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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Contractors say Clinton State Department silenced them on Benghazi security lapses

Security at the State Department's Benghazi compound was so dire that another contractor was brought in to clean up the mess just two weeks before the 2012 terror attack – and was later pressured to keep quiet by a government bureaucrat under then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, according to two men from the American security company.

Brad Owens and Jerry Torres, of Torres Advanced Enterprise Solutions, say they faced pressure to stay silent and get on the same page with the State Department with regard to the security lapses that led to the deaths of four Americans..



  1. Anyone out there still think she's not directly responsible for the deaths of those 4 Americans when she did not answer the phone calls for help, that she ignored repeated calls for military assistance, and when they were hearing the threats she wanted not order for their rescue by military force. She should be charged with treason, murder and giving out secrets to other countries by her own e-mail that were clearly marked Top Secret!.

  2. Should have been Illegal and Obstruction of Justice !!!!

  3. Actually 2 weeks prior to attack they were asked to come in and clean up mess but they never made it . And then were asked to keep silent.

  4. No surprise here. WHY isn't she being investigated to the fullest and then in prison??? She's guilty as sin and all of us know this.

    1. Because she can go deep in the back of the closet and pull out more then a few skeletons. Life time of collecting intelligence on broken people (elected officials,ceos,media) she uses it when needed.

  5. Mainstream media ALMOST put her in the White House.

  6. She called in Many IOU's ....for the election !!!


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