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Friday, September 08, 2017

Harvey first responder contracts flesh-eating bacteria

A first responder has contracted a flesh-eating bacteria in the floodwaters of Harvey and was lucky to survive after multiple surgeries.

Former firefighter and medic J.R. Atkins was kayaking through floodwaters to check on his neighbors in Missouri City, Texas last week when he was infected with the deadly bacteria.

'I went kayaking from my house to the back side of my neighborhood checking on people's provisions and attitudes' on August 29, Atkins recalled in a Facebook post.

'Came home around 4pm and noticed a small bite on my left arm, not huge but probably nickel-sized swelling,' he recalled.



  1. This is very real esp around here in not only flood waters but the high ditches, ponds and puddles around here. The excessive manure used to get rid of it has turned not only the land but the waterways into deadly toxic waste dumps. Even the ocean is not immune. If you have an open cut or sore do not get in the water.

  2. Fire ants, rattlesnakes, and ticks are also plaguing the people.
    Reading about many countries sending help to the Island nations, but don't hear about any foreign help for the Texans.

    1. Israel sent help because of President Trump

  3. God is sending us one message after another. Are you listening?

  4. I'm not listening if his message is flesh eating bacteria.

  5. Oh good grief,now we have a zombie apocalypse if things weren't already bad enough.

  6. Lots of septic tanks contestants floating around in the flood waters. Take care of any wound, no matter how small.


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