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Sunday, September 03, 2017

Insurance Regulators Approve Massive Obamacare Rate Hikes

State insurance regulators approved a slew of rate increases for insurers on the Maryland Health Connection marketplace.

The Maryland Insurance Administration, in many cases, didn't approve quite the rate increases desired for small group and individual plans. However, patients on CareFirst BlueChoice, which insures more than 150,000 Marylanders, will pay more than one-third more than they did for this year's plan. CareFirst sought a 50 percent hike on average.

CareFirst of Maryland and Group Hospitalization and Medical Services sought a 58.8 percent hike, but were granted a 49.9 percent increase. Kaiser wanted to raise its rates by an average of 23.4 percent, and were granted an increase just a little less. Read the sample rates for 2018.



  1. This time next year my family and I will NOT have health insurance. First time since I 20 I won't have coverage. We have cut any and all expenses but will not be able to afford another increase. The GOVERNMENT FINE is much cheaper. I will NEVER vote DEMOCRAT again. The party is NOT for the working man.. DEMOCRATS are more concerned with picking fights, making millions and protecting illegals for votes.

  2. Well, why not? Last year Maryland gave them MORE than they asked for. Not being stupid, BCBS went back to the board room and said.... hey lets ask for even MORE this year !!!

    for 2017 mine went to 14K a year, and they want another 7K?
    Like more and more americans I am one illness away from bankruptcy.

    What a xxxxx joke.

  3. Imploading.... check

  4. 9:37 You say that now, but you do know the rate of the tax increases every year to right? which means eventually, the tax or fee will be more expensive than having coverage all together...

  5. 9:52 Let that be a lesson to you then... I know for a fact I personally tried to warn you people of this calamity, but I am a conspiracy theorist, or was called one many times... But what do you call a conspiracy theorist who is right???? It is called Facts, its called living in reality, and understanding the govt and how it works... Something you lazy ass people know nothing about and refuse to educate yourself... You just sit there and complain as you let it happen in the first place and then you want to call people who actually know something and is trying to help you, crazy or some kook or conspiracy theorist...

    Maybe next time you will stand in union with the people who were trying to fight this and stop this, but I doubt it, you rather keep getting f'd in the ass and have your money stolen from you, and you rather just sit there and complain about it than to fix it... You deserve what you get for either voting for it or allowing it to happen, and as such you lost the right to complain about any of it...

    1. 10:16- Maybe if you weren't a total a-hole, someone would listen to you. You've strung together quite a sorry rant without saying anything other than, "I'm an ass, I'm an ass, I'm an ass..."

  6. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. You just can't afford him.

  7. Who even has forced insurance (obamacare)? Not one person I know or associate with did not have insurance prior to obama or after obama. Sounds like some people who don't have educations or jobs with benefits are crying because now they are required to have insurance rather than going to the hospital and never paying the bill.

  8. For the first time in my life, 61 years, I will not have health insurance. Medicaid. Even with the full subsidies, we cannot afford health insurance. And there will be alot more just like us.
    This is where trump and Congress failed and why they will lose the house and possibly senate in 2018.
    Will be the first time in my life, I will not vote for all Republicans on a national scale.. Out with Hogan and Harris.
    Seniors under 65 are screwed, unless covered at work, which many employers will now drop even more, more part time workers.. As well as poor and pre-existing conditions.

  9. CONgress needs to stop fighting amongst themselves, the President and put a plan together. Gut the ACA, fix the ACA or make up a new ACA - something..ANYTHING, but do not (on my dime) do nothing!

    Elections, 14 months away and I will be voting for what I need and that's health care so Repubs, Dems, Indies - bring me something to the table that will help ME or you will not get my vote!!!

    Think I'm kidding, look behind me...there's millions just like me who need AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE!!!!

  10. EVERYTHING obama told America---- everything about it ---- was a complete and utter LIE.
    It was and still is a scam.
    WTF has happened to common sense and literacy?
    This boondoggle has cost American hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars.

  11. Stick The Increases Right Up All Their As !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Has any government agency looked into the possibility of any cost cutting measures? When a business falls on hard times it cuts expenses to try to survive.
    Doctors and hospital administrators do deserve to be properly compensated, but perhaps they may be overpaid to some degree. Just a thought.
    Then there are the prescription costs but they also seem to be sacred cows.

  13. The higher costs come from all the new government administrators that Obamacare required. Government FAT is all it is. If healthcare was to be left between us and our doctors, insurance would be easily affordable.

    Look at the big picture; At $15k per person per year, a doctor would only need to see 17 patients a year to make a $250,000 salary! Triple that pays for all the pharmaceuticals and insurance workers! Yet these doctors see thousands per year.

    Where's the money?

  14. 10:16 AM - Let that be a lesson to me?

    We all knew it was a screw job.
    BUT - I didn't see you doing anything about it but rant on a blog.

    You know NOTHING about me.
    You are one mentally ill individual.
    Please, get some help.

  15. GOOD >>>> LET IT CRASH and get RID of it !!!!!

  16. I LOVE that it has Crashed ....Now I can start getting a
    Full Time Job again with No restrictions on Hours / Insurance /
    I can start keeping my tax refunds again
    and NO more Fines .......Hell what's Not to LOVE ??????

    Whoever don't have Obama Care .....Tuff SHHHHT for you !!

  17. Demon-crats will Soon come Begging Trump for a new Plan !!!

  18. Demon-crats O W N Obama Care !!!! FACT

  19. The people who WE pay for their insurance are the ones allowing the insurance companies to raise these rate. I think they should get the same insurance as the rest of us. Maybe they wouldn't be so quick to allow these huge rate increases.


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