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Friday, September 29, 2017

Packers, Bears players lock arms during national anthem, while some Green Bay fans follow suit

Green Bay Packers players, coaches and staff locked arms during the national anthem Thursday night, a plan they revealed earlier this week, prior to their game against the Chicago Bears at Lambeau Field. Many Bears players and coaches did the same.

Some fans in the stands also locked arms in unison with the Packers, while others held their hands over their hearts and some saluted during the singing of The Star-Spangled Banner.

A chant of "U-S-A" rolled through the stadium prior to the anthem.

Green Bay players released a statement through the team website Tuesday night inviting fans to join them in portraying unity, locking arms in the stands during the national anthem.



  1. Stop all the nonsense. The NFL is a bad joke. Have respect for our flag and country and if you cant you should be fired.

  2. The cameras were scrambling to find some fans linking arms. They were only able to find one small group. They are saying 95 percent of the fans did not link arms.

  3. Politics belongs on the news, not on the sports field. If I want to watch politics, I'd be watching a different channel.

  4. These idiots have no idea what they are protesting. bunch of spoiled brats. play the game and shut up

  5. I really don't understand this unity thing. Pissing and moaning and refusing to participate in moments of national unity is their way of expressing unity. That's the best I can come up with.

  6. Nothing is being done? False. Look up Baldwin of the Seahawks. When this all started years ago, he and others met quietly with the police department. Nobody revealed the discussions because they didn’t want to make a spectacle of it and they were not doing it to score PR points. You don’t read anything about that and other progress because it wouldn’t fit into the echo chamber politics has become.

    1. 9:11 And check out Michael Bennett. Who said he was a victim of police brutality. Lied about what the police said and did to him and hired a lawyer. Only for the video to show none of it was true. He even shook hands with the police before he left. Then went to social media and lied his ass off.

  7. How much do you think Soros paid these traitors to do this? They surely realize they are biting the hand that feeds them..unless they are getting more money from another source. Traitors for hire! Of course, if they are Muslim It is their duty to destabilize the US any way they can.

  8. i's pretty sure the NFL is getting the hint. This will be a non-event in a week or 2. The owners and the advertisers will not put up with it much longer. The only color that means anything to the NFL, the owners, the player and the networks, is GREEN.
    The country is really pissed and it's going to hurt a lot of wallets.

  9. How about showing some respect by putting your hand over your heart when the national anthem is played? I don't stand with these traitors. You can stand with your team in unity, that is your right, but I have the right to change channels or not spend a dime on anything related to the NFL or any other team that disrespects my country and my flag. This is a slap in the face for all those who have served our country and all those who have fault and died.

  10. Bunch of Punk Copycats with Nothing else better to do !!!
    Fire them ALL ....start Fresh !!

  11. So, a nonviolent gesture, when not on the field of play, to garner the attention of millions of people, and then following that up with a fairly clear verbal explanation of the whys of his protest and a million dollar donation to the work of reconciliation—isn’t the right way?

    So the people kneeling or locking arms are supposed to be good boys and girls and follow what, let’s be honest, the white folks want.

    If the irony doesn’t strike you.....

  12. The players had the embarrassing duty of running their mouth and then STANDING. On national TV! LOL!
    The owners told them "you fake college-degree ghetto losers are messing with a BILLION dollars --- and it's MY MONEY! Kneel down again and you'll never take another snap in this league".
    Money talks and BS stands.
    They chose between money and principle. they took the typical ghetto decision path.
    Stuck with the money. Let someone else suffer for the "principle" thingy.....


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