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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

New pressure on Comey to return to Capitol Hill, as White House accuses him of 'false testimony'

The White House on Monday accused James Comey of giving “false testimony” and suggested the Justice Department look at whether he perjured himself, as Republican lawmakers stepped up pressure on the former FBI director to clarify apparent discrepancies in his public statements to Congress.

“Since the director’s firing, we’ve learned new information about his conduct that only provided further justification for that firing,” White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said, citing “false testimony” among her examples.

Asked to clarify whether she thought Comey perjured himself or at least misled Congress, Sanders told Fox News’ John Roberts: “I think that’s something probably for DOJ to look at, not me. I’m not an attorney.”




  1. Yes!!! It begins. I hope this starts the dominoes falling straight to Hillary. Drain the Swamp.

  2. Lock him Up !!!!!! Leeeeker !!!!!

  3. He needs a Taste of his Own Medicine !!!!

  4. Comey needs a Homey !!!


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