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Saturday, September 30, 2017

New Maryland Laws Take Effect October 1, 2017

The new laws taking effect this week impact everything from rearview mirrors to rape to recyclables.

Have a bunch of fuzzy dice on hanging on your rearview mirror? You may want to take them down this weekend if they are getting in the way of your view through the windshield.

Starting Sunday, it's no longer permitted to have any "object, material or obstruction hanging from the rearview mirror." While police cannot pull drivers over for this offense alone, it is a secondary violation that can be added to the list if a driver is suspected of another offense.

That is just one of many new policies taking effect on Oct. 1. Changes in definitions of crimes such as rape and animal cruelty will also become law, and people with marijuana and assault charges may be eligible to have their records expunged.

Below are some highlights of laws taking effect Sunday, Oct. 1. See thefull list of new laws from the Maryland Department of Legislative Services.



  1. One of the other ones is, here in the Republic of Maryland you must now call pals and friends "Comrad".

    1. You are also required to learn how to spell.....Comrade.

  2. Secondary offense.
    It's called "opening the door".
    You cheered like they were bringing presents in the room. Right. The only present you're getting is new reasons for the police to pull you over.
    Remember the seat belt law? Began as "secondary".
    It's just another reason for the police to have an "interaction", which is something they think is necessary and good. "Interacting". Hint: most people do NOT want an "interaction". Especially over something as tickytack as a pair of dice on your mirror. Who hangs things on their mirror? Black people.
    Now, looking down while you drive gets a ticket.
    Talking to your passengers is "distraction"
    Eating a burger on the way back to work gets a otherwise law-abiding citizen an "interaction".
    Its a GOLD MINE FOR FREE MONEY. You cheer???
    I got $1000 that says within 2 years, maybe just one, this will be a primary offense. How do I know? Because they already do it.
    THIS is what we pay our "leaders" to do? Impose BS and fine us for not "complying"???
    The cheering is deafening.
    You dummies.

    1. What a surprise, your complaining. Just move out of country you will be happier

  3. I've noticed that the people who have handicap signs hanging while moving will be given tickets . This has been a problem for years , along with students hanging anything. You must understand that a chip in the windshield over a 1/4 inch will not pass inspection , so all this crap hanging is a splendid law.

  4. The biggest turd out of the new laws is the Justice Reinvestment Act.

  5. We don't need any more laws!

  6. The IDIOTS in Annapolis had nothing better to do.

  7. "The motto on the state seal now has an official translation. "Fatti maschii parole femine" — the Calvert family motto — had been controversial for its translation of "manly deeds, womanly words." Its official translation in the state of Maryland, which bears the Tuscan motto on its seal, is now “Strong deeds, gentle words."
    REALLY????? Mach no longer means "Manly" & femme no longer means "womanly"???

    So, all Ralphs are now Strongs, and Alices are now gentles.

    Okay, got it.

    Now, get back to work.

  8. If everyone concerned about the Constitution and our rights left the country, who would be left to stand for you when it's your turn?
    For someone who can't spell, that question probably blows a few circuits in your brain, huh?
    Answer? No one will be there.
    You will be all alone screaming "Wait!! Wait!! I didn't do anything wrong!!!'
    They laugh because you thought YOU get to decide what's right.
    Do you HONESTLY believe that the majority of Marylander's WANTED a law about something hanging from someone's mirror???? And were willing to pay "lawmakers" and their staff a few million to write one??
    The police have fined the population into submission with the seat belt BS. The revenue stream has dried up. They MUST produce revenue. What to do?
    Hey!! Let's make hanging dice illegal!! AND fine them!! You cheer??
    What's next? No yellow shirts when driving because road workers wear them and there is confusion?
    F'ing IDIOT cheerleaders.
    Get off your knees.


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