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Sunday, September 10, 2017

Mayor Day & 16 Of His Cohorts Are In Greensboro North Carolina

While there's a ton of things going on in the City of Salisbury right now, Jake Day and 16 of his people, (at City taxpayers expense) are in Greensboro North Carolina visiting the Folk Festival.

Now ANY good businessman would've traveled to the event FIRST before committing millions of dollar to bring it to Salisbury, but not Jake Day. 

Put your seat belts on Folks because Monday will bring you one of the most damning posts we've ever done and ALL of it has to do with the City of Salisbury and what Jake Day is about to do to you taxpayers. Let me put it to you this was, someone needs to remove this kid from office. Whomever gets in there next is going to have to do just what Trump is now doing to clean up Obama's BS. The Council needs to stop Day and Monday we'll expose everything so you people know what you are up against. 

Man, more then ever, "it was your election to lose" and I'm not kidding. 


  1. Who are the 16 cohorts?

  2. Julia Glanz added 9 new photos.
    1 hr ·
    We have been meeting with every City and nonprofit organization in Greensboro, that helps with the National Folk Festival, over the past few days. Their teams are absolutely amazing. We are asking questions and learning everything we can. Can't wait to show pictures as this city explodes with life later this evening and tomorrow. Get ready Salisbury the National Folk Festival is coming!! #nff #sbynff #itshappening #greensboronff #exhausted Jacob Day, Tom Stevenson, Caroline O'Hare, Laura Kordzikowski Soper, Jamie Heater, Barbara Duncan, Eric Cramer

  3. Ok some please tell me why Eric Cramer from the Salisbury Fire Department needs to be down there??

    1. wouldn't it to be to speak with the Greensboro F D concerning responsibilities required for the betterment of festival - certainly you didn't think the who rooster of firemen should go

    2. A lot of them went.

  4. WHY??? He hasn't done anything here so what does he think he can do somewhere else. Mind Blown. (map)

  5. This makes me so mad I could spit nails. He is, without a doubt, still a boy who wants to play and do it with taxpayers money. I do not pay taxes in this town for him and 16 others to go to a damn folk festival anywhere. Why does nothing have to be approved any more? City council you are useless. Why is this happening? I want my taxes refunded, I did not pay taxes for some fool and his cronies to go to a folk festival. He needs to be recalled NOW.

    1. I am curious - did you actually check that all information reported concerning the alleged folk festival trip were factual. I have found there is often another side or details become twisted in the reporting process.

  6. Absolutely discussing use of tax payers dollars

    1. unique approach to tax payers money - to discuss the spending - uhmm perhaps they did discuss it but it just wasn't mentioned in lead posting

  7. Eight were named. Are we paying for spouses to go along?

  8. Check out the stupid signs on Carroll Street more wasted taxpayer dollars.

  9. The National Folk Music Festival people are thinking "WHAT THE HELL HAVE WE DONE!"

  10. Ridiculous that 16 people had to go. If they need that many people to figure out how to run the Festival, it is obvious that it will be a cluster. It makes you wonder how smart the Festival leadership is that they think Salisbury is a good venue for them. Obviously, they aren't too bright either.

    1. I believe it was a wise decision. When we undertake a project it is useful to obtain the wisdom of those who have the experience - how the did it, what would they do different,etc. I believe the group is quite bright to have forethought to go to Greensboro.

  11. Fire, police, and public works personnel will be working the Salisbury event. Better that they have a handle on how others successfully manage it than walking into it without a clue, which has bitten Salisbury in the behind on more than one occasion in the past.

  12. There is only a lot going on in Salisbury according to some people.....the rest of us know it all under control no matter how big a spoon is used to try and stir it up!!!!!!!

    1. Love it !!! but some people will not understand such a brilliant theory

  13. Who approved this tax payer expense? Did the City Council approve this expense? Did they go on their own and expect the tax payer to reimburse them? If this was approved legally, then who was authorized and what expenditures were approved and what limits were applied to these expenditures? Was this meeting under "Roberts Rule of Order"? All Government meetings are governed by "Roberts Rule of Order".

