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Sunday, September 03, 2017

FBI: Watch Out For More Antifa Attacks

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) warned violent attacks by the radical group antifa have increased, and more assaults could be on the way.

The DHS and the FBI have concluded that far-left “anarchist extremist” groups were mainly responsible for inciting violence at a number of public rallies, under the cause of opposing fascism, according to a Friday report.

“It was in that period [as the Trump campaign emerged] that we really became aware of them,” a senior law enforcement official told Politico. “These antifa guys were showing up with weapons, shields and bike helmets and just beating the shit out of people. They’re using Molotov cocktails, they’re starting fires, they’re throwing bombs and smashing windows.”


1 comment:

  1. Antifa (anti-first amendment) bullies will hurt the liberals in upcoming elections. That's why you are now seeing Pelosi and others scrambling to denounce their actions.


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