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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Hillary Clinton Wanted to Craft Voodoo Dolls of Congress, Media

Hillary reveals her fascination with the occult yet again

Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton flirted with the idea of making voodoo dolls of certain members of Congress and the media in response to her email server scandal, according to her new book.

The constant media coverage of her use of a secret email server frustrated Clinton because she insisted she “acted in good faith” – despite multiple attempts to cover up her activity – and eventually admitted to making a mistake.

“It was like quicksand: the more you struggle, the deeper you sink. At times, I thought I must be going crazy. Other times I was sure it was the world that had gone nuts,” Clinton wrote.

“Sometimes I snapped at my staff. I was tempted to make voodoo dolls of certain members of the press and Congress and stick them full of pins. Mostly, I was furious at myself.”



  1. It all came about from her staring in the Wizard of Oz movie where she played herself.

  2. Trump should CRAFT some ...incl HER / PELOSI / SHUMER /
    CUMMINGS / OBAMA / stick pins in them every day , just for
    Fun !!!!! Better than a Spinner !!! Therapy

  3. Poor Hillary she just won't figure it out. Hillary you lost because people hate you, you'r too slimey.

  4. Haha come on. I hate the old bag but this is clearly not something taken literally. USE YOUR BRAINS FOLKS


  5. However furious she might have been at herself, it absolutely pales in comparison to how furious the citizens were about her self-dealing and lies across the decades! And we're still furious at being subjected to her image and cackle!

  6. Voodoo is about the only thing that's kept her out of jail. It's the only plausible explanation given her flagrant criminality she flaunts in everyone's faces at every turn.

  7. 1221

    Clue: when you hear a tiny bit of truth, remember it is like an iceberg. The majority of the truth remains hidden on purpose.
    The email leaks were about PEDOPHILIA.

    Get a clue. Wake up.

  8. She is the VooooDo Master !!!


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