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Friday, September 08, 2017

AP Refers To Illegal Immigrants As ‘Undocumented Citizens’

The Associated Press shirked their own style guide in a recently published article, using “undocumented citizens” in lieu of their usual “undocumented immigrants.”

The article with the strange reference was published on September 5 and discusses Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s response to President Donald Trump’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

“The Chicago Sun-Times reports that school officials say about a third of the school’s students are undocumented citizens,” the AP wrote.

In the same piece, AP also failed to explain that DACA only protects immigrants in the country illegally, not all “young immigrants” as is written in the article’s lede.



  1. Awesome, that means I am an "undocumented doctor"... can I perform surgery on you?

  2. Illegal is Illegal. Our founding fathers put in place a series of documents which need to be followed. There would be so much less division if these garbage politicians would just follow such documents. The law is the law. Why should we strive to change the greatest country ever known to mankind.

  3. I call them criminals.

  4. They are NOT citizens by any stretch of the imagination. period.

  5. 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡This pisses me off, they are not citizens!! They are CRIMINALS and the AP and media are CRIMINALS as well!


  6. So they are getting like Salisbury officials, rapists are inept daters, car theft is joy riding, shoplifting is alternative shopping.

  7. I refer the the AP as Alternative press.


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