    1. ask the reporter as I believe the answers to your great questions have been left out of the original posting

  14. Yikes! Better prove it ;) might find out that the NFF paid for it.

  15. Was County invited since their resources will be used ?


  17. The travel is part of the big chunk of $$ that Jake put into the budget under city promotions, passed unanimously by the council. Police and fire and public works also have training budgets that include travel dollars, which is where their share probably comes from.

  18. I sure hope those 16 have a grand old time at the so called Salisbury Folk Festival cause I really doubt many more than that will be there whenever it is.

    1. Another ChickenFest.

    2. aww your doubts will change come festival time - too many on this blog are sooo so negative - think positive and dreams come true - .
      this event could be the disney, for a few days, some dream of

      or maybe a vacation destination others wish for salisbury -
      or the little city where good memories are made -

      Stop being a negative Nellie when you have the choice of being a Manny Memories. Don't waste time spewing "it'll never happen" or "it will fail" - jump in and help make it a fantastic festival -

      Hey Salisbury turn those frowns upside down!!!!

    3. People spend money at Disney. At Folk festivals people eat ramen in tent camps, sleep in their vehicles and relieve themselves in alleyways at folk festivals. Big difference.

  19. 9/9 @ 8:39 (+ the multiple responses defending this buffoon!)

    Either you are too young and naive to see the forest for the trees, you're high, or you're related to or employed by Jakey-boy. There was NO reason 16, or even 8, people had to go. That's what event planners are for.

    If your boy-toy doesn't start focusing on sustainable revenue coming into this area (in plain English: JOBS), he won't have a constituency able to support these hucklebuck events, ride his worthless bike lanes, or VOTE for him.

  20. @8:39 i want what your drinking or smoking!! There has been no precedence set that Salisbury can entertain any social event. It will pluck the curiosity of some of the local cockroaches and chaos will ensue as usual. Maybe some more Salisbury festival style violence or a few of the thugs riding through on their dirt bike

  21. The Police Chief and TWO Sergeants went. Why so many? Abuse of taxpayer money.

  22. ROFLMAO, they think by going and observing a festival they will know how to produce one? This is more than hilarious. At least Salisbury has a break from the idiocy for a weekend but as far as them understanding what producing such an event will entail, they are deep goo with this one.

    Must add the obvious, Greensboro is hardly equal to Salisbury in services for these kinds of events. They have a bit more upscale lodging and are used to major shows coming through. They aren't a town that has no 5-star hotels with full services and a ton of music stores that artists on tour can go to in case they need replacement equipment. You have ONE music store that has banker's hours, very few 24-hour eateries and LaQuinta. Not a desirable environment for tour dogs who may need odd ball crap like saxophone reeds or mandolin strings in the middle of the night. There isn't a big music instrument retailer within an hour's drive. (Guitar Center or Sam Ash) And traveling tours depend on those places because they have artist reps who will bring that weird stuff to them - but not from 3+ hours away.

    Day and his idiot fringe have bit off way more than they (or Salisbury) can chew. It will be most fascinating to watch how this unfolds on all concerned including Salisbury citizens.

  23. I'm actually embarrassed those idiots are in Greensboro representing our town. We couldn't ask for a dumber bunch to go represent Salisbury.

  24. 1135 you're assuming 839 wants a job. Why have a job when you always have mommy's basement? Even with a wife and kid, Jake still lives in a virtual mommy's basement because he's an owned man.

  25. There's a huge difference between producing a major 3-day event verses band night at Roadie Joe's. Salisbury government is in for a killer surprise at our expense.

    I wonder if the Greensboro mayor has a crappy relationship with the surrounding county? Something says probably not!

  26. Maybe instead of visiting Folk festivals to "learn" how to host one Jake Day should visit some local businesses to learn why they are all leaving.

  27. Folk Festival in a town full of drug dealing thugs?

    Am I dreaming? Nightmare?


    I have never thought of Greensboro NC and Salisbury MD in the same manner.
    These 2 towns / cities have nothing in common.


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