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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

NOI 9/11/17 Wicomico Shed Fire Beam Street


Date:  September 11, 2017
Time:   7:07 p.m.
Location / Address:  600 Beam Street, Salisbury, Wicomico Co.
Type of Incident:  Fire
Description of Structure / Property:  8’ x 6’ wood frame shed
Owner / Occupants:   P & A Development
Injuries or Deaths:  None
Estimated $ Loss: Structure:  $2,000                      Contents: $8,000
Smoke Alarm Status:  n/a
Fire Alarm / Sprinkler Status:  n/a
Arrests(s):   None
Primary Responding Fire Department:  Salisbury Station 2
# of Alarms:   1    # Of Firefighters:  15
Time to Control:  15 minutes
Discovered By:   Neighbor
Area of Origin:   Interior right side
Preliminary Cause:  Accidental, electrical
Additional Information:  The shed contained two large air compressors that supplied two separate businesses in the attached building.  

1 comment:

  1. That's not a real fire. Not worth having 60 paid Farmin.

    Did they have to call SFD FM-1, Far Marshell Eric Cramer to assist the real Fire Marshals on this call?

    So please tell us dumb tax payers why the city invented a Fire Marshal's position with the Salisbury Fire Department if we have a real Fire Marshal's Office that is going to handle these calls? The Office of the State Fire Marshal is the real Fire Marshal's Office for Wicomico County and not some Jack Leg like Eric Cramer who is barely a fireman. How can a Paramedic who spent the majority of his career riding the gut bucket with little to NO fire experience become a Fire Marshal? What a waste of tax dollars.


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