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Sunday, September 24, 2017

Judicial Watch: Total Obama Travel Costs So Far, $106 Million

(CNSNews.com) -- Based on a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit gainst the Department of Homeland Security, the government watchdog group Judicial Watch was able to obtain further travel records from the Secret Service, showing trip costs of $3.7 million that, combined with earlier travel records, reveal that travel expenses for President Barack Obama and his family have cost taxpayers, to date, $105,662,975.27. Travel costs for President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, to date, equal $7,560,425.01.

The latest batch of FOIA documents obtained by Judicial Watch show the follow:

Michelle Obama's trip to Morocco, total $244,218.01

Michaelle Obama's trip to Liberia, total $107,890

Michelle Obama's trip to Spain, total $166,062.48



  1. asses and yet no thank you from the low lifes. I wish they would go away and take the Clintons. (map)

  2. no longer in office should have to pay their own vacation expenses also pay for security . stop the moochers for taking advantage!!

  3. He's got man boobs.

  4. Unless it is for the interest of the USA citizens, we shouldn't foot the bill so he can make 400K or more, a speech. How is that fair? The minute they leave their home, it should be their dime.

  5. Make them Pay for their own damn security and Trips !!!
    Not on US !!!

  6. Let Obama Care pay ALL their expenses !!! He Owns it

  7. OH, that's all paid for by the Obama Travel Plan he passed !! LOL

  8. They've got us by the short ones and they know and revel in it.

  9. Just put it on their Race Card ....Unlimited Double Miles !

  10. What do they fly on ?? Air Force 2 ???

  11. The Race Card Never has to be paid back ,just keep charging

  12. Just like his former welfare constituents, just at a vastly higher level.

  13. Now they have LIFETIME Vacations , Must be nice !!!!

  14. That will all stop when he loses his secret service protection. It is no longer forever for ex-presidents. When he loses his protection, he will disappear from public sight.

  15. They're called pecs, and if you worked out, yours would like his too. Those things under his pecs, they're abs. Jealous much?

    I can't say much good about Obama, but he IS fit.

  16. They were already on VACATION for 8 years ...Cut them off !!

  17. Send them both to mars along with all he dummycrats


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