afford. Plus working renters who'll get stuck as the costs are passed on to them. And finally the voucher renters; again there is a limit to what their public underwriters will provide.

    Detroit and Baltimore have immense numbers of vacant homes and exceedingly depressed real estate values as a consequence.

    Those are towns Jerk Day should be visiting, instead of Greensboro, because that's the mold he's creating for the 'bury.

  16. Where is Muir Bota, the fake Republican, on all this?

  17. Chubster Cramer, the homewrecker isn't qualified to be a fire marshal. Sucking up to Hoppes and Jerk Day and getting a free vacation to North Carolina for the National "Fold" Festival doesn't make you qualified for a high ranking position like that of fire marshal. How many plan reviews and inspections has Cramer done riding the ambulance as a Paramedic. He couldn't even get that right, but hey Hoppes was never a real fire fighter either.

    Calling someone a fire marshal doesn't make someone a fire marshal. A lot of training and education comes with that position and training and education isn't what Cramer has under his belt. But then again neither does Hoppes. And neither does Julia Glanze, Amanda Pollock or Andy Kitzrow have for their positions. I thought this city was a joke under Jim Ireton, but it is worse than under Barrie Tilghman.

  18. You have a director of public works and a deputy director?? What exactly do you need two heads of one department for? I can tell you this much go old butt pirate to. Stevenson will be writing fines like his life depends on it. That's all the guy knows is to kiss up to whomever is mayor at the time

  19. they must have another buddy that needs a job

  20. I think k it would be a little difficult to admit working for the city of Salisbury at this point. Just to be thought of in the same sense as the so called leaders would be an embarrassment

  21. From city administrator to cigarette police, damn I'm glad I'm not one of Day's friends. On the other hand I guess I'd ride around writing 500-1,000 fines all day for 1000,000/year

  22. @5::22 you said a mouthful there. Have no use for people that their main asset for a job us to suck up to the top boss. Stevenson stated in sickening fashion with tilgman then went all out on Ireton and Day until it became evident he was way in over his head only for Day to create a nice cushy job with the same salary I'm sure. Day and his circus of friends us getting pretty obnoxious, overrated and frankly sickening to watch them carry themselves as though they have leadership qualities to offer


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