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Thursday, September 28, 2017

Planned Parenthood Fights For Right to Abort Down Syndrome Babies – And Wins

This is abhorrent. In Indiana, a judge has ruled in favor of Planned Parenthood in a suit involving a state law banning gender-selective abortions and those based on a prenatal diagnosis of disabilities such as Down syndrome. U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Walton Pratt, who was appointed by Barack Obama, has just issued a permanent injunction against Indiana’s “Sex Selective and Disability Abortion Ban” in a 22-page decision. In it she outrageously states that provisions of the law “violate the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.”

HEA 1337 was signed into law in 2016 by Governor and now Vice President Mike Pence. It banned abortions based on gender or race. It also stopped abortions based on a prenatal diagnosis of “Down syndrome or any other disability.” The law also mandated that aborted babies be disposed of in a dignified and humane fashion, instead of being thrown in the trash. This judge had the gall to defend gender-selection and aborting a baby based on a disability. She proclaimed that “it is a woman’s right to choose an abortion that is protected, which, of course, leaves no room for the State to examine, let alone prohibit, the basis or bases upon which a woman makes her choice.”



  1. I swear, it's almost like Satan himself wrote that opinion.
    It will not be very long before women kill any baby that doesn't fit their desired profile.
    And you just can't stop cheering.
    There IS something called "conspiracy" and "accessory".
    You didn't pull that babies arms off and sell it's liver to flesh peddlers, but you sure as hell (literally) helped.
    And you will answer for it one day.
    Keep cheering.

  2. Autism will be next. If you don't have a designer baby, you will have the option to end the pregnancy to try again. After all you don't want to have a child that will be a burden to the parents or society. Watch the movie Gattica with Ethan Hawke. Great movie that tells us what the future will be. Discrimination based on genetics.

  3. Maybe if the judges and the people for abortion were aborted when they were born we wont have this problem

  4. This is good news really, have you looked at the life those kids have? Would you like to be afflicted with this and have to live?

  5. Planned Parenthood are nothing but baby killers...LITERALLY!


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