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Sunday, September 10, 2017

BREAKING NEWS: A Viewer Writes......SFD member injured: UPDATE 9-3-17

Joe. That call for trooper 4 is for a firefighter in sleepy hallow. 16-1 backed over their own guy putting down blue reflectors.

SBYNEWS can confirm that there is Fire/EMS activity in the area of the Sleepy Hollow neighborhood.  Trooper 4 did land and is transporting a patient to the hospital. 

UPDATE: The road is still closed off and roped off. The Maryland State Police Lab is now on the scene. 1:10 PM. 

UPDATE #2: We're told the injured person is Sharee Sample Hughes Son. Now get this, a witness saw him sitting on the front bumper as the truck sped up from one reflector to the next. You only need to guess what happened from that point forward. 


  1. Paid professionals!!

  2. 😂😂😂 backed over their own? Keystone Firefighters! 👨🏼‍🚒👨🏼‍🚒👨🏼‍🚒👨🏼‍🚒

  3. Why did they need Trooper 4? Sleep Hollow isn't that far from PRMC? Is the guy so badly hurt he needed to go to Baltimore? While I hope the injuries are minor, it is time a serious review is done of the SFD. It is a clown show in more ways than one.

  4. Holy crap, meanwhile nothing was dispatched? Funny how this all is being kept on the hush hush!!

  5. Hope he's OK , terrible thing
    to happen To Anyone.

  6. The firefighter has serious injuries so I would chill.

  7. I think your rude insensitive comments can wait. Accidents to happen, regardless of your profession. This is someones family member. Show some respect.

    1. Accidents dont just happen. They are caused

    2. Like your parents making you

  8. Where was the spotter? Why was 16-1 backing up? Does the engine driver have EVO that the dept requires?

  9. Prayers for the injured man.
    What is wrong with you people making such insensitive comments.

  10. Impressive reporting. Good work Joe.

  11. Wow all over placing these stupid blue markers that continue to go missing because they do not stick well

  12. This is ridiculous over some blue markers

  13. To the Firefighters coming on here telling people to stop being so insensitive in comments, shut the hell up. If you saw the real insensitive comments we've already rejected, (along with your crybaby comments) you'd be amazed.

    While everyone is concerned for the individuals well being/condition, it does sound like someone really screwed up here.

    I have watched all of you go back and forth for YEARS, volunteers vs paid, acting like a bunch is sissies. Then I watch these very same jackasses posting on Facebook, "brotherhood above all" crap.

    I have never seen a more ignorant group of GIRLS in my entire life. By the way, PROFESSIONALS don't have accidents, not like this one anyway. I can't understand for the life of me why you people get paid.

    1. Ding ding ding...professionals do NOT mess around like this. I have a feeling there are going to be some heads on the chopping block for this one and Sample-Hughes has already contacted a high price injury lawyer you can bet on that!

    2. HEY! Don't insult us females by grouping us with these preschoolers! At least we can multi-task without injury!

    3. Female or shemale. Apparently you can't function your mouth and your brain at the same time. Was you there? & no I wasn't and thats why I know better to insinuate or assume. God be w/ that young man.

    4. Thank you for summing up how all of us feel.

  14. What IDIOT was driving the Fire Truck, allowing someone to sit on the front bumper. I have a witness who saw them speeding from one hydrant to the next with people on the front bumper. UNBELIEVABLE!

    1. or ...... What idiots were sitting on the front bumper? You said "SIT", so the IDIOTS may have been out of sight of the driver? UNBELIEVABLE that the driver might have seen them sitting.

    2. Well said Joe. If the injured is indeed Ms SampleHughes' son. Then there is absolutely no excuse for his stupidity given what his father does for a living!

    3. mr.desmond Hughes is the best person u can know

  15. The Sheriff's Office is on scene investigating for SPD.

  16. While I pray he is OK at the same time everyone on that truck is an idiot for allowing someone to 'sit' on a bumper of a moving truck. Obviously safety was not a first concern for them it was just a 'fun outing' till someone got hurt. Why are they using a $400,000 truck to check or do reflectors in the first place, this could have been done from one of the city owned assistant chiefs vehicle for a lot less.
    Get ready city taxpayers, this is not over by a long shot, this accident is going to cost dearly!

  17. While I pray he is OK at the same time everyone on that truck is an idiot for allowing someone to 'sit' on a bumper of a moving truck. Obviously safety was not a first concern for them it was just a 'fun outing' till someone got hurt. Why are they using a $400,000 truck to check or do reflectors in the first place, this could have been done from one of the city owned assistant chiefs vehicle for a lot less.
    Get ready city taxpayers, this is not over by a long shot, this accident is going to cost dearly!

  18. I can't wait to see if this is the "career" staff or "volunteers". The "career" staff always talks about how well trained they are and how much better they are than "volunteers". Demotions and terminations should be forthcoming. There is NO excuse for this. Flat out lack of supervision and leadership. They stopped firefighters from riding on the rear step of engines YEARS ago due to safety even though they had safety bars and harnesses. How can a supervisor allow someone to sit on the bumper while the engine is moving? Wow...just...wow.

  19. I certainly hope that it doesn't but, if this incident results in a fatality, the public doesn't want to hear about how someone "gave their life in the line of duty" or how "brave" the person was. There should be no award of a "medal of valor". This is absolutely ridiculous and should have never happened!!!

  20. Stupid yes, but my prayers go out to all.

  21. Prayers for the injured firefighter

  22. Them @#$@#$@$ blue reflectors, stupid as hell. Wouldn't it make more sense to get some reflective blue tape and wrap one time around the hydrant itself if anything?

    Sorry this person was injured, but this needs to be sign to stop this idiotic program NOW.

  23. There Highest Ranking Vollie Ofc was driving... 1st Asst Chief..

  24. The driver should be done . A assistant chief should know better

  25. Chief Message) [Brooks Morris] ALL - In reference to today's departmental incident, DO NOT post anything on Social Media. The City Fire Chief and PIO will speak with the press and release any information the correct way. If any one calls and wants information, refer them to the City's PIO through the Mayor's Office. Thank you.

    1. Hmm starting early on hiding something

    2. Are you referring to the same PIO who is currently being sued by the ACLU for FOIA violations? 357 won't be holding my breath for Demone to be honest about any situation much less this one!

  26. Lack of leadership from the Mayor on down. Heads should roll. In areas where these markers are in place, it is the responsibility of the roads dept. to install not the fire dept.

  27. If you were told not to speak about it why are you posting this? You listen well! How obvious is it that you are in the department idiot. Hope you get written up/suspended!

  28. You all are heartless, one of YOUR own was hurt and here you are bashing each other. You should be ashamed.

  29. Who was the officer in charge of this cluster? The citizens of Salisbury who pay his/her salary should demand their firing.

