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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Krieger: We Need To Admit The Government Story About 9/11 Is Bullshit

Unless we come to terms with 9/11 and the obvious fact that the official government story is a ridiculous fairytale, it’ll be hard for our nation to move forward in an intelligent, courageous and ethical manner.

Many of the most destructive trends which have defined our post September 11, 2001 environment, such as a loss of civil liberties and endless barbaric wars of aggression abroad, have been directly related to our false understanding of that awful terrorist attack.

As I’ve always maintained, I have no idea what really went down on that day, I just know that the U.S. government and its intelligence agencies are not being honest.

Although it’s been a long time coming, we’re finally uncovering some kernels of truth about the attack and the role Saudi Arabia played in carrying them out. Much of this progress has been driven by family members of those who died, some of whom are suing the Saudis for their role in that despicable slaughter of civilians.

I’ve written about these lawsuits on several occasions, but here’s an updated summary from Common Dreams, published two days ago:



  1. "I have no idea but I just know" - please!!

  2. when the wall came down we needed another villian..poof 911 solved the problem and ushered us another step closer to a NWO

  3. no one wants to put their brain through the reasoning behind what really took place. it's easier to just accept what you're fed.

  4. TWA flight 800 another bogus investigation.

  5. You didn't let me down Joe. I said yesterday that tomorrow you would push your conspiracy 911 bull.

  6. Almost all Americans refuse to even ponder the evidence which has been gathered and presented numerous times in the past 16 years. The evidence of something OTHER THAN what the media and government have told us is overwhelming.
    Wake up.


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