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Thursday, September 28, 2017

Liberals at The Root: “Patriotism is for White People.”

Are you sick of the unending bickering going on everyday when you see the latest news report? Everything is absolutely on fire, and nothing is held sacred, just, or even true anymore. In some phenomenon, American society – or at least how the media and many others have portrayed it – has decided to turn away from anything that connects level thinking with facts and truth. Everyone is just so twisted up and ready to pop, that it seems that we seek every opportunity to fight, scream, and protest.

It seems as if it has become a psychosis.

There are so many voices out there that state opinions, but so many state opinion, and treat it as fact. Emotions run high, and any sense of having a discussion is quickly thrown out in the effort to just ‘win the argument.’ Well folks, if there is one thing that we can do without, it’s opinions, stated as facts.

Take the website ‘The Root’ for example. They recently posted a Tweet:



  1. My son came home this weekend. Must be spending too much time with his liberal friend. He actually said "we can fix the controversy by eliminating the playing of the National Anthem". Seriously! He now has a new way to sh*t, because I ripped him a new one. After a half hour of "deprogramming" he now understands the real issue here.
    I told him that there are people my age and older, who still get chills and tears in their eyes when our anthem is played. It installs the greatest sense of patriotism to millions of Americas, especially the last stanza. I told him that if it wasn't the home of the brave, it wouldn't be the land of the free and for him not to ever f&@ing forgot that. It is a time when ALL Americans put down their differences and remember the common good and it shouldn't be disregarded or disrespected because of an issue someone has about a social injustice.
    I told him that these overrated football players are insulting all the men and women who gave them their right to protest. I didn't say that they don't have the right, but it's the wrong venue and the most disrespectful way they can do it.
    I think he understands now. I hope the other 100 million libtards can understand it, too.
    God bless America! We really need it these days.

  2. You see, all of the founders of our country were white. All of them. This is the new battle cry for the liberals and the racist blacks. White Nationalists! It you support our country and what it stands for, you are now a white nationalist. They will tear down every monument all the way to the Washington Monument, if they are not stopped. They are intent on overthrowing the government and the constitution to replace it with one that FAVORS blacks over whites. They do not want equality, they want retribution. The flag does represent white people, the ones who died to establish a country for all people, and to gain our freedom from the Imperial rule of Great Britain. But it also represents all the citizens of this country, not just white ones. When blacks die in service to this country, that same flag is solemnly draped over their caskets too. Whites and blacks alike have died for our freedoms, and standing for out NATIONAL Anthem and the flag is for patriots of all colors, not just white ones. Liberals are Anti-Americans, yes, Anti-Americans. They want to overthrow the institutions of our great country and the constitution. The thing that makes us great is we can all be nationalists and patriots, regardless of our color, religion, etc. THIS is what sets us apart from other nations. Some blacks are now trying to erase "white" history. And that's what all this hoopla is all about.


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