  30. Joe - you have clearly exposed multiple times the sloppy, unprofessional leadership at the Salisbury Fire Department. This is the result of poor standards and another example of the SFD thinking they are "cool" - riding a bumper - really!!?? Which duty officer was there and allowed that?

    This is not an insensitive comment for those of you who are pitching that line, but an observation that when you allow poor leadership and low standards to prevail, accidents are likely to happen. This should be a wake-up call to the leaders of Salisbury, but sadly, I think they are too arrogant or too dumb to realize the problem they are enabling.

  31. It will be interesting to see how this "incident" is handled. Considering the rampant crime that is ruining the City and County, this should set a new low for "spin" and cover-up. Uh-oh...but again, if it is really Sheree Sample Hughes' son.....

  32. Still wondering....why was Trooper 4 called when so close to PRMC?

    1. The young man's injuries were severe enough that he was taken straight to Shock Trauma

  33. Its a volunteer officer. He has been around for years.. Definately not like him. Shame, but at the same time they no better. Im sure he is devastated.
    Well wishes to all.

  34. Anonymous 412 read up some and you can figure out who it is, if you know anything about the volunteer service and there ranking officers.

  35. You know she already has Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. on speed dial.

  36. You don't ride on the front bumper of a moving vehicle for the same reason you don't ride on the front on a moving boat. Remember, a child was killed from falling off of a pontoon boat and being run-over. If this guy was truly riding on the front bumper of the truck , then I'm pretty sure he wasn't backed over (at first). Initially, he was probably run over and then the truck had to back up to move off of him. The driver and the supervisor should be held accountable and both lose their jobs/positions. The guy that was riding made a mistake but whoever was driving and/or in charge should never have allowed it to begin with.

  37. 4:16 This persons injuries are why they were flown, Happens more than you think. If they were "ran over" they need to go to a higher level trauma center. PRMC would have shipped anyway.

  38. Clearly a violation of SOP and grossly negligent.

  39. So, let me get this straight. Some are claiming in comments that the driver is a high ranking volunteer firefighter - one who remained with the City. Clearly, it is not anyone from Salisbury Fire Station 13. Maybe those volunteers were smart to break away from the cluster that is the SFD. Could it be that becoming an independent station is a testament to their awareness of the poor leadership within SFD and their desire to escape from it? Perhaps a light should be shown on those attacking the Station 13 volunteers. For all the superiority the paid men and remaining City volunteers like to claim, they are looking quite stupid today. To all the paid firemen and City volunteers - remember the saying "people in glass houses..."? Your house is definitely glass and of the most fragile kind!

  40. If they were putting these blue markers in a housing development, why did they need a fire truck to "speed" from marker to marker? The firefighters could have walked the street to get it done.

    1. A better question is why did they need an engine to do this? Why not send a utility vehicle with lights, far less fuel used. They want to make a huge production out of everything, everything needs a full response.

    2. Use the weight of the engine to adhere the reflectors.

    3. "Weight of the Engine" ? OMG ! That poor man.

      I used to think it's stupid to run over your own Dog in your driveway. Until it happened to me. I backed off him. Should've jacked-up car. Bad judgement call when in panic mode. Dog lived for 13 years. Blessed.
      Many prayers and blessings for injured man.

  41. Will there be a proper press release on this incident?

  42. Typical Firefighters calling me names and cursing with some of the most horrific language ever. Hey Boys, here's one for you. Ask the Boy Mayor what he's about to do to your budget, HINT, HINT! Save those curse words for him because you're about to get spanked.

  43. I hope they don't have a press release. This is a perfect reason why, People acting ignorant!

  44. Didn't that city cop recently call attention to all the inefficiency and waste at SFD only to have the city leaders and paid farmen try to silence him? He specifically said the blue reflectors were propaganda and a waste. There are bright yellow hydrants every hundred feet or so in the city. If the farmen can't find one without a road reflector then maybe they should look for other work. This incident today wreaks of incompetent management and unprofessional culture. Maybe they wanted to quiet that cop for a reason. This is a damn shame.

    1. You just make your comment sound completely ridiculous by saying farmen. Grow up and act like you have one smidge of education, I am doubting that you do if the word "farmen" is all you can come up with. Go ahead and Google thesaurus some grown up vocabulary...we will wait.

    2. Hi Jason (5:25)

    3. The disgruntled snowflake cop

  45. Everyone involved should be drug tested.

  46. 5:28, I am sure they all were.

  47. Is the individual involved alright or not? Nobody has even mentioned that!

  48. How bad are they hurt?

  49. The young man was flown to Shock Trauma, how do you think he's doing. You people expect us to deliver his injuries even before the SFD puts out a press release on the incident? Unbelievable!

  50. Why can't you Joe?
    Just want to know his condition, not his injuries.

  51. 5:58, We will update this post once we know his condition.

  52. Joe - it is unbelievable what a hillbilly, backward, crime-ridden place this area has become and apparently people like it that way. Look at all the dumb actions that are heralded as the greatest thing ever. No one with any brains goes downtown anymore and I understand nearby Churches are now having safety concerns with events after dark, not to mention scary daytime encounters. The Salisbury Police (pizza will solve crime) and Salisbury Fire (blue markers in tire lanes) are complete jokes. The inmates are running the asylum. No wonder they were afraid to let you win and become Mayor, you would have turned everything around and upset their idea of progress. You would have drained the swamp!

  53. My heart goes out to this individual and the person who was driving, I can not imagine what he is going through either.

  54. Sad state of affairs when our local "Regional Medical Center" is a fly-by most of the time. If the public really knew what went on, they'd be appalled. Not a real medical center, when you can't handle serious injuries. Needs to go back to being a "general hospital".

    1. Dear Sad State of Affairs, do you know why he was flown to Shock Trauma?

      Perhaps you should consider moving to Balt just incase you need hosp care Before you leave could you tell us the public what you know for a fact is going on at PRMC -leaving out all you THINK you know

    2. Unless you know for sure anything about PRMC's trauma protocol you should curb your ethusiasm for them.

  55. 6:05 Rt. 50 and 13 both will take you somewhere else. Feel free to drive on out of town.

  56. Since most of you never leave the shore and fewer have ever been in public safety, the blue reflector are a proven aid in hydrant location when properly installed. How many of you have looked for a hydrant at night in a driving rain storm while operating a 35ton vehicle with 3-4 people screaming over the radio where they want hose deployed? Thought so. BTW, I'm not affiliated with any FD in this area. That being said, no one should ever be riding on the front of a truck. Nearly all departments have done away with riding on the rear.

