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Sunday, September 10, 2017

Salisbury City Council Agenda & Packet for 9-11-17

This file may take a moment to load. There are 258 pages with several things on the agenda


  1. So, it looks like the Council wants to restructure the entire City Government! WTH for? How many new positions will be required? Sounds to me like at least 5 new departments are being formed.

    And under the award of bids, they are handing over the money to build an amphitheater down on the Riverwalk instead of fitting it with railings which should be required by MOSH.

    If you are a City Taxpayer, you need to be at this next Council meeting. Jake Day is spending City money like water here.


  2. Interesting that they want to ban vaping but they can't seem to get industry to stay in town. Day and his lunatics are making this their revenue model while they watch companies and human capital leave the area. Smart thinking! Phase III of Salisbury's ultimate destruction is underway. Sit back and enjoy the bonfire!

  3. Comment Worthy of a Post

    Ordinance No. 2442- 1

    First reading - to amend Chapter 2.16.020 Fire Department -
    Organization, Subsections A, B, F, G, H and I of the Salisbury City Code by adding the
    positions of Deputy Fire Chief of Administrative Services and Fire Marshall to the Department, and by deleting the references to Volunteer Company No. 1


    Three things!

    1) WTH do they need another Deputy Fire Chief for??

    2) WTH do they need a Fire Marshal for when we already have the Office of the State Fire Marshal and Wicomico County Fire Inspections? WTH does Jake Day want to duplicate services for??

    3) "...deleting the references to Volunteer Company No. 1." If that isn't evidence that Jake Day and Rick Hoppes didn't work overtime to eliminate the volunteers then I don't know what is! Looks to me like they have no plans what so ever to replace the Station #1 Volunteers.

  4. I wonder how much legal time was involved in rewriting code?

  5. Anonymous said...
    Comment Worthy of a Post

    Ordinance No. 2442- 1

    First reading - to amend Chapter 2.16.020 Fire Department -
    Organization, Subsections A, B, F, G, H and I of the Salisbury City Code by adding the
    positions of Deputy Fire Chief of Administrative Services and Fire Marshall to the Department, and by deleting the references to Volunteer Company No. 1


    Three things!

    1) WTH do they need another Deputy Fire Chief for??

    2) WTH do they need a Fire Marshal for when we already have the Office of the State Fire Marshal and Wicomico County Fire Inspections? WTH does Jake Day want to duplicate services for??

    3) "...deleting the references to Volunteer Company No. 1." If that isn't evidence that Jake Day and Rick Hoppes didn't work overtime to eliminate the volunteers then I don't know what is! Looks to me like they have no plans what so ever to replace the Station #1 Volunteers.

    September 10, 2017 at 5:27 PM

    Joe What the Hell is going on in this City?? Do you have any idea what is going on here?? This is costing the tax payers hundreds of thousands of dollars.

  6. Exactly, 7:30! First of all, the Fire Marshal (State) might as well be God, as he has more power than Larry Hogan in governing new building inspections! And, to put a City "fire marshal" in his path is probably not only illegal, but at the very least an insult to the Office of Fire Marshal! Want to stir some ire? go ahead, Dummy!

    This woodchuck mayor we have is just inventing $100k jobs for his childish friends who are in his "in" crowd.

    That's all this reorganizing and renaming of jobs and departments is trying to do.

    Any Salisbury taxpayer who cares about staying here even 2 more years needs to be standing in that meeting this week to raise holy heck over this robbery of your money!

  7. Why in the world does the Salisbury Fire Department need a fire marshal. They will be triplicating services done by the County and the State Fire Marshal.

    We all know it's to generate revenue to pay for the paid firemen that Jake Day and Jim Ireton hired.


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