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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Jeff Sessions conservatives Trump swamp IRS

Attorney General’s Lois Lerner-IRS decision betrays conservatives

Most conservatives applauded when President Donald Trump nominated Jeff Sessions, then-senator from Alabama, to be the next Attorney General. After eight years of the lawless Obama Regime, it seemed to millions of real Americans the rule of law would be restored.

While the list of lawless acts from the Obama Regime goes on almost forever, one that stuck with many conservatives was the use of the Internal Revenue Service to attack opponents of the Regime.

Under disgraced former executive Lois Lerner, the IRS targeted Americans on the basis of their political beliefs for extra scrutiny or audits. At the time, the IRS targeting scandal broke in 2013, Ms. Lerner was working with the Department of Justice to prosecute conservatives for the crime of being conservative.



  1. Lerner is off the hook why, because she was a good soldier?

  2. She should be in PRISON for 20 yrs at least !!!!!


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