  57. You call some place paradise, kiss it goodbye!

  58. Does Salisbury Fire Department not use Map Books? I know in PG County we have map books which show fire hydrant locations and prior to your arrival you know where the hydrants are

    1. Map books, or any other system paper or electronic, aren't foolproof. These reflective markers are just one more way to help spot a plug in less than perfect circumstances. It's one thing to see a red dot in a map book, it's another to actually be on the street and be able to see a reflective marker exactly where the plug is in relation to the fire.
      For the little cost that is associated with these, it's well worth it.

    2. Looks like it was a pretty BIG cost yesterday!!! Not worth it.

  59. Jake????

    OH Jakie???

  60. We don't have hillbillies we have hood rats

  61. 6:19 - the problem is too many feel the way that commenter does and ARE leaving. Hope you will enjoy your higher taxes to cover the loss of tax revenue from those exiting the city and county.

  62. 7:12 - that's a good one. I think we have some of both!

  63. No one cares what p.g county does.

  64. 7:21 We already left the tax base. No longer pay MD income tax and have sold several properties.

  65. The city is going to try to hide this to . They hide all true facts. If the city told the truth it will show for months . Prob same reason that group left . Prayers for the family.

  66. 7:09 PM According to the staff, there are whole sections on floors that are closed and they no longer use the rooms for patients. PRMC has some dirty dirty secrets that need to come out.

    Also, after they let go of a bunch of staff, they replaced them with traveling nurses and doctors, who do not reside here and have no vested interest other than a paycheck. This also came from the horse mouth, when a relative was a patient there. Our "nurse" was from Massachusetts.

  67. There is a video going around showing these ff riding on front bumper of engine . The dumb actions by the sfd has resulted in a ff seriously injured .

  68. Still no press release from SFD..... certainly is quiet.

    1. Prob will stay like that till they find the best way to cover this up .

  69. A terrible accident that never needed to happen. These fireman should be dealing with what they are trained to do. I hope the fireman is going to be okay.

  70. Check out the way our local news is covering this incident, talk about covering it up. This is disgusting the only one you can depend on for local news anymore is Joe.

  71. The city is already trying to cover this up . Facts are facts there were 2 riding on front bumper. Gross negligence on the driver and the officer . Sue this city to fund this boy the rest of his life because his body won't ever be right 100 percent because of these older suppose to be leaders that purposely got him hurt . You allowed him to sit up front on the bumper while your engine was in drive .

    1. I would agree you are a leader and allow this to happen well you are to blame .

  72. Sounds like karma is rearing it's ugly head at our local firefighters who have trashed talked everyone who didn't buy their ill treatment of the volunteers. Sorry for the kid that was stupid enough to ride on the front bumper because he'll live with that stupid decision the rest of his life and so will the driver. But as for the black mark it leaves on all the paid firefighters who should have known better to start, they have proven their real incompetence, yet they continue to trash anyone who dares to poke a hole into their little universe. Karma's a bitch.

  73. I am sorry but there is absolutely no excuse to have a fire engine putting these reflectors down in neighborhoods. I live not far from this neighborhood and there are always a lot of kids playing in the street in this neighborhood so they are lucky that they did not hit one of these kids.
    I also heard the helicopter going over my house but I did not hear any sirens so the ambulance parked there was sent with as little attention as they could get by with. As for the coverage from our local media it is atrocious and this is just one more thing that has happened in Salisbury that is getting covered up.

    1. I agree with your assessment however, "kids playing in the street" is not an argument. Streets are for DRIVING on. Not PLAYING. As a parent, it is YOUR responsibility to keep your children from playing in the streets. Sorry, but, that is a fact. Tax dollars pay for drivers to drive on roadways. They are not playgrounds.

  74. How long before Bryan Records spins one of his tall tales about how personally, and singlehandedly, lifted the engine off of the firefighter. That will be the story he tells all the college girls while he is digging through the dumpster. He, and everyone else who was remotely close to the scene, will get some "life saving" medal to pin on their uniforms. Disgusting from a bunch of self proclaimed "professionals" with "superior training".

  75. Anonymous said...
    If they were putting these blue markers in a housing development, why did they need a fire truck to "speed" from marker to marker? The firefighters could have walked the street to get it done.

    September 3, 2017 at 4:46 PM

    Are you kidding... They know how dangerous Salisbury is.

  76. The incident involved a volunteer crew not career not that it makes a difference. I love how people attack the fire department then turn around and need them truly amazing.

  77. My take on any of these blogs is if you have to be anonymous to make a statement then don't...

    1. Says Mr. Anonymous (rolling my eyes and yawning)

    2. Yet you are anonymous?

    3. I didn't come on here complaining about people being anonymous. Please try to follow along Cletus. It's really not that hard.

  78. Anonymous said...
    😂😂😂 backed over their own? Keystone Firefighters! 👨🏼‍🚒👨🏼‍🚒👨🏼‍🚒👨🏼‍🚒

    September 3, 2017 at 12:30 PM

    The update stated he was on a front bumper. WTF

  79. Sounds like a whole lot of Monday morning quarterbacking going on....let's get the investigation report before hanging anyone.... accidents happen every day.. let's focus on the injured fireman!

  80. Anonymous said...
    Why did they need Trooper 4? Sleep Hollow isn't that far from PRMC? Is the guy so badly hurt he needed to go to Baltimore? While I hope the injuries are minor, it is time a serious review is done of the SFD. It is a clown show in more ways than one.

    September 3, 2017 at 12:36 PM

    Excellent question. There was a time that the Salisbury Fire Department was forbade from calling the helicopter because of such close proximity to PRMC a Trauma Center. Dr. Todd needs to get he act together as medical director. There is way to much on scene time while the patient waits in a parked ambulance for 45 minutes or more and the Trauma Center is 5 minutes away.

    1. Had it been been joe blow in same condition you would had took a ride in the ambulance we take care of our own .

  81. JoeAlbero said...
    To the Firefighters coming on here telling people to stop being so insensitive in comments, shut the hell up. If you saw the real insensitive comments we've already rejected, (along with your crybaby comments) you'd be amazed.

    While everyone is concerned for the individuals well being/condition, it does sound like someone really screwed up here.

    I have watched all of you go back and forth for YEARS, volunteers vs paid, acting like a bunch is sissies. Then I watch these very same jackasses posting on Facebook, "brotherhood above all" crap.

    I have never seen a more ignorant group of GIRLS in my entire life. By the way, PROFESSIONALS don't have accidents, not like this one anyway. I can't understand for the life of me why you people get paid.

    September 3, 2017 at 1:22 PM

    Amen Joe! Amen!!

