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Thursday, September 28, 2017

Democratic Congressman Al Green plans to force vote to impeach Trump over NFL comments

I love how Democrats are trying to find literally any little thing to throw to the impeachment wall, praying to a God they booed at their convention that it sticks. It would be comical if it wasn’t so darn sad.

Now Democratic Representative Al Green is once again calling for Trump’s impeachment. His basis?

Trump’s comments in regards to the NFL.

Yes, I’m serious.

He claims that he plans to force a vote in the House at some point next week to impeach President Trump because he thinks that Trump’s comments about NFL players who kneel during the national anthem are mean.

“Mr. Speaker, I rise to denounce these comments that have been made because they have brought discourse to a new low. Mr. Speaker, this is a level of indecency that is unbecoming the presidency,” he said. “Mr. Speaker, I rise to say to the world that this is not what America is all about. Calling people SOBs, and we know what a B is. It’s a dog. Mr. Speaker, I rise because my heart tells me I must do something.”



  1. But it's OK to call us deplorables?

  2. Al Green, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi and a few more need to be expelled from their seats none other than not having any sense at all. These Democrats and a few Rino's do not seem to be doing anything for the people, just stirring up hate. What are they afraid is going to be found out? How corrupt they are with all their backroom deals. We have already found a lot of this out all by ourselves. If they worked as hard as they spread hate this country would already be on track.

  3. Go on Al, give it a shot. You are not doing anything else now so you might as well have some fun because that is all you will achieve.

  4. THIS is what they collect that outrageous salary to do? Showboat and show off their complete and utter lack of knowledge of the Constitution?

    They have no shame.
    Hang them all. Its not the ONLY way to get rid of them, but it's cheap.
    They have, don't forget, put our country 21 TRILLION (let that number roll off your tongue and then tell me "your guy" is innocent) dollars IN DEBT.
    YOU AND I would be doing YEARS IN PRISON for managing our money the way they have managed our money.
    You cheer like you're at a Nazi rally.


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