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Friday, September 29, 2017



  1. Truth. The antics of the left are only hurting them. Clinton even blamed those like the local garbage liar Molly Likovich and their vagina hats for losing.

  2. This may represent the Presidential election in 2020 - but unless we get rid of people like Chuck, Nancy, Di-Fi, and Cardin from the left - then ditch the traitor RINO's Mitch, Paul Ryan, McCain, and Collins; we'll still have the same swamp!

    The Trump admin needs to start an investigation in to the Turd's political appointees that got career jobs and are mucking up the works from the inside!

  3. Don't be so sure the Democrats will lose all the way around, if McConell and Ryan can't stop the Republican traitors and bring the party together Trump will have a hard time getting things done.The MSM will say Trump is a can do nothing President and they won't be that far wrong.

  4. Don't bank on it. The left is relentless. When they have destroyed everything and made everybody equally miserable they still won't be satisfied.


  5. We have the power, just NOT using it. Damn rinos. What's the matter with congress? Nutless, gutless wonders! NOT TRUMP'S fault!

  6. I hope so. Keep Hillary talking. Keep Schumer on camera. Keep the 'Granola Girls' front and center (they are Nancy and Maxine in the land of Fruits, Nuts and Flakes).
    The more they open their mouths, the better it makes the republicans look. unfortunately, they need all the help they can muster.
    Right now, I'm not sure who I hate more: the libtards or the republican misfits who are blowing the chance to make our county great again.

  7. Shh don't tell them what they are doing wrong, let them keep doing it. Remember we are the "silent" majority.

  8. But, but, but, where's the diversity?? Whaaaa!


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