    Nearly every accident I can remember in the Salisbury Fire Department has has been the fault of the fire department driving. Just as Chris O'Barski about the multiple accidents he was in. He wrecked the brand new $100,000 SUV "Command" vehicle. Respond on an MVC that he wasn't dispatched on or even requested. He took it upon himself to go spy on the Station 1 Volunteers who were handling the call just fine. On another incident he was responding on a call in one of the older Crown Vics to a reported "stabbing" and Central just said it was a slice to the hand and not a stabbing, but he continued to keep responding after self dispatching himself. He got on Naylor Mill Road in the area prior to Lowes and wiped out and ran off the road. Very Amatueur driving and he didn't even get charged or written up. These paid firemen don't get charged because of "professional courtesy" which is very wrong. O'Barski has been a big screw up since the day he was hired and kept getting promoted because he was one of the "Good old Boys." Many other paid firemen have wrecked through wreckless driving. What about the many, many times the firemen wrecked the brand new tower truck. No one got written up on those. I could go on and on. What about the ones that we don't hear about.

  82. Salisbury will never figure out how to properly cover their tracks. Proper press releases mean everything. Wait too long as in this instance, and you show your guilt. Perform a press release too fast and without the facts, and you look like an idiot and you show your lack of leadership, hence when those volunteers left the city and baby face Jake believed the chubby old man Hoppes. You want the facts out there for the whole nation to see, someone call Dave Statter from Statter911.com. Salisbury will be blasted for this one.

  83. How about 16 volunteers taking 20 min to get a second run crew after being alerted? They were to cover the city after one of your own was hurt and it takes 20 + min to get a crew? Good lord this is the norm for them but, it is acceptable now? Station 2 hahaha couldn't get a crew if you paid them anymore. One of your own goes down you still have a job to do so get at it but, this is what the entire community wants now!

  84. Someone needs to inform Delegate Hughes that her son lying on the stretcher in the back of that ambulance WAITING for the State Police Helicopter when he could have been getting life saving treatment at PRMC and stabilized by medical professionals with medical degrees instead of some EMT with a firehouse education. Please Delegate Hughes you need to investigate and sue the City of Salisbury, the Salisbury Fire Department, Rick Hoppes, John Tull, Darrin Scott, Lee Smith, Jon David Black, Jimmy Gladwell and the Paramedics, EMT's, and firemen involved in this tragedy. Let it be known that it was not originally dispatched. They were trying to handle everything as quiet as possible. Jon David Black then "Established Command" before anything was even dispatched. Everything was done by phone because they tried to keep it quiet. All of this Bullsh*t wasted valuable life saving time. Also get a copy of the 911 Centers tapes before they accidentally get erased. You will want all the phone calls that were taped before, during and after the mishap. Delegate Hughes everyone is depending on you.

    1. I knew that azz clown Gladwell was involved. Ol Bootsy would f up a bowling ball. Everything he involves himself with turns to a turd sandwich.

  85. With all due respect this article needs to be pinned to the top!

  86. Professionals in all work environments from time to time have accidents...if they didn't OSHA wouldn't exist!!! There would be no need for workmen's comp!!! No matter how professional you are ACCIDENTS happen!!!!

  87. Any update on the injured firefighter?!

  88. Does the injured person have a identity or does he go by Sharee Sample Huges son? Why is her name in the post? Prayers for the injured.


  89. A jimmy gladwell post this morning that states he seen the best care and response yesterday that he has ever seen so I would assume the public has never been important for some good quality care or a fast response.

    I know folks mean well but please do me a favor and dont do me any favors by sending me links to an alternative news site. I am well aware of the nastiness being exhibited by the Anonymous heroes who just happened to have been at the scene and are experts in all things SFD.

    Do yourself the favor and simply dont do that site any favors by visiting it. All of us will be better off and retain grey matter that actually matters.

    Bad things happened, yesterday. Things that will affect both everyone who played a role and the department for years to come. But I also observed some of the best patient care and overall response to an incident that I've ever seen. People out front who responded and people behind the scenes who wont get the credit they deserve for what they did.

    The positive actions exhibited by many far outweigh the bantering of a few moronic experts who lack the courage to attach their names to their cowardly commentary and who only continue to prove their ignorance with each key stroke.

    Haters gonna hate. Leave them to do so within their realm of reality. Please leave me out of same.

    This post was on Facebook on Jimmy Gladwell

    1. Wow guess my life isn't as important as yours . Nice to know

    2. So Gladwell saying responses are not always that fast . Guess we the public are not a priority

    3. If that was a verbatim post from Bootsy Gladwell, he has the writing skills of a 6 year old raised by wolves. Instead of thumping his imaginary chest about his "heroic" efforts, he should brush up on his English and grammar skills. I guess that fake online college he attends doesn't grade important things like sentence structure, punctuation or grammar. They must grade on a HUGE curve. I know..I know...EVERYONE gets a trophy nowadays. Just sad and embarrassing for a so called "supervisor".

  90. If Workmen's Comp covers this, that is plain wrong. Firefighters DO NOT ride on the front bumper of a fire truck, and if that is permitted, I'd like to see it in writing. I can just imagine the stories that are going to be made up over this incident. I'm very glad there was a witness.

    1. As stated above, Bryan Records will be telling his story for YEARS to come. I'm sure it will involve him personally lifting the engine off of this poor guy. Such an overrated hose beater.

  91. Excellent care was provided by Trooper 4. They are the best around. Better trained, higher standards.

  92. I have a better idea park the fire truck at the station and use them only for an emergency and let a worthless city worker use their city vehicle to walk from fire hydrant to fire hydrant to mark them.

  93. I am very surprised that this happened. Sfd was all about safety when I left the dept. If you were caught not wearing a seat belt in the fire vehicle you were written up. Sounds like pissed poor leadership for a bs cause of putting out blue markers. I thought 16 had cars and pickups to do things like this? Oh that's right the county money goes to the city and not the volunteers so the volunteers can't buy them anymore

  94. They used a fire truck because they could!!!! Whoever okayed this should be fired.

  95. I am not sure on the citations this driver will get. I believe one will be assault by vehicle causing tramatic injury which is a felony and driving a commercial vehicle. I might be wrong. Does anyone know what he will be charged with?

    1. Being a dumba$$ for allowing rider On bumper.

    2. He will not be charged with assault. Assault is an "intent" crime. You have to show that he INTENDED to run over him. He will probably be charged with negligent driving and failure to secure a passenger. Lastly, a fire engine is NOT a commercial vehicle. It is not used for commercial purposes.

    3. He can be charged with Reckless Endangerment because of his negligence. It's a misdemeanor but still a criminal offense. Will the SPD roll over on the SFD? Will Disharoom fail to prosecute because of some political influence by Firefighters? She's up for election and the Fire Dept oversees some polls in our areas. And votes can get misplaced should firefighters get upset at certain candidates. Remember?

