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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Red Cross Continues To Anger People In Houston


  1. I came down to the community hit by the tornado in Salisbury and there was one woman from the Red Cross there. I asked what could be done to help. She said "nothing" and gave me a kind of leave me alone look. I watched her just standing around for a while after that. I found some people with trees down in their yard and driveway and pitched in to get it cleared. Just another one of these charities who collect money primarily to fund their own existence. If you want to help its best to just find a problem and fix it on your own because most of these super large charities just squander your time, financial and material support.
    Same goes for Goodwill. CEO makes a fortune. I donate to HALO now because it stays local, they are doing some great things besides just the thrift shop, and you leave feeling like your help was appreciated instead of dealing with someone who is obviously just going through the motions. They understand that people will help more if they feel like they have really made a difference.

  2. Why do we even use crooked group for anything ? They have had this bad reputation for years.

  3. What started out as a truly compassionate and functional organization has become top heavy and even more like a government agency with every passing year.

  4. Try the Salvation Army. And ALWAYS vet the organization before you donate.

  5. I gave up on them years ago as most of the money donated goes to pay management. I also stopped dealing with the United way.

  6. The Red Cross was mentioned in a video as helping Joeseph Mengle escape after ww11

  7. No longer donate to the Red Cross or United Way. Way too top heavy with ridiculously high salaries.


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