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Saturday, September 02, 2017

FBI, DHS warned of increasingly violent Antifa clashes in 2016

Well before the deadly Aug. 12 rally in Charlottesville and the ongoing violent clashes with white supremacists and other groups, federal authorities warned local officials the actions of left-wing extremists were becoming increasingly confrontational and dangerous.

Federal agencies warned of the growing likelihood of lethal violence between left-wing anarchists and right-wing white supremacists.

Some even classified their activities as “domestic terrorist violence.”

In previously unreported documents dating back to April 2016 and viewed by Fox News, the FBI and Department of Homeland Security wrote that “anarchist extremists” and Antifa groups were the primary instigators of violence at public rallies. They blamed these groups for attacks on police, government and political institutions, racists, fascists and “symbols of capitalism.”



  1. Does anybody believe that Obama and his administration do anything to prohibit these idiots when he wanted their disruption so Hillary win. Plus they are supported by his buddies Soros and Bloomberg.


  2. They are anarchists; focused on overthrow of the government. Probably won't be holding ice cream socials to recruit!

    When they break the law - arrest, incarcerate, try, convict, prison for long time is how you deal with this....unless you're Gov. of Virginia and you enable them.

    Hope DOJ will investigate how McAuliffe was tied to the anti-fa plans.

  3. They knew the intention of the CIA of course.
    So they predicted the violence in advance.

    Again, really funny.


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