      Do the math! It's a sticky political Swamp!

    4. If it's not a commercial vehicle then way do you need a cdl to drive it?

    5. You don't need a CDL to drive it. A noncommercial class B license is what is required.

  96. 11:27 - Who's enthusiastic about PRMC? Anything that has any degree of seriousness, they don't want and if you are there and it becomes complicated, they want you moved. The best doctors are the visiting ones from true medical centers. Half the time the locals on call don't want to come in. Just ask anyone who works in the ER - if they aren't afraid of being truthful.


  97. "People out front who responded and people behind the scenes who wont get the credit they deserve for what they did."

    What credit are you speaking of to do the job you are paid to do?

    Everybody gets a trophy so no feelings are bruised.

  98. Did you know that Jake Day drove all the way to Baltimore yesterday after this negligent mishap to be with Sheree Sample Hughes as if he is someone important. WTF does he think he is?? He is nothing but a small town POS Mare! What a flaming Douche Bag!

  99. Anonymous said...

    "People out front who responded and people behind the scenes who wont get the credit they deserve for what they did."

    What credit are you speaking of to do the job you are paid to do?

    Everybody gets a trophy so no feelings are bruised.

    September 4, 2017 at 12:25 PM

    Exactly!! This proves that these paid heroes are only doing it for the attention. "Look at me, look at me. My name is Bryan Records and I am in charge of Medals Day so I can get more medals to put on my uniform. Look at me, I am a HERO!!"

  100. Who was the negligent driver/operator of this unfortunate incident?? I hope they get charged with everything on the books. I know Mike Lewis was on the scene and he should remind his colleague of the courts that this idiot needs to be charged and criminally if possible.

  101. Anonymous said...
    I think your rude insensitive comments can wait. Accidents to happen, regardless of your profession. This is someones family member. Show some respect.

    September 3, 2017 at 12:47 PM

    Comments like this are coming from paid firemen who are in Damage Control mode! Don't fall for this pity party designed to distract the reader into not thinking about what an idiot these paid firemen are.

  102. Anonymous said...
    Holy crap, meanwhile nothing was dispatched? Funny how this all is being kept on the hush hush!!

    September 3, 2017 at 12:39 PM

    That's correct. Think of all this time that was wasted by them making numerous phone calls to keep this hush hush and then they call for Trooper 4 to carry this young man to Baltimore instead of carrying him to PRMC which is just 2 minutes away. What if they had to do immediate surgery to stop a serious bleed when these road doc's are getting their Jollies off because they called the medivac. These inexperienced yahoos are going to kill someone one day. They are taught or supposed to be taught in Paramedic school that waiting for a helicopter and transporting by helicopter is one of the most dangerous acts and decisions a paramedic can make.

    1. Really? Where is it taught that helicopter transports are dangerous acts and bad decisions?

  103. JoeAlbero said...
    What IDIOT was driving the Fire Truck, allowing someone to sit on the front bumper. I have a witness who saw them speeding from one hydrant to the next with people on the front bumper. UNBELIEVABLE!

    September 3, 2017 at 2:21 PM

    Joe I agree with you. Please post the names of all involved. Driver, officer in charge of that rig and the OIC of the service call of putting these stupid blue reflectors on the road. What a waste of time and money and now those idiots nearly lost a life over it.

    Rick Hoppes and John Tull you clowns need to resign. This happened under your watch and your mentoring. You people are dangerous to the men and women under you and to the citizens of this city and county. RESIGN NOW!!

  104. Anonymous said...
    The Sheriff's Office is on scene investigating for SPD.

    September 3, 2017 at 2:21 PM

    Good. I hope they throw the book at these idiots. Mike Lewis was there and he needs to make sure these clown get charged appropriately.

  105. Anonymous said...
    The Sheriff's Office is on scene investigating for SPD.

    September 3, 2017 at 2:21 PM

    Here is my guess why the Sheriff's Office is doing the investigation for the city is because the one city police officer that keeps bashing the paid firemen on his Facebook page for sleeping.

  106. Anonymous said...
    Unless you know for sure anything about PRMC's trauma protocol you should curb your ethusiasm for them.

    September 4, 2017 at 11:27 AM

    Said the paid farmin who doesn't know how to be a real paramedic.

  107. Anonymous said...
    Does the injured person have a identity or does he go by Sharee Sample Huges son? Why is her name in the post? Prayers for the injured.

    September 4, 2017 at 8:27 AM

    Because it's a need to know situation and you don't need to know you dumb NOSEY moron! And then you end it with "prayers for the injured" as if you really care. You only said that to distract people from attacking you for your nosiness.

  108. Anonymous said...
    If it's not a commercial vehicle then way do you need a cdl to drive it?

    September 4, 2017 at 12:13 PM

    You don't need a CDL. Only a non-commercial license is required.

  109. Anonymous said...
    As stated above, Bryan Records will be telling his story for YEARS to come. I'm sure it will involve him personally lifting the engine off of this poor guy. Such an overrated hose beater.

    September 4, 2017 at 9:32 AM

    Bahahaha! That is some funny shLt right there if I say so myself. LOLOLOLOLOL

    Maybe Bryan Records will give himself another medal to put on his fancy dress uniform so he can put another large painting of himself in his living room wearing that silly looking clown suit. He wants to be a New Yawk Farmin so bad.

  110. Anonymous said...
    If that was a verbatim post from Bootsy Gladwell, he has the writing skills of a 6 year old raised by wolves. Instead of thumping his imaginary chest about his "heroic" efforts, he should brush up on his English and grammar skills. I guess that fake online college he attends doesn't grade important things like sentence structure, punctuation or grammar. They must grade on a HUGE curve. I know..I know...EVERYONE gets a trophy nowadays. Just sad and embarrassing for a so called "supervisor".

    September 4, 2017 at 9:30 AM

    Did he say "Bootsy Gladwell??"" BWAHAHAHA! That little midget has a new name, BOOTSY!!

    1. His name is Bootsy because one day he accidentally jumped in my boots and was too short to get out. He was like a turtle on its back. We had to lift him out of them. His arms were flailing and everything. Quite the sight. We started calling him "Boots" then "Bootsy". Then, of course, he cried and they made us stop calling him that

  111. I had to laugh when I saw this tagged on Bootsy Gladwell's Famous Facebook Page. I actually wanted to barf at the phony Bullshlt.

