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Saturday, September 02, 2017

Florida mother murders teenage boy for daughter’s rape

A Florida mom has confessed to murdering a teenage boy in revenge for him allegedly raping her six-year-old daughter.

Connie Serbu lured 18-year-old Xavier Sierra to a wooded area in Naples, where she confronted him about the rape, before shooting him dead, police say.

She then called the cops herself, reportedly telling officers: 'So I don't care, he raped my daughter, I don’t care, he sodomized my daughter... she told me everything that happened.'



  1. Good for her. He got exactly what he deserved.

    1. Yup now she will get 25 to life and the daughter will be in foster care.

    2. @9:57. Because you know her entire family situation so well. 🙄

  2. What about the right to a fair trial or is the second amendment the only one that matters?

    1. If there were fair trials 10:09.
      The biggest wastes of flesh get slapped on the wrist. This judicial system has become a huge joke. It's disgusting!

    2. trolls do what trolls do. Do you type and giggle? Do you yell at your mom because the meat loaf is cold? Do you walk around your moms house wearing a silk robe and samurai sord? The life of a troll!

    3. This statement must be from that local COMMIE and ANTI GUN nut job S. Olsen of Peace Alliance of the lower shore

  3. I'd have made the punk suffer first.

    1. In your prior experience of tortures what was most efffecfive?

  4. Put me on the jury. Not guilty

  5. Not guilty - agreed!

  6. A woman overcome by passion.

  7. Where is the crime, she did what any mom would, and should do.

  8. Children never lie to their parent(s). Especially, after getting caught doing something or someone they shouldn't. All the Amendments are important including the 6th.

    1. Yeah because a 6 year old is already versed in consenting to anal sex that she was just asking for it and mom killed him to cover her daughters early lust for men. Go home libtard

  9. Umm, I can understand where mommy dearest is coming from, however, this is supposed to have happened when her daughter was 6yo. I'm not saying her daughter lied or made it up but it is possible at that young age. I hope she had concrete proof before she murdered this guy.

    That said, I'm sure a lot of others would do the same thing. Whether right or wrong, I will leave that to people who are smarter than me.

  10. "IF" he had done this I'm sure that I wouldn't have been as nice. Would have been much better for him to get jail time and do what is necessary so that everyone knows why he is locked up instantaneous death is to good for someone that does this.

  11. Most child abusers have up to 20 victims before they are even suspected and go on to ruin lives for years. When caught locally you are lucky if they get 8 years and that is never served. I think mom ruined her life and her childs life....but I'm not so sure in a crime of passion I would not have done the same.

  12. No sympathy here for the rapist.

  13. I guess we are all hoping he was actually guilty.

    I mean, we are hoping for that reality - right?

  14. She's betting she will get away with it, or she wouldn't have reported herself or confessed. If it was me, I would have killed him discretely and made them catch me, or killed him in a courtroom, in an act of parental insanity. Unfortunately for her, premeditated murder is a capital crime in the state of Florida. Her only hope now will be jury nullification, where they ignore the law.


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