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Monday, September 18, 2017

Hungary Builds a Wall, Cuts Illegal Immigration by 99 Per Cent

Hungary has slashed illegal immigration by over 99 per cent after rolling out a series of powerful border fences in response to the European migrant crisis, possibly providing a lesson as to the potential impact of constructing President Trump’s much-discussed southern wall in the U.S.

Speaking on the second anniversary of the government’s move to seal Hungary’s border with Serbia — which is also an external border for the European Union — Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s Chief Security Advisor György Bakondi announced that the fences have caused illegal immigration to collapse from 391,000 in 2015, to 18,236 in 2016, to just 1,184 in 2017.

“The system of technical barriers is the key to the success of border security, and without it, it would be impossible to stop the mass arrival of immigrants”, the security chief explained.



  1. Yeah, but we are not Hungary either. Nor our we Korea or Southern Mexico (wall), Russia, South America, Central America or any other county that can be listed with walls.

    Question is should we? (Yes!)
    Why? (eliminated illegals along with the other common definitions i.e., drugs, smuggling, arms, etc - AND create jobs)

    Action: BUILD IT
    Retaliation: NONE

    QUESTIONS or "fence" sitters can speak, but if you break the law you will be arrested. While arrested you will be checked for any USA delinquencies (i.e., taxes, child support, dead beats, alimony, etc)

    The conversation about the Wall again needs to be addressed in a clear/concise manner - to include the add on's for those who feel they will need to whine as to the unfairness of it all. After they understand their potential consequences - lets just see how many moan/bitch!

    Need to move forth as a nation united, not fractured as snowflakes, marsh-mellows or very very weak (CLINTON) in strength! LIBS take note and get OFF the POT!

  2. Build it and they will stay behind it. (mostly)

  3. DUGH !! America Take Lessons !!! Demon-crats esp


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