    Salisbury Fire Department, Inc Sta 16
    4 hrs ·

    23 hours ago our family was rocked by an unfortunate accident while 3 members were working on a service project. We want to thank God for the brother from Annapolis Fire Department that was placed there at the right time to assist our injured brother. We thank our fellow brothers who responded to this call and performed their duties with precision. We thank the MSP Trooper 4 crew who quickly arrived and transported our injured brother to the best hospital in the State for his injuries. When we reviewed the times from on scene to in the air, it may have felt like forever but in reality it was as fast as a transport to PRMC. We thank the leaders of the Department, City, Sheriff's, SPD, and Board of Ed for your support and strength.
    As of about 12 hours ago our brother has come out of his surgery doing well and with positive results from the great team of surgeons at Shock Trauma. He still has a long road to follow home, but he will travel it with his loving family by his side. We are supporting the family with any and all needs that they have at this time and in the future. Their one request is for privacy and prayers at this time. We will keep you updated with what the family wishes to be shared in the future. Just know that every little prayer carries large power of healing and comfort to them all.
    As we move forward we will be supporting all those involved in this incident who were deeply impacted by this event physically and mentally. We have a Critical incident management team ready to assist any member who needs help. They were a great help yesterday as we released from the scene and could start the healing process. To all those involved we pray together for you, "May God's healing hands and loving heart, hold you and fill you with peace." For our injured brother and his family we pray, " Almighty God, Wonderful Counselor and Healer, may your grace and presence be known in the coming days. May You be with the doctors and nurses caring for him and that he will see You in their eyes, Amen."

    Liked by Jacob Day and 23 others

  112. Salisbury Fire Department, Inc Sta 16
    4 hrs ·

    23 hours ago our family was rocked by an unfortunate accident while 3 members were working on a service project. We want to thank God for the brother from Annapolis Fire Department that was placed there at the right time to assist our injured brother. We thank our fellow brothers who responded to this call and performed their duties with precision. We thank the MSP Trooper 4 crew who quickly arrived and transported our injured brother to the best hospital in the State for his injuries. When we reviewed the times from on scene to in the air, it may have felt like forever but in reality it was as fast as a transport to PRMC. We thank the leaders of the Department, City, Sheriff's, SPD, and Board of Ed for your support and strength.
    As of about 12 hours ago our brother has come out of his surgery doing well and with positive results from the great team of surgeons at Shock Trauma. He still has a long road to follow home, but he will travel it with his loving family by his side. We are supporting the family with any and all needs that they have at this time and in the future. Their one request is for privacy and prayers at this time. We will keep you updated with what the family wishes to be shared in the future. Just know that every little prayer carries large power of healing and comfort to them all.
    As we move forward we will be supporting all those involved in this incident who were deeply impacted by this event physically and mentally. We have a Critical incident management team ready to assist any member who needs help. They were a great help yesterday as we released from the scene and could start the healing process. To all those involved we pray together for you, "May God's healing hands and loving heart, hold you and fill you with peace." For our injured brother and his family we pray, " Almighty God, Wonderful Counselor and Healer, may your grace and presence be known in the coming days. May You be with the doctors and nurses caring for him and that he will see You in their eyes, Amen."

    Liked by Jacob Day and 23 others

  113. Did Cherry Cheeks Townsend write this sappy crap?? How many times did he mention "Brother" in this crap! And what a suck up!

    Tracey AndTri Townsend is with Jacob Day and 9 others.
    4 hrs ·
    Sorry for the delay in posting.

    Salisbury Fire Department, Inc Sta 16
    5 hrs ·
    23 hours ago our family was rocked by an unfortunate accident while 3 members were working on a service project. We want to thank God for the brother from Annap...
    See More

  114. Jimmie Gladwell
    7 hrs ·
    I know folks mean well but please do me a favor and dont do me any favors by sending me links to an alternative news site. I am well aware of the nastiness being exhibited by the Anonymous heroes who just happened to have been at the scene and are experts in all things SFD.
    Do yourself the favor and simply dont do that site any favors by visiting it. All of us will be better off and retain grey matter that actually matters.
    Bad things happened, yesterday. Things that will affect both everyone who played a role and the department for years to come. But I also observed some of the best patient care and overall response to an incident that I've ever seen. People out front who responded and people behind the scenes who wont get the credit they deserve for what they did.
    The positive actions exhibited by many far outweigh the bantering of a few moronic experts who lack the courage to attach their names to their cowardly commentary and who only continue to prove their ignorance with each key stroke.
    Haters gonna hate. Leave them to do so within their realm of reality. Please leave me out of same.

    1. Glad to see the public gets a different type of care and response . This needs to go out to the public.

  115. Tad Farlow said... That site is like Harry Potter - the place that has no name. Valdemort of the web. I don't know any details, but having run a couple of ambulance calls I was encouraged the firefighter was flown to STC because it indicates a certain level of patient stability to bypass a trauma center for another trauma center.
    Like · Reply · 5 hrs

    Jimmie Gladwell said... My post has been blogged by someone who cant grasp MD Medical Protocols nor understand the premise of your statement. I could care less. The website owner has presented some facts about the incident.
    The comments from the haters however indicate every kind of conspiracy theory, imaginable. Should've taken to PRMC. Only used T4 b/c it was a FF. Cover ups of all kinds. Patient care providers didn't know what they were doing. Blah. Blah.
    Both the MSP medics and Shock Trauma personnel commented on the outstanding level of care provided to the patient. Each used the term "life saving," at some point. Their words. Not mine.
    Both indicated the use of the chopper completely appropriate and in line with MD PROTOCOL. Not SFD protocol.
    Haters claiming no dispatch and that Ambo responded with no sirens to keep things hush hush. Wrong. I completed the incident report...with a Wic Cnty 9-1-1 Dispatch Centet assigned incident number. Which, BTW, was clearly dispatched via radio. The Ambo, AC, and engine all responded "hot." Lights/sirens.
    Cover up?? SURE it was! Thats why I requested PD via radio for world to hear. Thats why WCSD reconstruction team arrived and completed a nearly five hour investigation. That's why drug screenings were initiated (per SOP) That's why IWIF was contacted. That's why MOSH was contacted. I'll have cell phone records to prove all this.
    Blah. Blah. Blah.
    Rake me over whatever coals you like. Facts are facts.
    No one is covering anything and quality, appropriate care was issued.
    Like · Reply · 2 · 5 hrs

    Tim Jerscheid said... Fuck them Jimmie Gladwell there all pieces of shit who wish they could be like us. You are one hell of a brother first and fireman second.
    Like · Reply · 4 hrs

    David See said... Getting yourself all worked up over nothing Chief. You owe no one an explanation. A FF was injured, treated and transported to the appropriate medical facility; you contacted the appropriate agencies; followed Department, City and other applicable protocols. Bottom line is...you did your job. Screw the bloggers, the nay-sayers and all those other "wanna-be wish they were firefighters". You don't owe them a damn thing!

