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Sunday, September 10, 2017

Question Of The Day 9-6-17


  1. There was actually TWO:
    1) liver and onions....
    2) muskrat.....
    Have not eaten either since!!!!

  2. tuna noodle casserole and spaghetti

  3. Liver, my tough Irish Dad made me eat it come hell or high water. Any not eaten I had the pleasure of eating again the next day. I have absolutely not eaten since I left that house 60+ years ago, ugh!!!

  4. Stewed maters it looked like Buzzard vomit

  5. Liver and onions
    Red Beets (can't even mention them in my house!)
    Tuna Casserole

  6. Swiss steak, which was some utility cut cooked in canned tomato sauce. You could chew it for an hour and it would still be hard to get down.

  7. None, my mom and grandmom were excellent cooks and had a wide variety of things they cooked.

  8. I ate everything because it was either eat or go hungry until the next meal. Even today I eat most everything.

  9. Roast beef, overcooked and tough as shoe leather, mushy lima beans, stewed tomatoes, and corn pudding served every Sunday night for dinner. The one day of the week I starved.

    1. I won't even eat prime rib because something about the taste reminds me of roast beef....and my favorite food is red meat...I'm the above comment too.

  10. Boiled cabbage, or boiled & mashed turnips. Just thinking about the smell makes me gag.

  11. Not a meal but cannot drink orange caprisun or any orange flavored drink

  12. Yes I remember the Orange drink Tang.
    Or I would get orange juice that was watered down to make it last longer. More like orange flavored water!

  13. Liver without a doubt.

    Funny thing with tang. I saw the Astronauts drank it when they went into space.
    I've drank a glass of Tang almost every morning for 52 years. Used to mix it by the pitcher.

  14. Any variety of hamburger helper.

  15. Live and Onions. My dad loved it. Thankfully my mother didn't and always made us something else. I tried it once. bleh!

  16. Oysters, I loved the stew with oyster crackers but could not eat the oysters. (map)

  17. You know I never thought about it until I saw this. My Mother was a great cook. From scratch just about everything. Roast beef on Sundays, Fried chicken, everything - even pancakes on Saturday.
    And I am in my sixth decade of life and have had no health problems.
    I attribute it to her.

  18. gravy made with lard over pancakes and anything with sweet potatoes in it.

  19. Any frozen meals. Our mother always cooked good homemade meals until our dad died and she had to go to work. Sometimes the quickest way to feed us then was stick frozen meals in the oven. Yuck!

  20. Chitlins, tripe, kidneys and liver. All of them stink up a house while they're being cooked.
    Never ate brains, but I'm sure that I couldn't get past knowing what they were.

  21. Got you all beat..... tripe and onions 🤢

  22. Definitely liver. I'd rather eat the North end of a south bound skunk than eat liver.

  23. My husbands muskrats, mine was oyster or clam chowder.

  24. Liver and onions, hated it then, hate it now. YUK!!

  25. No doubt, liver and onions!!!!

    On the other hand I love liver sausage and onion sandwiches. Just got to stay away from people for a day after eating them

  26. Frozen fordhook lima beans, the big ones with veins. Gag. The little canned ones were bearable, but the big ones came right back up. Dad beat my ass (said I did it on purpose) but Mom never served them again.

  27. My Father was a waterman back in the 50s when waterman did not make a whole lot, but we were warm and happy Buttttt in Jan, Feb, Mar perch was the fish of the day every day, and twice on Sunday!!! No more fish for me.

  28. I absolutely hated liver, or liver and onions or liver and onions with gravy.

    BUT, something most people don't have to worry about nowadays, I got so hungry I not only ate liver and onions, I cooked it myself.

    When you get hungry enough you will eat anything. And I was hungry a lot as a kid. We were kinda poor. Now, there isn't any food I can think of I will not eat.

  29. Crabs!
    I am a marine biologist, and so glad I never did eat these things, disgusting! If people only knew how rotten these cockroaches are!

  30. Liver and Onions! YUK!

    "Oh, you just haven't had them cooks right!"

    Tried that, too and it sucked!

    No more for me. Muscle tissue, no organs, period!

  31. I had an older brother and sister that hated liver and onions, but for some reason, I loved the meal, and it was one of my favorites. It was the only meal my mom and dad would allow them to refuse to eat, because they knew how much I liked it, and I would eat anything that my siblings didn't eat. Still like the meal to this day, but my doctor says the liver meat is not good for my cholesterol levels. If I see it as a "special" on a diner menu, I will still enjoy it once in a while. It hasn't killed me yet.

    Now those pork brains, pigs feet, muskrats, and beef tongue, those are a different story.

  32. Salmon patties. Just seeing that can on the counter turned my stomach!

  33. Beets. My mother never cooked them but the school cafeteria used to serve them a lot and to this day I can't stand the sight or smell of them.

  34. Liver and onions smothered in gravy with red beets. Yulk! I have NEVER cooked this meal since I left home. I am 60 years old and still WILL NOT have this meal cooked in my kitchen.


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