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Sunday, September 24, 2017

City Expense Has Already Begun for the National Folk Festival

Jake Day and the Jakettes have just taken money that was appropriated for the Fire Department and Police Department in Salisbury's current budget to pay the salary of the “manager” that the City has hired for the NFF. The ordinance amending the budget says that funds for certain things that were important for those departments when the budget was adopted a few months ago are no longer needed and can be dropped in order to generate $61,000 for the manager’s salary.

Since the NFF is a three year deal, it looks like the total salary in all three years, plus benefits, will be in the $250,000 range.

This, sports fans, is the tip of the iceberg -- make that the start of the money-pit.


  1. On the positive side, look at all the anticipated revenue from ambulance calls during the Festival. 150,000 + new crime victims will surely provide a source of funds for the city

  2. Just how qualified is this women ? To pick up and mover HERE for that kind of money does not seem professional. Is she just consulting from afar until this thing happens or what ?Makes no sense to me.

    1. She is the former head master or whatever at wicomico day school

  3. Does the boy mayor have any idea how much this nonsense is going to coat city taxpayers?

    Or does he expect that his father will get Perdue to cover that?

  4. "Jake Day and the Jakettes" --- love that.

  5. And the shell game starts.

  6. Does the City Charter allow moving funds like this outside of the 4th quarter?

    1. The mayors office has violated that city charter since tilghman.

  7. Jakie playin with fire!!!!!!!!

  8. That position is most likely a permanent one. The agreement or at least the "understanding" is the choosen city hosts this for 3 yrs then continues with it's own festival after the national one moves on.

  9. This clowns almost as dangerous as "Rocketman"! He's gonna blow up Salisbury from within!

  10. He did justice by taking away money from the police and fire depts. , we all agree they are worthless in the bury. Fire dept will have to play withe same pool balls for a few years and the police , well I just don't know what to say other than lubricate your weapon and keep sleeping.

  11. This is going to get real ugly!

  12. Hey Jake shut the police and fire down and walk around the thug area at 3 am and scream help see what happens ?

  13. I'm sure this will end up as a permanent city position. This is all just craziness. Maybe the council president should show some leadership and stop this unfunded spending and duplicate of services. Elections are coming.

  14. Jake Day and the Jakettes.

    LMAO I love it! lol

  15. Looks like Jakey boy is going to pay for this festival by getting the Jakettes to do piecemeal funding bills rather than a larger lump-sum appropriation in order to make it seem like it is not costing as much.

    It's a shame that the "businessmen" members of the Jakettes, Heath and Boda, don't have the stones to stop this waste of the taxpayers money.

  16. Notice that was signed by Jack Heath? He has become a major disappointment to the tax payers. Liberal Jack Ass!

  17. Anonymous said...
    Hey Jake shut the police and fire down and walk around the thug area at 3 am and scream help see what happens ?

    September 21, 2017 at 7:04 PM

    Who cares about shutting the fire department down. The volunteers in the county will handle the calls.

    1. Volunteers in the county can't even handle their own calls, and you think they can handle all of Salisbury's calls too? Thanks for the laugh.

    2. County handling its fire and EMS calls-
      2nd Due Alerted....
      Repeat as necessary


  18. My my. I heard this same dribble when the last mayor was in office. You CRYBABIES didn't go anything then cry then. Your still doing it. I guess when your not city residents. You can't vote. Just cry.


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