    1. He owes the world a properly worded, grammatically correct and structurally sound thought process. If he is going to make his primary communication written statements, in public, he owes it to people to, at a minimum, to know grammar and proper English. He writes as if he is a mongoloid and never attended an English class in his life. Take pride in yourself. Spell check. Grammar check. Be accountable. Lastly, for the MILLIONTH TIME..,the quote is "I COULDN'T care less". He keeps writing "I COULD care less". That doesn't even make sense. If you COULD care less it means you care. You are TRYING to say that you don't care i.e..." I couldn't care less". Think about what you say and write.

    2. Tim the drunk backing Jimmy up hahahaha

  116. Prayers for ALL involved.

  117. Kids got a long road ahead. Prayers for him and his family.

  118. So they were told after this incident to not post on social media or speak to the press,but an assistant chief can? Guess the rules only apply to certain people. What a good example your setting sir.......

    1. Same with Bryan Records. He posts plenty of crap that violates policy. No one says a word.

  119. They haven't even told their OWN personnel what happened.

  120. Anonymous said...
    So they were told after this incident to not post on social media or speak to the press,but an assistant chief can? Guess the rules only apply to certain people. What a good example your setting sir.......

    September 4, 2017 at 4:43 PM

    Why not. Bryan Records has been getting away with it for a couple of years now. They have been constantly bashing the Station 1 volunteers on Facebook and getting comments and likes by his boss, Jake Day and Muir Boda who were also bashing the Station 1 Volunteers.

    Then you have a city police officer named Jason King who made indirect comments about paid firemen getting paid to sleep and night and then claiming to be heroes. Jimmy Gladwell, Bryan Records, Darrin Scott, etc. got so bent out of shape that they cried so much that Jake Day is trying to get him fired. Barb Duncan, Rick Hoppes and Jake Day all having secret meetings to decide what to do with him for bashing the paid firemen on Facebook. Funny how all those mentioned can use facebook to create problems with the volunteers and then when a city police officer makes one little comment they all go bat shit crazy and trying to find a way to fire him for posting on Social Media.

    1. Which is EXACTLY why I've been saying that Bryan Records and Bootsy Gladwell should be demoted for their social media involvement. They have lost their ability to effectively supervise others due to their own violation of policy.

  121. Who was driving the fire truck. Name names please.

  122. Anonymous said...
    You just make your comment sound completely ridiculous by saying farmen. Grow up and act like you have one smidge of education, I am doubting that you do if the word "farmen" is all you can come up with. Go ahead and Google thesaurus some grown up vocabulary...we will wait.

    September 3, 2017 at 5:35 PM

    Awww... this Snowflake paid Farmin got TRIGGERED!!

  123. Anonymous said...
    You just make your comment sound completely ridiculous by saying farmen. Grow up and act like you have one smidge of education, I am doubting that you do if the word "farmen" is all you can come up with. Go ahead and Google thesaurus some grown up vocabulary...we will wait.

    September 3, 2017 at 5:35 PM

    Thesaurus? That sounds like something Rick Hopeless would say.

  124. Anonymous said...
    While I pray he is OK at the same time everyone on that truck is an idiot for allowing someone to 'sit' on a bumper of a moving truck. Obviously safety was not a first concern for them it was just a 'fun outing' till someone got hurt. Why are they using a $400,000 truck to check or do reflectors in the first place, this could have been done from one of the city owned assistant chiefs vehicle for a lot less.
    Get ready city taxpayers, this is not over by a long shot, this accident is going to cost dearly!

    September 3, 2017 at 2:39 PM

    AMEN!! We haven't seen the end of it and it is going to cost dearly! I wouldn't want to be the fire chief or the mayor right now.

  125. Anonymous said...
    Paid professionals!!

    September 3, 2017 at 12:26 PM

    Paid idiots!

    1. It was not paid people. Don't assume.

  126. Who is 1616? He is the one that was trying to talk code to Central and then at some point he "established command." Not long after that Jimmy Gladwell took command.

    1616 was the first person I heard talking on the radio about something going on and I'm thinking "I didn't hear no dispatching?" So what the heck? Most of this self dispatching was going on by phone conversations.

    Then I heard the ambulance responding and they either told Gladwell or someone "did you see the notes? I think we need an engine to respond." Then Gladwell pipes up and says we have an engine responding and THAT fire engine wasn't dispatched by Central either. This was some very quiet handling of this call. Gladwell can get on his Facebook page and try some serious damage control, but he needs to be fired over the handling of this incident. He was the Assistant Chief in charge of the City yesterday so this happened under his watch. He needs to be fired. People under him have been written up, lost time and even lost their jobs over screw ups less serious than this. He is ultimately responsible for this fiasco. He is the one that authorized that fire engine to leave the station. He is the one that authorized that person to drive that fire engine and drive it negligently. He needs to be fired. If he was a real man he would step down because he has just cost the city of Salisbury millions of dollars!

    1. Your comment is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. He didn't cause this, accidents happen. He was not even there until after this incident happened, so how is he responsible???? Drivers have to go through lots of training, this individual has driven for many years and is not "negligent" it was a freaking accident people! And it was not "paid professionals" it was a volunteer crew. Get your facts straight.

  127. I'm going to have to re think this station 13 stuff, maybe they are telling the truth about how bat sh&& crazy the SFD is. Looks like they saw it headed down the toilet and jumped off because they were better than that crap going on there. And I can see how the paid firemen are quick to point out it was volunteers involved in this tragedy. Must be something with this paid superior we're better than you treatment of the volunteers. Real brotherhood. Lol

  128. Look at these A$$ Kissers from the Salisbury Fire Department. They are sucking up for a promotion. Maybe looking to be the far cheef in the near future! I hope they wipe that dribble off their chins! 😂😂😂😂


    Jacob Day said... Thanks everybody! We are ok. A member of my city family was injured in an accident with a fire truck. They flew him to shock trauma so I went to be with him. He's doing much better. He's got some healing ahead of him but he's going to be ok. Thanks for the prayers all!

    Eric Cramer said... Thank you and the Chief for your leadership through this.

    Christopher Truitt said... Thanks for everything you and the Chief have done during this very trying time

    1. They HAD to type that because they couldn't talk...their mouths were full!!!

  129. Anonymous said...
    It was not paid people. Don't assume.

    September 4, 2017 at 6:20 PM

    Jimmy Gladwell is not paid?

  130. Back up crew 20+ min to get to the station, really ? And they complained if station 1 volunteers who left weren't at the station in 4 min. But it's ok for station 16 volunteers to take over 20 min and that's acceptable, and station 2 volunteers, where are they anymore , I listen to the scanner and they don't even show up. What's going on with this department ? All I can say is WOW !!

  131. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Your comment is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. He didn't cause this, accidents happen. He was not even there until after this incident happened, so how is he responsible???? Drivers have to go through lots of training, this individual has driven for many years and is not "negligent" it was a freaking accident people! And it was not "paid professionals" it was a volunteer crew. Get your facts straight.

