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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Construction Worker Shortage Acute After Hurricanes

The demand for construction workers, which was already high before Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, will now become even more acute as Texas and Florida seek to rebuild. Just this past June, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that there were 225,000 construction job openings — a 30% jump from last year and a 125% increase since 2012. The Associated General Contractors of America anticipates that a whopping 86% of construction firms nationwide will be seeking to hire workers.

The trouble is there’s a shortage of workers. And that shortage is not due to low pay, as construction workers and day laborers’ wages have steadily increased. In Texas, for example, carpenters’ wages have increased 55% in just three years to an average of $25 an hour. There are three primary factors that have contributed to the shortage..

More here


  1. lets see...$25 and hour or $100K in college debt - AND no job.


  2. After 8 years of Obama construction slowed down.

  3. 12:21 - $25/hr is a joke. Try $10-$12 and no benefits. The $25 was for one category only and thats probably a mandatory wage when working on government jobs.

  4. Oh, Well , Time to Hire Legal Americans now , since the
    Illegals are Finally being sent back across our Border !!!
    ( Illegals Leaving , created the shortage )

  5. 12:55 illegal aliens from El Salvadore ect get at least $8 an hour for day laborer work. If you are a good carpenter in this area and you aren't making at least $17 to$20 you are getting screwed big time.

  6. Have worked in disaster areas before. There are other benefits besides pay that come with helping. Furniture/equipment come to mind. Just need a truck and a place to store the items provided. Win/win for all.

    Hard work beats education - especially today. College folks wouldn't know how to work if instructions on an I-phone were given to them! Very sad what society is producing - the same folks who will be our elected officials, doctors, lawyers, etc.

    1. Yep that same doctor who will be working a 12 hr shift putting stints in your arteries and performing bypass surgeries knows nothing about hardwork. Those same software engineers that made the iphone you are likely using right now know nothing huh?

  7. Better keep the illegals here. They are our skilled labor. Send them away and all you have is clueless Americans and no work getting done.

  8. Sanctuary cities are Harbouring plenty of Illegals if you
    want them to do the work !!!!!


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