    September 4, 2017 at 6:16 PM

    No it was not an accident so don't even start with that bullsh!t!!! Accidents are preventable, negligence is just that! How the F*** can someone sitting on the front bumper and end up getting run over not be negligence?? You are a dumb moron that doesn't deserve to be wearing the uniform!

  132. I've been to two rodeos, three goat ropings, a couple of pig races and played paintball with midgets but, I swear, I've NEVER seen anything as screwed up as the Salisbury Fire Department

  133. Is it true that all of the sfd has been riding on the front bumper to place these makers?

  134. The individuals to blame are the driver and the officer! It has nothing to do with the chiefs

    1. The chiefs are to blame get it right! They never held this brown nosed 1st ass. Chief accountable for his actions in the past. There are many more like him. Tri Townsend is another with all his years in what are his accomplishments? Nothing but a butt kissing fool that is the chief's errand boy! They should have gotten rid of these rats a long time ago yet, they were almost gone until they saw a butt that likes to be kissed, they are far from professional and are in it for themselves not the public like they say they are! Their careless actions should be enough to show what fools they are!

  135. Blame the fire chief for this . That guy was never assistant chief material and shouldn't had been a officer. This is gross negligence on the driver and the chief . Let clowns continue to run the show and somebody eles life will be on the line .

  136. Anonymous said...
    Professionals in all work environments from time to time have accidents...if they didn't OSHA wouldn't exist!!! There would be no need for workmen's comp!!! No matter how professional you are ACCIDENTS happen!!!!

    September 4, 2017 at 4:11 AM

    Hmmm..... Driving at a high rate of speed from fire hydrant to fire hydrant while someone is sitting on the front bumper is NOT an accident. Quit being stupid you dumb Farmin!

  137. Anonymous said...
    My take on any of these blogs is if you have to be anonymous to make a statement then don't...

    September 3, 2017 at 11:23 PM

    Said the MORON that made an Anonymous statement!

  138. Poor Jon David Black. Is that poor unemployed man still hiding after his "accident?" I have seen or even heard him on the radio lately. Poor David Black. Sniff Sniff.

  139. 3:50 AM you are correct. Rick Hoppes is the blame for promoting this clown to Assistant Chief. Shit flows uphill in this case. David Black you are dumb as a clam in the Fire Service and you don't even deserve to be a volunteer. When you get promoted you quit coming around because you are afraid you may have to actually go into a burning house and fight fire. I have talked to my brothers in the fire service that have been there over 20 years and they don't ever remember seeing David Black go into a structure fire. Never saw him first due and go in first with the nozzle and hose line. That is the workhorse of the fire service. That nozzleman is the brave one who fights fire and no one has ever seen you. You have little to NO experience, NONE. Done the bogus MFRI(No one fails) classes. In the MFRI classes there is a lot of cheating going on and if you don't get a C or better you can't pass the mid-term or final exams, BUT they let you retest until you pass and they give you the best score out of the two. So if you get a 100 on the retest and I only got an 80 on my first attempt it looks like you did better than I. MFRI is not a college program. It is a low skilled training program teaching in the garages of fire departments.

    Yes David Black you are a very inexperienced firemen. He is the story with the Station 16 volunteers. There is a 24 hour paid crew at the main station on Cypress Street and always has been. So then what you have is paid firemen running all the calls and the volunteers are back up if needed. If they do get to respond to a fire with the paid firemen who are already there, the fire is already knocked down so the volunteers are used for mop up. They have to mop up after the paid fireman and the extract the hoses from the house and the roll the hoses or repack the hose bed for the paid men.

    David Black you rarely ever drive a fire truck because Officers ride in the officers seat meaning that driving skills get very lax since they don't drive much.

    David Black you don't have enough experience drive the fire trucks so why were you driving one anyhow. Are you really that damn stupid that you would let someone sit on the front bumper then you would show off to impress the young Probie. Shame on you, you worthless POS who almost killed that boy. Showing off is 100% Negligent and you need to be charged accordingly.

  140. Why were the volunteers out doing that detail putting blue reflectors on the streets in front of the fire hydrants??

    That was a paid man idea so it should have been the paid men out on that detail while the volunteer crew should have been staffing the station for pending alarms. They should also be staffing those fire trucks.

    You volunteers are inexperienced and cowards to sit there and play second fiddle to the paid man. Shame on you, that's why you clowns have no experience.

    1. It was a department project, all workgroups participated. You know, career and volunteer working together...

  141. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    He can be charged with Reckless Endangerment because of his negligence. It's a misdemeanor but still a criminal offense. Will the SPD roll over on the SFD? Will Disharoom fail to prosecute because of some political influence by Firefighters? She's up for election and the Fire Dept oversees some polls in our areas. And votes can get misplaced should firefighters get upset at certain candidates. Remember?

    Do the math! It's a sticky political Swamp!

    September 4, 2017 at 12:12 PM

    Can you say that in English please!

    1. I understood it very clearly. He said, things are about to get interesting.

  142. If a cop saw me sitting on the front bumper of a moving vehicle I would get a ticket, citation or arrest... and I would deserve it.

  143. The buck stops with the Chief and then the Mayor. Chief is responsible for his employees' education and training. Mayor responsible for abilities and qualification of Chief. I'd say FAILURE at both levels.

  144. 8:47, You are exactly right. However, when you have a millennial Mayor who is also a Liberal, everyone will get a free ride on this incident and let me explain why. Both the Mayor and Fire Chief were all over television almost CRYING as they felt more sorry for the poor driver and his mental state of mind. I'd take a baseball bat to that driver if it was my son! There is no freakin excuse for what happened, PERIOD. There should be criminal charges filed against these rebels who are supposed to be setting examples to our communities. Instead they are driving through communities breaking laws because they are not accountable because they are Firefighters. Mike Lewis needs to get off his ass and arrest the driver and charge him. Will it really take pressure from Salisbury News, (once again) like we did with the Delaware Senator bringing a loaded hand gun onto a plane recently and they let him go? Mike Lewis, (if he has jurisdiction) do your damn job. Mike also saw the TICKETS the Salisbury police put on the county fire trucks.

  145. The driver wasn't charged??? He needs to be charged sheriff lewis!!! If was anyone else you would charge them!#

  146. The failure is the people of Salisbury Maryland , they voted this idiot in as mayor , his past credibility sucks , didn't anyone see through this mask .
    They screwed up years ago again with the election of Ireton. You would have thought they would learned from experience.
    I tried to talk with Mary Ashanta's husband but didn't do any good , the blacks went with Ireton , he told me they could convince a gay easily .


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